
Name Level Zone
a medium-sized spool of Mithian fishing cable 1 Dak Roth
a medium-weight fishing line 1 Lacynos
heavy Dargonesti fishing cord 1 Caergoth
massive Dimernesti shark cable 1 Caergoth
medium dimernesti seasilk line 1 Caergoth
medium weight fish line 1 Caergoth
medium weight fish line 1 Lacynos
some heavier fishing line 1 Caergoth
some heavy fishing line 1 Caergoth
some heavy fishing line 1 Qualinost
some heavy fishing line 1 Lacynos
some heavy fishing line 1 Palanthas
some thick fishing line 1 Qualinost
some thick fishing line 1 Port of Schallsea
some thick fishing line 1 Palanthas
some thick fishing line 1 Sanction
some thick fishing line 1 Stone Rose
some thin fishing line 1 Qualinost
some thin fishing line 1 Port of Schallsea
some thin fishing line 1 Palanthas
some thin fishing line 1 Sanction
some thin fishing line 1 Stone Rose
thin fishing line 1 Caergoth
thin fishing line 1 Lacynos
some medium weight fishing line 5 Freeport
some heavy fishing line 10 The Lordcity of Haven
a reel of heavy fishing line 15 Kendermore
some fishing line made from buffalo hair 40 Plains of Abanasinia