
Name Level Zone
an adamantite stopper 0 Enravel Keep
a brass stopper 1 The Village of Hillhome
a brass stopper 1 Enravel Keep
a brass stopper 1 Port of Schallsea
a brass stopper 1 Lacynos
a brass stopper 1 The City of Neraka
a brass stopper 1 Palanthas
a brass stopper 1 Sanction
a brass stopper 1 Solace
a cork 1 The Lordcity of Haven
a cork 1 Port of Schallsea
a cork 1 Lacynos
a cork 1 The City of Neraka
a cork 1 Palanthas
a cork 1 Sanction
a cork 1 Solace
a cork stopper 1 Enravel Keep