
Name Type Level
a tower guard's sleeves arms 22
a tower guard's cloak body 22
a Golden breastplate chest 35
a tower guard's boots feet 22
a tower guard's ring finger 22
a tower guard's gauntlets hands 22
a tower guard's helmet head 22
a tower guard's leggings legs 22
a tower guard's pendant neck 22
a tower guard's shield shield 22
a tower guard's belt waist 22
a tower guard's bracer wrist 22
the cell keys key 20
the jail key key 0
a magenta potion potion 15
a colorfull paint brush wand 13
a wooden training sword sword 7
a guard's sword sword 20
a tower guard's broadsword sword 22
a huge rope and pully whip 35
a meat sandwich mace 40
the guardian's sword sword 46