
Name Type Level
a pair of tall light leather boots armor 35
a pair of tall heavy leather boots armor 60
a glowing rock held 75
a small wooden buckler shield 15
an Albino Buckler shield 66
a small collection bag container 0
a flask of Fire Breather drink 0
a flask of Dwarven Spirits drink 0
a large copper oil flask drink 1
a crescent roll food 0
a cinnemon stick food 0
a pair of golden earrings jewelry 75
a silvery lantern light 22
a bluish berry pill 0
a reddish berry pill 0
a yellowish drink potion 0
a greenish drink potion 0
a tightly bound scroll scroll 50
a criminal picture held 1
a long greyish lance polearm 65
a blue whip with spiked tip whip 100