
Ye Olde Shoppe
[Lvl PP ST SP GP CP Qty ] Item
[  1          05 23  1  ] a map of Caergoth (map)
[  1          05 23  1  ] a map of the port of Schallsea (map)
[  1          02 09  -- ] a large copper oil flask (drink)
[  1          01 05  -- ] a small bronze oil flask (drink)
[  5          05 23  -- ] a hooded brass lantern (light)
[ 21          03 14  -- ] a standard issue bedroll (furniture)
[ 25          83 60  -- ] a life preserver (boat)
[ 40          67 93  -- ] a Caergothian crossbow (crossbow)
[ 45          02 09  -- ] a custom steel bolt (quarrel)
[  0          01 05  -- ] a bottle of rum (drink)
[ 40          62 70  -- ] a net hammock (furniture)
| Caergoth                   |
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| Ye Olde Shoppe             |
It is located in Caergoth.