- Alphens
- Argon's Chain
- Bandit Area
- Bloden Swamp
- Bloten
- Caergoth
- Caergoth Merchant Ship
- Casino and Guild Area
- Central Plains of Dust
- Central Thelgaard
- City of Lemish
- City of Tarsis
- City of Vingaard
- Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
- Daerforge
- Dak Roth
- Darken Wood
- Dwarven Mine
- Eastern Plains of Dust
- Eastwall Mountains
- Enravel Keep
- Estwilde
- Foghaven
- Fox's Den
- Freeport
- Goblin Caverns
- Goblin Stronghold
- Gryphon Veil
- Gully, uhhh, Roma
- Halloween Carnival
- High Clerist Tower 1
- High Clerist Tower 2
- Hopeful Vale
- Icewall Glacier
- Isle of Mithas
- Isles of the Pirate Lords
- Kendermore
- Klarbardin
- Knight's High Road
- Kurmost
- Lacynos
- Lower Hybardin
- Marsh
- Meitol
- Middle Hybardin
- Mud School
- Mudhole
- Neraka Forest
- Nordmaar
- Northern Khalkist Mountain
- Northern Kharolis Foothill
- Northern Warrens
- Northwest Plains of Dust
- Old Coast Road
- Palanthas
- Palanthas Black Market
- Palanthas Province
- Palanthas Sewers
- Palanthas Surrounds
- Palanthas Thieves Guild
- Pax Tharkas
- Plains of Abanasinia
- Plains of Dergoth
- Plains of Mithas
- Qualimori
- Qualinesti Forest
- Qualinost
- Sanction
- Sanguine Manor
- Sea Caves of Zeboim
- Sentinel Peaks
- Solace
- Solace Thieves Guild
- Solamnic Outpost
- Solamnic Plains
- Solanthus
- Southern Abanasinia
- Southwest Palanthas
- Southwest Plains of Dust
- Stone Rose
- Stonehammer Lake
- Tantallon
- Telvan
- Temple of the Undead
- The Blood Sea
- The City of Garnet
- The City of Neraka
- The Cloudseeker Range
- The Docks of Palanthas
- The Eastern Warrens
- The Ergonesti wilds
- The Great Moors
- The Lordcity of Haven
- The Ruins of Xak Khalan
- The Smilin' Mug
- The Sunken Ruins of Istar
- The Town of Gateway
- The Urkhan Sea
- The village of Ash
- The village of Bazin
- The Village of Hillhome
- The Village of Khol
- The Village of Willik
- Thelgaard Keep
- Thorbardin Core
- Tower of Palanthas
- Town of Schallsea
- Travelling Faire!
- Trigol
- Tunnel of Quag'Meth
- Underwater Plains
- Upper Hybardin
- Urione
- Village of Ahlanost
- Village of Que-Kiri
- Vingaard Keep
- Vingaard Mountains
- Warden Swamp
- Wayreth Forest
- Western Qualinesti
- Western Warrens
- Zhakar Fortress