Bandit Area
The shortest speedwalk is 3de16se3se6sw2sw4s4ws6wn4wn2ws
from the Solace 3 Moons exit.
The lowest-level gatemob is A dwarven cook.
No shops recorded in this area so far.
No pets recorded in this area so far.
Name | Health | Level |
A bandit | 428 | 22 |
A bandit guard | 515 | 26 |
A bandit lieutenant | 623 | 30 |
A black tiger | unknown | unknown |
A dirty vulture | unknown | unknown |
A drunk minotaur bandit | 420 | 22 |
A dwarven cook | 476 | 26 |
A female bandit | 361 | 21 |
A flaming red demon | unknown | unknown |
A large red spider | 377 | 21 |
A traveler | 327 | 20 |
An elven mage | 601 | 29 |
An ogre archer | 531 | 26 |
Trock the minotaur | 779 | 35 |
No fountains recorded in this area so far.
Fishing Spots
No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.
Found Skills
No found skills recorded in this area so far.