


Caergoth has a 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is Shadowborn.


a bag of ethereal gascontainer1
a bigger sea slugbait worm1
a bone hookfishhook (4) worm1
a bone hookfishhook (3) grub1
a bottle of rumdrink1
a bowl of stewfood1
a Caergothian crossbowcrossbow20
a Caergothian deep sea fishing polefishingrod 15'1
a Caergothian surf casting polefishingrod 12'1
a clear tubepotion15
a cooked steakfood1
a custom steel boltquarrel25
a custom steel boltquarrel25
a fillet knifeweapon25
a flagondrink10
a guardsman's helmetarmor40
a hooded brass lanternlight1
a huge iron fishhookfishhook (10) shark1
a jug of milkdrink1
a large copper oil flaskdrink1
a large glass flask of airpotion5
a large herringbait large chunk1
a large iron fishhookfishhook (9) large fish1
a large lead weightsinker 12 g1
a large piece of kraken tentaclebait shark1
a large piece of squidbait baitfish1
a larger bone hookfishhook (7) large chunk1
a life preserverboat5
a loaf of breadfood1
a long fishing rodfishingrod 9'1
a longsword named 'Truth'weapon90
a map of Caergothmap1
a map of the port of Schallseamap1
a medium bone hookfishhook (6) medium chunk1
a Modified deepsea fishing polefishingrod 16'1
a net hammockfurniture20
a piece of salted smeltfood1
a piece of saltwater taffyfood1
a piece of saltwater taffyfood1
a pile of golden spicepill15
a pile of metal filingstrash1
a pintdrink1
a pitcher of beerdrink1
a rucksackcontainer20
a Sharktooth saberweapon16
a sharkweightsinker 18 g1
a short fishing rodfishingrod 5'1
a silk shirtarmor15
a small bronze oil flaskdrink1
a small herringbait medium chunk1
a small lead weightsinker 2 g1
a small metal fishhookfishhook (1) tiny1
a small metal fishhookfishhook (2) small1
a small sea slugbait grub1
a small vial of airpotion1
a smaller lead weightsinker 1 g1
a solamnic broadswordweapon60
a standard issue bedrollfurniture1
a watchman's swordweapon40
an 'iou' for a pint of beer.trash1
an Albino Talismanarmor20
an azure bottlepotion10
an electrum stilettoweapon4
an ice-fishing polefishingrod 5'1
an Istarian surf casting polefishingrod 13'1
baby kraken tentaclesfood1
heavy Dargonesti fishing cordfishline 75 lb, 100'1
massive Dimernesti shark cablefishline 90 lb, 100'1
medium dimernesti seasilk linefishline 55 lb, 90'1
medium weight fish linefishline 15 lb, 100'1
orange fizzypotion10
red X Stoutpotion80
some heavier fishing linefishline 55 lb, 80'1
some heavy fishing linefishline 40 lb, 80'1
some nuts and berriesfood1
the lost keytrash1
thin fishing linefishline 5 lb, 200'1


East Warehouse Rowitem
Elixander's Exotics - Weaitem
Officer's Clubitem
Purgo's Potablesitem
Road to Caergothitem
Skol's Pole's and Pointyitem
The Cross-eyed Mole Taveritem
The Severed Head 2item
Tobem's Bait -n- Tackleitem
Ye Olde Shoppeitem


No pets recorded in this area so far.


A Caergoth guardsmanunknownunknown
A chicken564
A crowd of people256060
A gully dwarf384
A lounging pirate48925
A scruffy dog14810
A scruffy sailor68432
A smelly goblin ruffianunknownunknown
A sniper97540
A Solamnic Guardunknownunknown
A street cleaner14410
A watchtower guardunknownunknown
A wharf kidunknownunknown
A wharf ratunknownunknown
A young ruffian30618
A young sailorunknownunknown
A young woman12710
An alley cat676
An off-duty Solamnic Guardunknownunknown
Broke vagrant man36620
Fast Eddieunknownunknown
Lord Cedrickunknownunknown
Nikonog the mageunknownunknown


a nice marble fountain of a maiden.water

Fishing Spots

NameDepthWater Type
Intersection of Warehouse10fresh

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.