
City of Vingaard


The shortest speedwalk is n(open north)n(open north)13n2e8n2e from the Solanthus 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is An elderly person.


a black potionpotion1
a bottle of Firewinedrink1
a bright green potionpotion1
a chain mail shirtarmor4
a coiled piece of vinearmor65
a double-headed battle axeweapon10
a glass of orange juicedrink1
a golden potionpotion1
a golden shieldarmor5
a large pitcher of beerdrink1
a large rams horndrink1
a leather backpackcontainer1
a light pink potionpotion8
a map of the city of Palanthasmap1
a map of the continent of Ansalonmap1
a map of the Solamnic plainsmap1
a mug of aledrink1
a nice cool mug of dark aledrink1
a purple streaked herbpill1
a red herbpill1
a small sharp daggerweapon5
a solamnic swordsmans beltarmor64
a tiny yellow berrypill1
a trail rationfood1
a translucent herbpill1
a well balanced flailweapon10
a well cooked leg of lambfood1
a wide brimmed adventurers hatarmor30
a yellow herbpill1
an energy drinkpotion1
meat on a stickfood1
the blessed flail of Paladineweapon95


A blacksmith shopitem
A large tentpet
Caron's Cartographyitem
Egil's Outfittersitem
Inside a small tavernitem
Inside a small white tentitem
Market Squreitem
Noble Roaditem


A white wolf10461
A mountain lion20691
A brown bear30952


A child1138
A dog886
A drunk28215
A dwarven adventurer67230
A large spider292265
A lazy worker71330
A merchant100440
A pickpocket46623
A poor artisan51825
A solamnic noble83033
A solamnic patrol93333
A solamnic wallguard384280
A sweating gardener121845
A vineunknownunknown
An elderly person27615
An old couple404680
The Wardenunknownunknown


No fountains recorded in this area so far.

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.