
Dak Roth


The shortest speedwalk is 3se4sws(open east)4e21s6w2n5w(open west)w from the Lacynos 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A minotaur outpost guard.


a bubbling red potion with a gold sealpotion15
a fishing pole for a minotaur childfishingrod 5'1
a huge mithril fishhookfishhook (10) shark1
a huge mithril great-axeweapon100
a large chunk of rotting fishbait shark1
a large iron flask filled with whale fatdrink1
a large iron-shaft flailweapon60
a large Mithian deep-sea fishing polefishingrod 16'1
a large mithril fishing weightsinker 18 g1
a large steel greatswordweapon60
a large water skin made of leatherdrink1
a massive spool of Mithian shark cablefishline 95 lb, 100'1
a medium-sized spool of Mithian fishing cablefishline 50 lb, 100'1
a pint of Mithas mulled brandydrink1
a pint of Mithas spiced brandydrink1
a red and black potion in a clouded vialpotion35
a shiny onyx wand named 'Dhavine's Wrath'wand25
a small canvas bagcontainer1
a small chunk of rotting fishbait large chunk1
a small hooded oil-fuelled lanternlight1
a small mithril fishhookfishhook (2) small1
a small mithril fishing weightsinker 1 g1
a small pearl keykey70
a small pile of goatweedpill10
a small troutfood1
a small wooden boxcontainer1
a small wooden torchlight1
a tall green potionpotion20
a tall pint of Mithian blood aledrink1
a wavy-bladed dirkweapon60
a well-crafted fishing pole from Dak Rothfishingrod 13'1
a whetstone made of mithrilwhetstone65


Aurius' Magic Shopitem
Gorsus' Slavetradepet
Haab's Smithyitem
The Bloody Inletitem
Xyr's Marine Goodsitem
Yunigan's General Waresitem


An aghar mucker slave15554
A strong, sturdy mule20803
A worn and broken kagonesti slave25790
A very large ox30986
A muscular icefolk barbarian slave351099
A large black warhorse401335
A large ogre slave401294


A minotaur citizen100540
A minotaur city guard130348
A minotaur dockworker133450
A minotaur gate guard331570
A minotaur outpost guard155152
A minotaur sailor134950
A small mangy dogunknownunknown
The captain of the Dak Roth guardunknownunknown


No fountains recorded in this area so far.

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.