Eastwall Mountains
The shortest speedwalk is 3d3e
from the Solace 3 Moons exit.
The lowest-level gatemob is A large rock toad.
Name | Type | Level |
a barbarian hunting spear | weapon | 5 |
a black dragonmask | armor | 5 |
a misty potion | potion | 1 |
a suit of ancient Solamnic armor | armor | 7 |
an ancient horned helmet | armor | 5 |
an ancient Solamnic longsword | weapon | 5 |
No shops recorded in this area so far.
No pets recorded in this area so far.
Name | Health | Level |
A barbarian patrol | 239 | 15 |
A barbarian ranger | 325 | 19 |
A Bozak Priest | 511 | 25 |
A draconian scout | unknown | unknown |
A Kapak Guard Lieutenant | 413 | 23 |
A large rock toad | 196 | 14 |
A lone knight | 478 | 25 |
A trapper | 343 | 20 |
A worshipping Baaz draconian | 297 | 18 |
No fountains recorded in this area so far.
Fishing Spots
No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.
Found Skills
No found skills recorded in this area so far.