Goblin Caverns
The shortest speedwalk is n2e3n3e7s4w2s(open south)3sw5s2wsws2w2swsw2s2wn
from the The City of Neraka 3 Moons exit.
Goblin Caverns does not have a recorded gatemob yet.
No shops recorded in this area so far.
No pets recorded in this area so far.
Name | Health | Level |
A Bugbear Guard | unknown | unknown |
A Burly Hobgoblin | unknown | unknown |
A Butcher | unknown | unknown |
A captured child | unknown | unknown |
A cruel goblin slaver | unknown | unknown |
A feasting goblin | unknown | unknown |
A female goblin | unknown | unknown |
A goblin mage | unknown | unknown |
A goblin pest | unknown | unknown |
A goblin shaman | unknown | unknown |
A Goblin Thug | unknown | unknown |
A nearly Invisible Golem | unknown | unknown |
A resting goblin | unknown | unknown |
A resting goblin guard | unknown | unknown |
A shackled prisoner | unknown | unknown |
A stray warg | unknown | unknown |
A surveying hobgoblin | unknown | unknown |
A young goblin bandit | unknown | unknown |
A young warg | unknown | unknown |
An alert goblin | unknown | unknown |
An older, trained warg | unknown | unknown |
Glax, Goblin Bandit Leader | unknown | unknown |
The warg trainer | unknown | unknown |
No fountains recorded in this area so far.
Fishing Spots
No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.
Found Skills
No found skills recorded in this area so far.