
High Clerist Tower 1


The shortest speedwalk is 13s12e5se10se2sw10s2es(open south)s from the Palanthas 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A small gopher.


a colorfull paint brushwand1
a Golden breastplatearmor15
a guard's swordweapon1
a huge rope and pullyweapon15
a magenta potionpotion1
a meat sandwichweapon20
a tower guard's beltarmor2
a tower guard's bootsarmor2
a tower guard's bracerarmor2
a tower guard's breastplatearmor2
a tower guard's broadswordweapon2
a tower guard's cloakarmor2
a tower guard's gauntletsarmor2
a tower guard's helmetarmor2
a tower guard's leggingsarmor2
a tower guard's pendantarmor2
a tower guard's ringarmor2
a tower guard's shieldarmor2
a tower guard's sleevesarmor2
a wooden training swordweapon1
the cell keyskey1
the guardian's swordweapon26
the jail keykey1


No shops recorded in this area so far.


No pets recorded in this area so far.


A bee857
A brutish guard25916
A cardinal645
A criminal inmate26917
A dark shadow14910
A dark thief32118
A dirty rat978
A ferret746
A food servant13310
A goldfish615
A haggard criminal33720
A hardened criminal28717
A hissing mageunknownunknown
A huge rope and pully44933
A hulky prisoner39523
A jail guard13510
A Knight's squire847
A pill bug1048
A pondering guard43722
A powerfull guard86534
A prison guardunknownunknown
A red fox746
A red robed mage26417
A servant13910
A small blue bird373
A small gopher161
A small mosquitounknownunknown
A spectre50125
A tower guard41623
A tower guard grunt15211
A tower janitor14310
An armed guard28117
An artisan19613
An earthworm262
An evil beast20514
The guardian123746
The jail keeper28317


No fountains recorded in this area so far.

Fishing Spots

NameDepthWater Type
A small bridge7fresh

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.