
High Clerist Tower 2


The shortest speedwalk is 13s12e5se10se2sw10s2es(open south)sws5eneus from the Palanthas 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A casual observer.


a bottle of 'Kingfisher Champagne'drink1
a brilliant white auralight60
a cloud of mistcontainer30
a dustmite's exoskeletonarmor10
a flickering red lighttreasure50
a gold bandarmor11
a long cloister neckpiecearmor10
a lovely hairbandarmor6
a pair of dragon bootsarmor28
a pair of odd looking pantsarmor80
a pair of polished battle gauntletsarmor38
a pair of polished steel greavesarmor38
a pair of polished steel vambrancesarmor38
a pen lightlight5
a polished steel bracerarmor38
a polished steel ringarmor40
a polished swordweapon28
a potion of the Cleristpotion80
a slab of uncooked meatfood1
a small toothbrushwand26
a small wooden keykey1
a steel letter openerweapon14
a steel spoonweapon36
a suit of polished body armorarmor38
a very sharp glaive polearmweapon40
a white apronarmor54
an office reporttreasure20
medallion of the kingfisherarmor75
sacramental robesarmor15
the ring of decadencearmor80


No shops recorded in this area so far.


No pets recorded in this area so far.


A baby giant kingfisherunknownunknown
A casual observer56329
A Clerist maze guard454788
A cook294566
A crosspaths monster422184
A dark mist142450
A food service person218755
A GIANT boulderunknownunknown
A giant kingfisherunknownunknown
A good spectral minion110442
A grey order knight114247
A grey order leaderunknownunknown
A High Clerist Guard710680
A High Tower cook262062
A high tower guard245760
A HORDE of arrowsunknownunknown
A human spectre272864
A lowlevel officer121146
A master servant318770
A maze guard374280
A milling officer130949
A nosy office worker90238
A priest79635
A priest's understudy61331
A roaming guard296268
A roaming maze monster438286
A servant248760
An advisor of the high cleristunknownunknown
An altar boy64930
An evil dust mite64130
An evil minion56427
An evil officer212656
An executive officerunknownunknown
An iron statue469990
An office assistant97440
An office clerk47625
An unlucky assistant210254
Another office clerk73534
The administrative assistant50126
The evil minion leaderunknownunknown
The head assistant128948
The head cook326074
The keeper of the plates224256
The MEAT MONSTERunknownunknown
The spectral minion leader117145
The spirit of Kurnosunknownunknown
The spirit of Yarusunknownunknown
The wine tendant312071
Total darkness87338


No fountains recorded in this area so far.

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.