
Icewall Glacier


The shortest speedwalk is e7s(open south)7se2se5se3se2sw2s from the City of Tarsis 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A brash young human.


a brilliant white potionpotion25
a bubbling blue potionpotion30
a bubbling red potionpotion35
a clear potionpotion20
a dragon hoardgem1
a fishing polefishingrod 8'1
a frost bear pelttrash1
a Frost Reaverweapon71
a frosty keykey1
a gilded Walrus Tusktreasure1
a keg of lemonadedrink1
a note to the advisortrash1
a note to the War Chieftrash1
a pair of fur-lined icebear bootsarmor55
a pair of fur-lined sealskin glovesarmor55
a permafrost diamondgem43
a piece of silver oretreasure1
a piece of starmetaltreasure1
a Purple Worm Headtrash52
a seal hidetrash1
a Silvered Bear Clawtreasure1
a stolen starjeweljewelry54
a torch with a blue flamelight35
a uniform of the White Dragonarmyarmor57
a whalebone flaskdrink1
an adamantium reinforced bucklertreasure51
an ice encrusted pikeweapon55
an Ice Orbtreasure30
some smelly blanketsfurniture1
the longsword "Holocaust"weapon28
the pelt of the great bear, Ursatrash1
the sacred icetreasure1


Inside a Hutitem


No pets recorded in this area so far.


A bozak sergeantunknownunknown
A brash young human115745
A frost giant286565
A ghostly spiritunknownunknown
A haggard soldier287767
A miserable sivak433790
A possessed frost bear215255
A purple worm337772
A seal168655
A sleepy looking soldier277365
A sweaty leatherworker281265
A thanoi shaman212155
A thanoi youth63745
A wounded white dragonunknownunknown
A young thanoi63330
An giant ice beetle120545
An ice bearunknownunknown
Kassr the Ice Giant Sorcerer342470
The great ice bear, Ursaunknownunknown
The Thanoi Warchief293366


a HUGE keg of meadmead

Fishing Spots

NameDepthWater Type
At a Fishing Hole> 327salt
The Pier> 391salt

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.