The shortest speedwalk is 3wnwn4w5swsw(open loose)3s3wsw3sw(open passage)d2s(open passage)u2wsws2wsws13w3s2w6swsw24s22e4n2e2nen3en
from the The Village of Hillhome 3 Moons exit.
The lowest-level gatemob is A Frog with Red Dots.
Name | Type |
Daegaff's Armory | item |
Hagnard's Potion shop | item |
Halgrarr's Weapons | item |
No pets recorded in this area so far.
Name | Health | Level |
A black bat with red tips | unknown | unknown |
A completely insane klar slave | unknown | unknown |
A Frog with Red Dots | 260 | 15 |
A Giant White Slug | unknown | unknown |
A Great Black Horax | unknown | unknown |
A huge Frog with Red Dots | 716 | 32 |
A klar citizen | unknown | unknown |
A klar guard | unknown | unknown |
A klar slave | unknown | unknown |
A klar soldier | unknown | unknown |
A resident klar | 2552 | 65 |
A rhinocerus beetle brood | unknown | unknown |
A stout Klar dwarf | 1644 | 44 |
An aghar brat | 259 | 15 |
Galzidar, cleric of Sargonnas | 4249 | 86 |
Name | Liquid |
a Foaming Pool | water |
Fishing Spots
No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.
Found Skills
No found skills recorded in this area so far.