
Knight's High Road


The shortest speedwalk is 13s12e5s from the Palanthas 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A sleeping baby.


a brass lanternlight1
a carrotpill1
a chain mail shirtarmor1
a fried chicken legfood1
a head of lettucefood1
a kender traveling packcontainer1
a large backpackcontainer1
a large copper oil flaskdrink1
a large eggplantfood1
a large flask of dwarf spiritsdrink1
a large hoeweapon3
a large metal shieldarmor1
a light crossbowcrossbow1
a loaf of garlic breadfood1
a long swordweapon1
a map of the City of Lemishmap1
a map of the city of Palanthasmap1
a map of the city of Sanctionmap1
a map of the continent of Ansalonmap1
a mug of aledrink1
a quarrelquarrel1
a shining silver swordweapon25
a shot of rumdrink1
a shot of vodkadrink1
a slice of apple piefood1
a slice of cooked hamfood1
a small bronze oil flaskdrink1
a small wooden boxcontainer1
a spicy pepperpill1
a suit of silver armorarmor25
a tomatofood1
an onionpill1


A general storeitem
The bar of the innitem
The kitchenitem


No pets recorded in this area so far.


A black and white cow47625
A courier40923
A dwarven caravan61228
A farmer48025
A farmhand45825
A large pig39021
A large white chicken34920
A red rooster39322
A sleeping baby462
A Solamnic patrol67730
A tan colored horse48326
A traveling kender61430
A traveling merchant42523
A young woman38822
An older woman46125


a stone wellwater

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.