


Lacynos has a 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A wretched slave.


a bagcontainer1
a black quarterstaffweapon5
a blank labellabel1
a bloody, barbed whipweapon1
a bottle of liquid speedpotion8
a bottle Saifumi meaddrink1
a brass stopperstopper1
a buffalo water skindrink1
a canoeboat1
a chicken pot piefood1
a concealable hand axeweapon20
a corkstopper1
a delicious bassfood1
a dirty canvas smockarmor1
a dwarven-made fishing rodfishingrod 12'1
a extra-large mug of beerdrink1
a fine dwarven longswordweapon5
a frosty mug of aledrink1
a hand-carved hoopakweapon1
a heavy Saifumi fishing cordfishline 200 lb, 150'1
a hooded brass lanternlight1
a huge iron-capped quarterstaffweapon33
a keg of root beerdrink1
a large copper oil flaskdrink1
a large firebrandweapon30
a large iron fishhookfishhook (9) large fish1
a large lead weightsinker 12 g1
a large metal shieldarmor5
a large piece of squidbait baitfish1
a large smoked salmonfood1
a loaf of fresh baked breadfood1
a long black batonweapon5
a long fishing rodfishingrod 9'1
a map of Lacynosmap1
a map of the city of Palanthasmap1
a map of the city of Sanctionmap1
a map of the continent of Ansalonmap1
a map of the Lordcity of Kalamanmap1
a massive scimitarweapon35
a medium bone hookfishhook (6) medium chunk1
a medium-weight fishing linefishline 70 lb, 275'1
a minotaur-sized fishing polefishingrod 15'1
a minotaur-sized mug of aledrink1
a nullifying potionpotion1
a pair of chainmail pantsarmor7
a pair of steel-toed bootsarmor1
a pickled herringfood1
a pink ioun stonearmor10
a polished halberdweapon30
a potion of clear visionpotion1
a potion of cure critical woundspotion1
a potion of cure light woundspotion1
a potion of cure serious woundspotion1
a potion of defensepotion1
a potion of flightpotion1
a potion of healingpotion1
a potion of returningpotion1
a refreshing potionpotion1
a scroll of identifyscroll1
a short fishing rodfishingrod 5'1
a silver necklace of Irda designjewelry5
a silver poniardweapon15
a small bronze oil flaskdrink1
a small lead weightsinker 2 g1
a small metal fishhookfishhook (2) small1
a small packet of blue spice labeled "Escape"pill1
a small packet of red spice labeled "Titanix"pill1
a small packet of white spice labeled "Flash"pill1
a small packet of yellow spice labeled "Rage"pill1
a small rodentbait large fish1
a small sea slugbait grub1
a small whalebone fish hookfishhook (3) grub1
a tabard of the Lacynos watchguardarmor10
a tarnished breastplatearmor3
a thick wooden clubweapon20
a vial of unholy waterpotion1
a wand of invisibilitywand1
a wand of lightwand1
a wand of magic missileswand1
a wand of revealingwand1
a warm cinnamon rollfood1
a whetstonewhetstone1
a wooden diedice1
a worn leather cuirassarmor5
a yellow potion of see invisiblepotion1
an anti-affliction potionpotion1
an iron battle axeweapon8
an Istarian signet ringjewelry5
an old adzeweapon4
an old wood planerweapon7
medium weight fish linefishline 15 lb, 150'1
some heavy fishing linefishline 45 lb, 175'1
thin fishing linefishline 5 lb, 300'1


A boardwalk plazaitem
A busy marketplaceitem
A dusty shopitem
A market plazaitem
A market squareitem
A marketplaceitem
A run-down armoryitem
A slave marketpet
The breakwateritem
The Broken Hornitem
The Captain's Mastitem
The stablesitem
Walk the Plank!item


A grubby aghar10150
A Silvanesti slave20857
A captive Solamnic301134
A minotaur slave401514


A citizen of Lacynos20513
A crowd of piratesunknownunknown
A dirty slave19313
A drunken minotaur sailorunknownunknown
A drunken sailor21314
A dwarven fisherman29417
A goblin slave24615
A human fisherman22414
A human pirate42323
A kender slave17812
A Lacynos watchguardunknownunknown
A member of the Emperor's guard65930
A minor clanlord32218
A minotaur child16411
A minotaur citizen25415
A minotaur clanlordunknownunknown
A minotaur clansman33820
A minotaur dockhand32220
A minotaur elderunknownunknown
A minotaur guard55628
A minotaur harem girl56928
A minotaur matron137950
A minotaur overseer31318
A mongrel stray14810
A neidar slave49926
A pirate captain136850
A shipbuilding slave47424
A shipyard overseerunknownunknown
A wretched slave21814
A young fisherman20213
An aghar slaveunknownunknown
An elite royal guardsmanunknownunknown
An elven slave25515
An exhausted slave54527
An off-duty palace guard58728
An ogre mercenary60129
An ogre overseer38022
An out-of-breath kender26416
One of the Emperor's personal guard65230
The captain of the Emperor's guardunknownunknown


No fountains recorded in this area so far.

Fishing Spots

NameDepthWater Type
A boardwalk plaza29salt
The breakwater39salt
Waterfront Way30salt

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.