
Lower Hybardin


The shortest speedwalk is 3wnwn4w5swsw(open loose)3s3wsw3sw(open passage)d2s(open passage)u2wsws2wsws13w3s2w6swsw24s17e from the The Village of Hillhome 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A large beetle.


a blunt maceweapon15
a bottle of discolored liquidpotion1
a bottle with Strawberry smelling liquidpotion1
a cyan pikeweapon60
a cyan spearweapon60
a Dwarven Steel Maceweapon55
a dwarven-made tankarddrink1
a flask of dwarven spiritsdrink1
a flask of ice winedrink1
a flask of whiskeydrink1
a half-plate helmetarmor40
a jagged crimson red krisweapon89
a large polearmweapon10
a little red bow tiearmor2
a long acidic polearmweapon25
a long charged polearmweapon25
a long chilled polearmweapon25
a long coated polearmweapon25
a lyrewand10
a mace named "Chill"weapon35
a mug of aledrink1
a pair of half-plate glovesarmor42
a pair of large silk underweararmor24
a piece of muttonfood1
a piece of steakfood1
a poisoned maceweapon25
a red bracerarmor8
a red corsettearmor10
a red helmetarmor10
a red sceptrelight5
a rock pickweapon1
a scorcher whipweapon24
a shot of Vodkadrink1
a shot of whiskeydrink1
a silk ropearmor5
a small bagcontainer1
a small bottle of green liquidpotion1
a small boxcontainer1
a smooshy green marblepill1
a standard arrowarrow1
a standard battle axeweapon1
a standard bracerarmor1
a standard crossbowcrossbow1
a standard daggerweapon1
a standard flailweapon1
a standard hand axeweapon1
a standard helmetarmor1
a standard long bowbow1
a standard maceweapon1
a standard pair of bootsarmor1
a standard pair of leggingsarmor1
a standard pair of sleevesarmor1
a standard pikeweapon1
a standard quarrelquarrel1
a standard shieldarmor1
a standard spearweapon1
a standard swordweapon1
a standard whipweapon1
a Steel Broadswordweapon55
a Steel Longswordweapon50
a Steel Shortswordweapon1
a suit of half-plate armorarmor50
a tight canvased drumwand1
a tiny ringtreasure1
a torn piece of ragtrash1
a well-used daggerweapon30
a woman's black teddyarmor35
a wooden lutewand10
a yellow potion of see invisiblepotion1
an Albino Floating Pebblearmor55
an iron bladed pikeweapon1
Dante's Doomarmor70
Destiny's Flailweapon75
mixed meatsfood1
red and white striped pantsarmor35
soft white slippersarmor1
the backpass of Sedoniagem2
white see-through glovesarmor5


A General Storeitem
A Meat Shopitem
A Weapons Shopitem
An Armor Shopitem
Archer Shopitem
At the Counter of the Baritem
Inside the Baritem
The "Maceman"item
The "Polearmsman"item
The Brewer Shopitem
Welcome to Hybardin - Easitem
Welcome to Hybardin - Noritem
Welcome to Hybardin - Souitem
Welcome to Hybardin - Wesitem


No pets recorded in this area so far.


A band memberunknownunknown
A bound dwarven womanunknownunknown
A celebrating dwarfunknownunknown
A dwarven bouncerunknownunknown
A dwarven guard305550
A dwarven guard traineeunknownunknown
A dwarven miner60041
A dwarven whoreunknownunknown
A fat and hairy hylar dwarf213755
A hylar babyunknownunknown
A large beetle15115
A leering guard300250
A lower class citizen22115
A pretty dwarven woman72933
A seasoned adventurer47925
A stink bugunknownunknown
A topless female dwarven dancerunknownunknown
A young hylar child2810
An Administrator's Guard891580
An alert hylar guardunknownunknown
An exceptionally short dwarven man18958
Efry, The Thiefunknownunknown
Sarmy, the administratorunknownunknown
The Barrack's Overseerunknownunknown


a beautiful fountainwater

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.