
Middle Hybardin


The shortest speedwalk is 3wnwn4w5swsw(open loose)3s3wsw3sw(open passage)d2s(open passage)u2wsws2wsws13w3s2w6swsw24s18e(say 7) from the The Village of Hillhome 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A tiny spider.


a belt etched with dragonsarmor75
a black leather eyepatcharmor46
a bottle of "Broken MiddleEarth"drink1
a bottle of "Charlie's Best"drink1
a bottle of "Darkencoal" aledrink1
a bottle of "morning dew"drink1
a bottle of "Sally Forth"drink1
a bottle of "Scurvey's Cure"drink1
a bottle of "Shameless Passion"drink1
a bottle of "silver twinkle"drink1
a bottle of spirits named "Fester's Finest"drink1
a bottle of stewfood1
a bottle of waterdrink1
a cloth hatarmor1
a dwarven pot piefood1
a dwarven sabreweapon50
a dwarven steel sabreweapon30
a dwarven steel shieldarmor50
a dwarven tankarddrink1
a flanged mace of speedweapon60
a garnet ringjewelry9
a golden broochtrash15
a half-dozen dwarven drop cookiesfood1
a huge jug of waterdrink13
a huge notched swordweapon35
a huge suit of tusked bodyarmorarmor55
a lapis lazuli ringjewelry9
a large broadaxeweapon60
a large halberdweapon30
a large square emeraldgem1
a linen bandannaarmor1
a linen robecontainer1
a longbow named "Raven's Fang"bow45
a marquise sapphiregem1
a one-handed axe battle axeweapon50
a pair of corduroy pantsarmor35
a pair of Daergish splint armbandsarmor30
a pair of Daergish splint greavesarmor30
a pair of Daergish splint leggingsarmor30
a pair of dagger-like sheersweapon75
a pair of iron battle bootsarmor4
a piercing daggerweapon20
a pint of "Broken Mountain Firebrether"drink1
a pint of "Everfrost Black Rhum"drink1
a pocket daggerweapon40
a pronged bone-handled maceweapon90
a roll of baked dwarven doughfood1
a short dwarven dressarmor1
a silver baubled necklacejewelry20
a spear called "Frostbrand"weapon60
a spear of burningweapon13
a suit of Daergish splint mailarmor30
a suit of mithril chainmailarmor100
a superior steel sabreweapon46
a sword of sharpnessweapon59
a tankard of "Demon's Breath"drink1
a tankard of "Red Dragon Ale"drink1
a tankard of "Rising Action"drink1
a tankard of "Salamander Toes"drink1
a tankard of "Smelly Man's Millions"drink1
a tankard of "Ugly Duckling Brand"drink1
a Whip called "DemonBane"weapon75
a whip named "Diamond Roll"weapon34
a white satin skirttrash35
a winged helmetarmor40
a yellow potion of see invisiblepotion1
aged Winepotion1
an axe named 'Honor'weapon90
an embroidered cloth cloakarmor1
an embroidered scarfarmor35
an emerald ringjewelry9
an exceptionally fine claymoreweapon31
an iron helmettrash2
an irono shortswordweapon7
boiled ginsengpill1
dwarvensteel sleevesarmor65
fried and salted urkhan fishfood1
fried chickenfood1
fubu Fish meatfood1
heavy iron shoulderpadsarmor26
iron leggingsarmor3
lice-infested ragstrash1
light iron shoulderpadsarmor25
mixed vegetablesfood1
slaad meatfood1
some brownish fungusfood1
some funguspill1
some meatfood1
some mixed meatsfood1
some strange growing funguspill10
the hybardin jailcell keyskey1
The King's Keykey1
The Lady's Keykey1
The Lord's Keykey1
The Queen's Keykey1
thorbardin slugpill1


"Leisure's Luxury" Clothiitem
A Booze Shopitem
A Clothing Shopitem
A Dwarven Bakeryitem
A Food Shopitem
A Hallway in the Forge'sitem
A Jewelry Shopitem
A Liquor Shopitem
A Non-Alcoholic Beverageitem
A Strange PetShoppet
A Weapon's Shopitem
An Armoryitem
Armor Shop in "Geklak's Uitem
Carl's Armoryitem
Carl's Weaponry Standitem
Earl's Accessoriesitem
Earl's Tailor Shopitem
Rothernak's Gem Suppliesitem
The "Bird's Cage"pet
The "Booze Brigade"item
The "Boozer's Paradise"item
The "SwordArm"item
The Alcoholic's Recipeitem
The DwarfGate Inn Kitchenitem
The Kitchen in the Forge'item
Weapons Shop in "Geklak'sitem


A baby Urkhan worm9128
A subterranean ferret15235
A swift raptorbird401602


A captured thief47925
A communing dwarf64230
A dwarven miner376380
A greater hylar guardunknownunknown
A hylar gardenworkerunknownunknown
A hylar guardunknownunknown
A hylar prisoner35520
A loathing male hylarunknownunknown
A lower class citizenunknownunknown
A middle classed citizenunknownunknown
A Noble Hylarunknownunknown
A patrolling hylar guardunknownunknown
A resting female hylarunknownunknown
A sharp eyed hylar guardunknownunknown
A sleek beetle47325
A sleeping guard135550
A tiny spider25
A traveling humanunknownunknown
A wandering daewar101728
A worshipping hylarunknownunknown
Bubba Jones1252480
The Barrack's Overseerunknownunknown
The guardhouse reception dwarfunknownunknown
The Jailorunknownunknown
The storage tender327775


an Elaborate Fountainwater
an intricate garden fountainwater

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.