Northern Khalkist Mountain
The shortest speedwalk is 2n2e7n(open north)5nwn
from the The City of Neraka 3 Moons exit.
The lowest-level gatemob is A large mountain lion.
Name | Type |
A small inn | item |
A small resturant | item |
A small store | item |
A warm inn | item |
No pets recorded in this area so far.
Name | Health | Level |
A baaz draconian | 940 | 40 |
A citizen | 967 | 40 |
A citizen of Jelek | 916 | 38 |
A dirty canine | 345 | 20 |
A dragonarmy borderguard | 1009 | 40 |
A dragonarmy patrol | 1192 | 46 |
A hiker | 467 | 25 |
A kender | 332 | 20 |
A large mountain lion | 474 | 25 |
A sleepy draconian | 1230 | 45 |
A street sweeper | 1259 | 45 |
A traveller | 342 | 20 |
A wolf | 641 | 30 |
A wooly mammoth | 3851 | 80 |
The barrack commander | unknown | unknown |
Name | Liquid |
a stone well | water |
Fishing Spots
No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.
Found Skills
No found skills recorded in this area so far.