


Palanthas has a 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is An injured sanitation trainee.


(Revolving) the Globe of Krynnarmor1
a bagcontainer1
a batch of Sara's cookiesfood1
a battle axeweapon1
a big pot piefood1
a blank labellabel1
a blueberry danishfood1
a bone hookfishhook (3) grub1
a book of brainteasersarmor5
a book of dancearmor5
a book of healingwand1
a book of philosophyarmor5
a book of physical fitnessarmor5
a boring scrollscroll15
a bottle of antidotepotion1
a bottle of black inkpotion1
a bottle of Huma's Banedrink1
a boxcontainer1
a brass stopperstopper1
a breadfood1
a buffalo water skindrink1
a canoeboat1
a canvas bookbagcontainer1
a chain mail coifarmor1
a chain mail shirtarmor1
a cinnamon rollfood1
a clubweapon1
a cluster of grapesfood1
a colorful body pillowfurniture1
a cookbookwand1
a copper ten-sided dicedice1
a corkstopper1
a curved assassins daggerweapon1
a daggerweapon1
a dead maggotbait tiny1
a diamond figurine of a Half-elf Dragonarmy cleric named Aquimerarmor1
a dusty map of Bazinmap1
a fish eyeballbait tiny1
a flailweapon1
a glowing long swordweapon6
a gnome made, trashpickerupperweapon1
a golden sash of metallic silkarmor34
a golden twenty-sided dicedice1
a guardsman swordweapon80
a hand axeweapon1
a hard leather caparmor1
a hard leather jerkinarmor1
a hooded brass lanternlight1
a jack smeltbait baitfish1
a knights signet ringtreasure1
a Knights Studded Saddle-Bagcontainer1
a large bone hookfishhook (8) baitfish1
a large copper oil flaskdrink1
a large flask of dwarf spiritsdrink1
a large lead sinkersinker 7 g1
a large metal hookfishhook (9) large fish1
a large metal shieldarmor1
a large piece of herringbait medium chunk1
a leather beltarmor1
a leather bracerarmor1
a leather caparmor1
a leather girdlearmor1
a leather helm with iron bandsarmor80
a leather jerkinarmor1
a leather jerkinarmor1
a leather-bound journalarmor1
a light crossbowcrossbow1
a long bowbow3
a long chain mail skirtarmor1
a long scale mail skirtarmor1
a long swordweapon1
a maceweapon1
a map of Caergothmap1
a map of Qualinostmap1
a map of Solacemap1
a map of the city of Palanthasmap1
a map of the continent of Ansalonmap1
a meat tenderizing malletweapon28
a metal hookfishhook (3) grub1
a nine foot long fishing rodfishingrod 9'1
a pair of boots from Istararmor45
a pair of chain mail gauntletsarmor1
a pair of chain mail sleevesarmor1
a pair of Ergothian gauntletsarmor15
a pair of garden sheersweapon10
a pair of guardsmans glovesarmor80
a pair of hard leather bootsarmor1
a pair of hard leather glovesarmor1
a pair of hard leather pantsarmor1
a pair of hard leather sleevesarmor1
a pair of iron-bound bootsarmor1
a pair of leather bootsarmor1
a pair of leather glovesarmor1
a pair of leather pantsarmor1
a pair of leather sleevesarmor1
a pair of polished iron sleevesarmor80
a pair of polished leather bootsarmor80
a pair of reading glassesarmor2
a pair of reinforced bootsarmor1
a pair of reinforced glovesarmor1
a pair of scale mail sleevesarmor1
a pair of studded leather leggingsarmor80
a Palanthian guard iron breast platearmor80
a Palanthian guards capearmor80
a Palanthian guardsman cloakarmor80
a Palanthian longswordweapon80
a Palanthian shieldarmor80
a Palanthian swordsmans beltarmor80
a polished iron bracerarmor80
a potion of armorpotion1
a potion of cancellationpotion1
a potion of cure blindnesspotion1
a potion of cure critical woundspotion1
a potion of cure light woundspotion1
a potion of cure serious woundspotion1
a potion of flyingpotion1
a potion of healingpotion1
a potion of recallpotion1
a quarrelquarrel1
a raftboat1
a refreshing potionpotion1
a ring of protectiontreasure1
a scale mail coifarmor1
a scale mail jerkinarmor1
a scroll of identifyscroll1
a seven foot long fishing rodfishingrod 7'1
a sharp penweapon1
a sheet of notepapernotepaper1
a short bowbow1
a short fishing rodfishingrod 5'1
a silver studd earringarmor20
a small bronze oil flaskdrink1
a small lead sinkersinker 2 g1
a small metal shieldarmor1
a small sanitation sackcontainer1
a small skinning knifeskinknife1
a small swordweapon1
a small wooden shieldarmor1
a Solamnic war tentfurniture1
a spearweapon1
a spool of heavy giant spider silkfishline 85 lb, 100'1
a spool of light giant spider silkfishline 55 lb, 130'1
a spool of medium giant spider silkfishline 65 lb, 90'1
a staff adorned with seashellsweapon4
a studded leather vestarmor50
a torchlight1
a vial of holy waterpotion1
a wand of invisibilitywand1
a wand of lightwand1
a wand of magic missileswand1
a wand of revealingwand1
a war bannerlight1
a wooden diedice1
a wooden staffweapon1
a yellow potion of see invisiblepotion1
an Aesthetic's red velvet robearmor38
an apprentices robearmor1
an arrowarrow1
an earthwormbait worm1
an embroidered cloak of blue crushed velvetarmor54
an empty glass vialpotion1
Cenac's Tarsian crossbowcrossbow100
Conor's quarterstaff "Patience"weapon100
Cormac's Spear of Justiceweapon100
Demilon's red broadsword 'Flare'weapon100
Emerau's woolen hosearmor5
Guidonious' dagger of vengeanceweapon100
Jair's backpackcontainer1
Rath's mace of smitingweapon100
Ryven's Corrupted Dragonlanceweapon100
Samuval's bow "Hawkeye"bow100
Sandar's axe-riddled-with-cogsweapon100
some heavy fishing linefishline 45 lb, 80'1
some thick fishing linefishline 15 lb, 75'1
some thin fishing linefishline 5 lb, 180'1
Tamuir's flail of thornsweapon100
Teralis' whip 'The TeraLASHER'weapon100
the Aetherflow circlet of Par-Salianjewelry1
the Book of Survivalarmor5
the Chalice of Bharishdrink1
the Dread Captain's Spyglasstelescope1
the earring of Nu-Aear Gurthjewelry1
the fabled horns of Auriusarmor1
the mage staff of Liamweapon100
the magic ring of Skoljewelry1
the Mysterious lantern of Rocigzlight1
the Sphere of Astinusarmor1
uncle Brim's pocketknifeweapon1


Baker's Dozenitem
East Platinum and Diamonditem
East Platinum and Garnetitem
General Storeitem
Imperial Squareitem
Inside the Fish Houseitem
Inside the Petshoppet
Leather Shopitem
Magic Shopitem
Map Shopitem
Pearl and Diamond Squareitem
Pearl and Garnet Squareitem
Pearl and Ruby Squareitem
Potion Shopitem
Stables for Palanthaspet
Steel and Diamond Squareitem
Steel and Garnet Squareitem
The Jeweler's Shopitem
West Platinum and Diamonditem
Western Platinum and Garnitem


The ferret5574
A pack mule10659
A tiger15759
A large tiger20869
A small horse251017
A large horse301189
A huge grizzly bear351361
A huge crocodile401503
A massive warhorse401594


A black crow1078
A bleeding sanitation trainee18512
A citizen of Palanthas5110
A commoner887
A construction worker25016
A curious kender917
A historian45224
A holy cleric14810
A large peacockunknownunknown
A large rat665
A Loreseeker96940
A Palanthian guardunknownunknown
A Palanthian royal swallowunknownunknown
A pitbull14410
A pretty lady423
A reader15011
A sailorunknownunknown
A sanitation worker24215
A scholar41123
A scruffy sailor67932
A spoiled kid718
A stray dog292
A street sweeper305
A street urchin957
A teenager14725
A thug14515
A wandering merchant13010
A warrior66130
A young cadet48824
A young woman12810
An Aesthetic113842
An alert royal Palanthian guardunknownunknown
An alley cat647
An apprentice23815
An aristocrat17612
An injured sanitation trainee15010
Snickers, the Cookunknownunknown
Souril Amerius, a mage from Karthayunknownunknown
The director of workman's compensation48525
The gardener82237
The lord of Palanthasunknownunknown
The sanitation departments cook33219
The sanitation supervisor50325


a fountainwater

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills