


Qualinost has a 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A complacent citizen.


a bag of red herbspill1
a black horseman's pickweapon33
a black-handled lochaber axeweapon34
a blueberry danishfood1
a bone hookfishhook (3) grub1
a bottle labeled "The Red Bull"potion1
a bottle of Sithel's special reservedrink1
a bottle of sparkling waterpotion1
a bowl of blue slimepill1
a brass butterflywand1
a bright orange potionpotion1
a bulging pouchcontainer1
a canoeboat1
a cinnamon rollfood1
a copper ten-sided dicedice1
a dead maggotbait tiny1
a deep red ioun stonearmor10
a dwarven short swordweapon1
a fine dwarven daggerweapon1
a fish eyeballbait tiny1
a flowing, sky-blue dressarmor11
a gold-etched ranseurweapon32
a golden potionpotion15
a golden twenty-sided dicedice1
a green backpackcontainer1
a gryphonshead visorarmor31
a hand axeweapon1
a heavy clipboardarmor12
a jack smeltbait baitfish1
a juicy peachfood1
a large bone hookfishhook (8) baitfish1
a large lead sinkersinker 7 g1
a large meat piefood1
a large metal hookfishhook (9) large fish1
a large piece of herringbait medium chunk1
a leather bagcontainer1
a leather beltarmor1
a leather bracerarmor1
a leather caparmor1
a leather jerkinarmor1
a leather water skindrink1
a light chainmail shirtarmor5
a lightweight elven shieldarmor5
a long aspen branchweapon40
a maceweapon1
a magical light globelight1
a map of Qualinostmap1
a map of Solacemap1
a map of the city of Palanthasmap1
a map of the continent of Ansalonmap1
a MASSIVE mug of aledrink1
a metal hookfishhook (3) grub1
a murky potionpotion1
a nine foot long fishing rodfishingrod 9'1
a pair of leather bootsarmor1
a pair of leather glovesarmor1
a pair of leather pantsarmor1
a pair of leather riding chapsarmor31
a pair of traveling bootsarmor5
a piece of spicy quith-pafood1
a raftboat1
a red Qualinesti applefood1
a refreshing potionpotion1
a rose-colored ioun stonearmor10
a serving trayarmor33
a seven foot long fishing rodfishingrod 7'1
a sheet of notepapernotepaper1
a short fishing rodfishingrod 5'1
a shot of vodkadrink1
a silver military forkweapon32
a small lead sinkersinker 2 g1
a sparkling potionpotion1
a spool of heavy giant spider silkfishline 85 lb, 100'1
a spool of light giant spider silkfishline 55 lb, 130'1
a spool of medium giant spider silkfishline 65 lb, 90'1
a wooden diedice1
an earthwormbait worm1
an elk-bone shankweapon65
an oak staffweapon40
Senatorial Robesarmor25
some heavy fishing linefishline 45 lb, 80'1
some thick fishing linefishline 15 lb, 75'1
some thin fishing linefishline 5 lb, 180'1
the sash of the Thalas-Enthiaarmor61


A large corralpet
A small shackitem
A smoke-filled toweritem
A taste of Qualinostitem
Alchemical Solutionsitem
City Archivesitem
Natural Leatherworkingitem
The Armoryitem
The Hill Homeitem
The Iron Forgeitem
The marketitem
The Pet Shoppet
Urh'bahn's Outfittersitem


The ferret5571
A grey pack mule10651
A tiger15768
A Qualinesti horse20876
An armored warhorse301173
A huge grizzly bear351366
A Wildrunner war gryphon401547


A cleaning initiate107243
A complacent citizen19112
A dwarven merchant94139
A fleeing citizen25015
A formation of recruitsunknownunknown
A Guard of the Sununknownunknown
A House Advocate page18812
A House Mason apprentice25115
A House Protector initiate18212
A House Woodshaper gardener136049
A hunting hound26016
A male citizen69033
A member of House Protectorunknownunknown
A member of House Servitor15011
A nervous citizen22314
A scared citizen24715
A visiting white robeunknownunknown
A waiting initiate114243
A wandering monkunknownunknown
A Wildrunner attack gryphonunknownunknown
A Wildrunner gryphon rider146751
A Wildrunner initiate105544
A Wildrunner ranger206356
A young elven couple24915
An acolyte of House Cleric19813
An apprentice from House Mystic19312
An eating initiate112643
An elven bard24015
An elven senatorunknownunknown
An elven shopper24715
An elven teen20413
An out-of-breath kender31019
The sergeant-at-arms of the Thalas-Enthiaunknownunknown
The watch officerunknownunknown
The Wildrunner instructor139650
The Wildrunner Marshalunknownunknown


a fountain of Branchalaelvish wine

Fishing Spots

NameDepthWater Type
The Grove4fresh

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.