


Sanction has a 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A hurried citizen.


a bagcontainer1
a black robearmor40
a black slavers robearmor40
a blank labellabel1
a blessed mace of Takhisisweapon94
a blood-red swordweapon68
a bloody torcarmor30
a blue dragonsteel breastplatearmor33
a blue horned dragonhelmarmor75
a blue steel helmetarmor6
a blue steel polearmweapon85
a bottle of antidotepotion1
a bottle of grogdrink1
a bottle of Huma's Banedrink1
a brass stopperstopper1
a buffalo water skindrink1
a canoeboat1
a chain mail coifarmor1
a chain mail shirtarmor1
a chain mail skirtarmor1
a chunk of strange meatbait large chunk1
a cloak of displacementarmor54
a copper hoop earringarmor1
a corkstopper1
a draconian tooth earringarmor30
a dusty map of Bazinmap1
a fireballdrink1
a flailweapon1
a flaming red dragonswordweapon68
a flask of red winedrink1
a fruit saladfood1
a giant cinnamon rollfood1
a glazed hamfood1
a globe made of crystalscroll20
a glowing blue orblight12
a golden medallionwand20
a gore-splattered leg boneweapon5
a hand axeweapon1
a heavy iron keykey1
a hooded brass lanternlight1
a hot apple piefood1
a hot iron keykey1
a huge double-headed axeweapon40
a jagged short swordweapon25
a juicy steakfood1
a large battle axeweapon1
a large battle axeweapon40
a large battle axeweapon5
a large black batonweapon10
a large bloody hookweapon79
a large copper oil flaskdrink1
a large lead sinkersinker 7 g1
a large metal hookfishhook (9) large fish1
a large metal shieldarmor1
a large sledgeweapon35
a loaf of breadfood1
a long jagged daggerweapon1
a long push broomweapon1
a long steel daggerweapon1
a longswordweapon1
a map of Solacemap1
a map of the city of Nerakamap1
a map of the city of Sanctionmap1
a map of the continent of Ansalonmap1
a mug of brown aledrink1
a pair of barbed battle gauntletsarmor40
a pair of black leather bootsarmor1
a pair of black leather glovesarmor45
a pair of blue steel armbandsarmor5
a pair of bone vambracesarmor40
a pair of chain mail gauntletsarmor1
a pair of chain mail sleevesarmor1
a pair of red dragonarmy leg platesarmor2
a pair of red steel gauntletsarmor5
a pair of red steel leg platesarmor17
a pair of red steel vambracesarmor40
a potion of armorpotion1
a potion of cancellationpotion1
a potion of cure blindnesspotion1
a potion of cure critical woundspotion1
a potion of cure light woundspotion1
a potion of cure serious woundspotion1
a potion of flyingpotion1
a potion of recallpotion1
a raftboat1
a red chain mail coifarmor1
a red dragonarmy capearmor1
a red dragonarmy shieldarmor1
a red dragonarmy signet ringarmor15
a red dragonarmy uniformarmor30
a red dragonsteel breastplatearmor33
a red horned dragonhelmarmor96
a red leather beltarmor2
a red leather vestarmor20
a red steel helmarmor10
a red steel helmetarmor35
a red steel shieldarmor30
a red steel wristguardarmor2
a refreshing potionpotion1
a reinforced hoopakweapon10
a ring of protectiontreasure1
a roasted chicken legfood1
a rod of lightlight1
a scroll of identifyscroll1
a set of black steel armbandsarmor40
a sheet of notepapernotepaper1
a shiny rockcomponent1
a short swordweapon1
a shot of vodkadrink1
a signet of the red dragonarmyarmor25
a small bronze oil flaskdrink1
a small lead sinkersinker 2 g1
a small silver keykey80
a soap-on-a-ropepill1
a squirming lava spiderbait worm1
a steel mesh beltarmor12
a stiff dead ratwand1
a torchlight1
a uniform of the blue watcharmor25
a uniform of the Red Watcharmor25
a vial of holy waterpotion1
a wand of magic missileswand1
a warpstone bracerarmor70
a wickedly curved hookweapon30
a wickedly notched silver swordweapon50
a wickedly spiked bracerarmor40
a wooden clubweapon1
a wooden handled maceweapon1
a wooden spearweapon1
a wooden staffweapon1
a yellow potion of see invisiblepotion1
an ashwood fishing rodfishingrod 7'1
an iron keykey1
an unholy revengerweapon45
some thick fishing linefishline 15 lb, 75'1
some thin fishing linefishline 5 lb, 200'1
the Bloodthirsterweapon70
the insignia of a dragonarmy captainarmor50
the insignia of a dragonarmy colonelarmor70
the insignia of a dragonarmy generalarmor80
the insignia of a dragonarmy majorarmor60


A smoky shopitem
At the baritem
Barkar's Bakeryitem
Coron's Cartographyitem
General Storeitem
Jeridor's Jewelsitem
Mystical Objectsitem
Red's Tackle and Fishitem
River of Fireitem
The Gauntletitem
The Slave Marketpet
Virex's Weaponsitem


A grey pack mule10647
A kender slave20670
A stolen elven horse20854
A goblin slave30972
A Solamnic warhorse301139
A kagonesti slave401325


A Baaz draconian52330
A Baaz of the Red Watch58925
A black robed female657480
A black robed mage103340
A Bozak draconian196355
A Bozak warrior81335
A child of the shadowpeople875
A citizen of Sanction916
A commoner847
A construction worker239340
A curious kender26715
A dark pilgrim apprentice39320
A dark robed figure333270
A digging gully dwarf17514
A dirty beggar31220
A dirty slave46722
A draconian patrol89425
A dragonarmy Baaz31720
A dragonarmy Bozak209750
A dragonarmy captain382870
A dragonarmy colonel871290
A dragonarmy general5945100
A dragonarmy Kapak243360
A dragonarmy major354780
A dragonarmy minotaur132250
A dragonarmy ogre261060
A dragonarmy Sivak242360
A dragonarmy slave59627
A dragonarmy soldier32625
A drunken sailor52325
A dying slave465
A feeding troll203455
A fire giant356170
A gambling soldier15110
A goblin soldier34420
A gully dwarf20615
A hill giant287550
A hobgoblin soldier58225
A hungry stone giantunknownunknown
A hurried citizen696
A janitor1310
A Kapak draconian230150
A Kapak of the Red Watch112545
A large green dragon513785
A large hungry trollunknownunknown
A large rat645
A large thug18115
A minotaur bodyguard500460
A minotaur soldier193340
A priest of Paladine355875
A priest of Takhisis106945
A ragged Silvanesti40923
A Red Watch Deathguard408485
A Red Watch Sivak368880
A shadowpeople councilorunknownunknown
A shadowpeople warriorunknownunknown
A shadowpersonunknownunknown
A singing soldier134440
A Sivak draconian317470
A Sivak of the Red Watch233655
A slaver132545
A sleeping Bozak118745
A sleeping giant191140
A soldier81230
A soldier of the red dragonarmy60230
A stone giant312860
A stray dog313
A thief36720
An alley cat855
An angry soldier24830
An angry troll296770
An elven spy220660
An off-duty Kapak109345
An off-duty soldier116640
An ogre watchguard114440
Master of the Arena12090100
The beautiful woman17810
The Bozak priest of Takhisis487690
The cooks assistant105034
The dark naga548790
The displacer beast803195
The fleeing merchant85130
The head cook157950
The master torturer418180
The Revered Ancient Oneunknownunknown
The young cutpurse11010


No fountains recorded in this area so far.

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.