Sea Caves of Zeboim
The shortest speedwalk is 13w12n3w
from the Palanthas 3 Moons exit.
Sea Caves of Zeboim does not have a recorded gatemob yet.
Name | Type | Level |
a circle of flame | armor | 85 |
a large curved dagger | weapon | 90 |
a pearl necklace | armor | 90 |
a sea dragons tooth | weapon | 94 |
a sharp lizards claw | armor | 65 |
an orb of grey light | light | 40 |
No shops recorded in this area so far.
No pets recorded in this area so far.
Name | Health | Level |
A gargoyle | 3030 | 66 |
A hiker | 529 | 25 |
A HUGE shark | unknown | unknown |
A kender | 383 | 20 |
A large sea lizard | 4675 | 90 |
A sea troll | 3941 | 80 |
No fountains recorded in this area so far.
Fishing Spots
Name | Depth | Water Type |
In the swirling water | 5 | salt |
Found Skills
No found skills recorded in this area so far.