


Solanthus has a 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is A resident of Solanthus.


(Brass) an alert hornwand1
(Clasped) a solanthus guard cloakarmor2
(Dried) some red herbspill1
(Engraved) the breast plate of the Solanthus guard captainarmor5
(Flowing) a Solanthus guard capearmor2
(Iron) a large spiked maceweapon3
(Leather) the boots of silent walkarmor10
(Ornate) the sword of the solanthus guard captainweapon10
(Runed) a polished wooden staffweapon3
(Silver hilted) A steel longsword with gold hilt wrapweapon5
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard bootsarmor2
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard gauntletsarmor2
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard greavesarmor2
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard sleevesarmor2
(Steel) a silver hilted long swordweapon1
(Steel) a solanthus city guard breast platearmor2
(Steel) a Solanthus city guard helmarmor2
(Steel) a Solanthus guard beltarmor2
(Steel) a Solanthus guard bracerarmor2
(Steel) a Solanthus guard shieldarmor2
a flask of red winedrink1
a floating ball of lighttrash1
a healing herbpill1
a large bottle of milkdrink1
a large iron keykey1
a long spearweapon1
a low ranking guard's vestarmor1
a mug of meaddrink1
a ornate guards cloakarmor2
a pair of leather bootsarmor1
a silvery herbpill1
a small steel shieldarmor1
a solanthus guard swordweapon2
a solanthus guard vestarmor2
a solanthus royal seal ringarmor2
a Solanthus signet ringarmor1
a standard issue guard's short swordweapon1
a steel solanthus guard breast platearmor1
a thieves cloakcontainer16
a warhammerweapon3
the thieves daggerweapon2


A small buildingitem
The Jeweler'sitem
The Well Oiled Sworditem
Weapon Smithitem


No pets recorded in this area so far.


A dwarven merchant40322
A large dog524
A local merchant26116
A lost aghar28817
A low ranking guard25315
A noble13010
A resident of Solanthus35220
A Solamnic child1249
A Solanthus city guard89020
A solanthus guard29117
A visiting wizard65431
A warehouse worker47923
A wondering monkunknownunknown
An off-duty Solanthus guard34320
The arch thief85436
The captain of the Solanthus guard54024
The judge of Solanthusunknownunknown


No fountains recorded in this area so far.

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.