


The shortest speedwalk is 3w4n3e8n from the Bloten 3 Moons exit.


The lowest-level gatemob is Betai, female cleric of Sargonnas.


a black silk robearmor35
a blessed mace of Sargonnasweapon25
a bone flail dedicated to Sargonnasweapon1
a bone spearweapon10
a bone staffwand15
a bottle of yellow fluidpotion30
a dried piece of meatfood5
a floppy jester's capcontainer20
a fur pouchcontainer5
a giant-sized suit of bone armorarmor10
a glass axeweapon10
a glass maceweapon30
a glass spike dripping with poisonweapon25
a glass swordweapon20
a hairy yellow biscuitpill1
a light, see-through gownarmor15
a lightweight desert survival kitcontainer10
a low-cut black leather braarmor22
a MageHunter battle bookspellstaff20
a MageHunter book of defensespellstaff40
a Magehunter daggerweapon15
a MageHunter scimitarweapon65
a MageHunter's spellbookspellstaff1
a massive bone axeweapon10
a mug of Ogre Meaddrink1
a mysterious scrollscroll15
a nose ringarmor5
a pair of broken spectaclesarmor1
a pair of crimson and black pantiesarmor22
a pair of pulsating bone gauntletsarmor35
a pair of white silk glovesarmor15
a pair of white silk pantaloonsarmor10
a pretty piece of glasslight10
a red silk sasharmor25
a set of wicked looking punch daggersweapon10
a sharp garafaweapon35
a signet ring of Sargonnasarmor10
a small silver keykey1
a soft fur tentfurniture5
a spiked gauntletweapon20
a spiked skull shoulderpadarmor1
a suit of bloodstained Magehunter platemailarmor65
a suit of dwarvish platemailarmor35
a suit of Gnomish leather armorarmor35
a suit of Hatori shell armorarmor25
a suit of red and black chainmailarmor20
a tube full of yellow slimepotion30
a turban of white silkarmor10
a very sharp sickleweapon25
a vial of yellow fluidpotion20
a waterskindrink5
a white silk beltarmor5
a white-silk sasharmor25
a wicked tattoo of a giant Condorarmor20
a wriggling desert slug dinnerpill1
an ancient bottle of Istarian liquordrink1
an ancient glass of elvish winedrink1
an ancient staffweapon15
an elven dress of crimson silkarmor20
an enchanted whipweapon20
an engraved bone breastplatearmor15
an exotic dressarmor20
an iron horseshoetrash1
an iron keykey1
an Istarian axeweapon25
detailed tattoos of burnt flesharmor20
the ancient white robes of a MageHunterarmor25
the Staff of Erengostweapon101


Farbod's Fantastic Elixiritem
Ferdow's Desert Tourspet
Grygus's Tentitem
Jalil's Eateryitem
Karim's Desert Valuesitem
Niki's Desert Fashionitem
Outfitting for the Jobitem
Ramile's Desert Gearitem
Slave Tentpet
The Libraryitem
The Ogre's Denitem
Tickleweed's Body Artitem
Tool's of the Tradeitem


A well built human slave10461
An elderly camel10455
A Silvanesti slave20680
A young camel20672
A minotaur slave30980
An adult camel30964
A powerful war camel401342


A brutish ogre guard95640
A cowering woman31520
A dirty, drunken nomad53825
A drunken ogre57830
A female citizen of Trigol21215
A lesser Hatoriunknownunknown
A naked slave girlunknownunknown
A small child13210
A weary traveller65930
Adralara the MageHunterunknownunknown
An ogre MageHunter102140
Betai, female cleric of Sargonnas65030
Leh'vr, Nomad of the Desert82335
Morth, the fallen cleric of Paladineunknownunknown
Saroth, the Minotaur MageHunter105540
The wizard Gillarunknownunknown
Torvaag, the half-ogre bodyguardunknownunknown


a statue of a condorblood

Fishing Spots

No fishing spots recorded in this area so far.

Found Skills

No found skills recorded in this area so far.