
The cool lake

The cool lake is a 50 feet deep freshwater fishing spot in Foghaven.

             Lamprey -   1      Redear sunfish -   2
Green sunfish - 4 Pumpkinseed - 5
Warmouth - 5 Tullibee - 5
Black bullhead - 6 Rock bass - 8
Black crappie - 8 Perch - 8
Speckled trout - 9 Brook trout - 9
White catfish - 10 Rainbow trout - 10
Cisco - 10 White crappie - 12
Walleye perch - 12 Suwannee bass - 16
Arctic char - 22 Largemouth bass - 24
Sabastian pike - 25 Nubbed catfish - 25
Redeye bass - 30 Steelhead trout - 35
Silver salmon - 40 Chain pickerel - 45
Green sturgeon - 45 Flathead catfish - 45
Northern pike - 65 Huma's salmon - 65
Giant catfish - 75 Giant sturgeon - 95
Lurker - 100

Added on 2025-01-06.