
direction sense


Direction sense is a skill that increases the chance of your character walking the correct direction when drunk or confused.

Example output



Direction sense is a found skill acquired in Kendermore.


You can acquire direction sense by visiting Gladys Gladstone, a kender teacher inKendermore.

  1. Gladys will tell you that she lost a magic needle and asks if you can help
  2. say yes
  3. Gladys will tell you that she has not found her needle
  4. Go to Stables
  5. get needle stack
  6. Go back to Gladys
  7. give needle gladys
  8. Gladys will say that her colleague has the other item she needs, a glass dish, and that she will need it returned filled with water
  9. Go to Kellywick Kinderbrew
  10. say glass dish
  11. Kellywick will give you a shallow glass dish
  12. Go to a flute-shaped fountain
  13. fill dish fountain
  14. Return to Gladys
  15. give dish gladys
  16. Gladys will give you the direction sense skill


Credits go to Sargonnas who unstuck me after I gave the dish to the wrong mob and couldn't start the quest over.

Added on 2025-01-11.