a barrel of fresh waterwaterThe Blood Sea
a barrel of meadmeadKurmost
a beautiful fountainwaterLower Hybardin
a cold streamwaterEstwilde
a crack in the cave wallwaterNorthern Kharolis Foothill
a dolphin fountainicewineKurmost
a Dragon marble fountainorange juiceEnravel Keep
a flute-shaped fountainwaterKendermore
a Foaming PoolwaterKlarbardin
a fountainwaterCity of Tarsis
a fountainwaterPalanthas
a fountain of Branchalaelvish wineQualinost
a HUGE keg of meadmeadIcewall Glacier
a large washtubbloodCity of Lemish
a milk jugmilkGully, uhhh, Roma
a nice marble fountain of a maiden.waterCaergoth
a small holewaterPax Tharkas
a small pondwaterPalanthas Surrounds
A small water basinwaterQualimori
a statue of a condorbloodTrigol
a stone wellwaterNorthern Khalkist Mountain
a stone wellwaterEstwilde
a stone wellwaterKnight's High Road
a streamwaterGryphon Veil
a water puddlewaterGully, uhhh, Roma
a water pumpwaterSouthwest Palanthas
a water pumpwaterSouthwest Palanthas
a water pumpwaterSouthwest Palanthas
an Elaborate FountainwaterMiddle Hybardin
an intricate garden fountainwaterMiddle Hybardin
an oasiswaterPlains of Dergoth
an old stone wellwaterThe village of Ash
an ornate fountainwaterTown of Schallsea
an ornate fountainwaterTown of Schallsea
the melting poolwaterIsles of the Pirate Lords
the stream of fresh waterwaterNorthern Warrens
the stream of fresh waterwaterMudhole
the stream of fresh waterwaterMudhole