(Platinum Plated) An ornate pair of ceremonial gauntletshands6/680Vingaard Keep
(Tanned) a beautiful fur cloakneck4/450Travelling Faire!
(Tanned) a deer-skin tunicchest4/420Travelling Faire!
(Woven) a fur hathead4/430Travelling Faire!
(Woven) a pair of fur leggingslegs3/440Travelling Faire!
a beaded necklaceneck0/01Mud School
a black dragonarmy uniformchest2/220City of Lemish
a black horned helmethead0/01Palanthas Province
a black pearl earringear2/150Urione
a blindfoldface0/01Palanthas Thieves Guild
a blue robebody2/25Central Thelgaard
a brown robechest0/01The village of Ash
a ceramic bracerwrist0/01Mud School
a chain mail shirtchest0/04City of Vingaard
a chain mail shirtnone0/01Knight's High Road
a cloak of displacementneck7/754Sanction
a coiled piece of vinewrist4/465City of Vingaard
a cook's hathead2/110Southwest Palanthas
a coral bead girdlewaist7/763Urione
A Crown made of Twigs and Thornshead0/010Bloden Swamp
a crude bone necklaceneck8/880Bloten
a crystal circlethead0/410Kurmost
a dark goblin horned helmethead0/11Goblin Stronghold
a dented up, rusted shieldshield1/435Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a dimensional capeneck0/532Freeport
a dwarven helmhead0/13City of Lemish
a filthy green capebody0/01Goblin Stronghold
a fire-etched maskface6/680Daerforge
a flowing capebody0/01Mud School
a ghostly pair of gauntletshands1/27Darken Wood
a Globe of Patrollingfloating3/480Daerforge
a glowing crystal globefloating5/650Darken Wood
a goblin chain mail shirtchest0/01Goblin Stronghold
a goblin long chain mail skirtlegs0/01Goblin Stronghold
a goblin long scale mail skirtlegs0/01Goblin Stronghold
a goblin scale mail jacketchest0/01Goblin Stronghold
a golden capechest0/05Central Thelgaard
a golden shieldshield0/15City of Vingaard
a gryphon's featherheld2/315Darken Wood
a guardsman's helmethead6/540Caergoth
a huge rack of antlershead4/540Darken Wood
a large metal shieldshield0/01Knight's High Road
a leather halter topchest3/414Darken Wood
a leather skullcaphead0/01Mud School
a long, hooded grey robechest4/430City of Lemish
a loop of animal tendonneck0/010Bloden Swamp
a lovely paisley pirate style shirtchest2/25Travelling Faire!
a mage's robe of electrical resistancechest0/050Tantallon
a mantle of Kingfisher feathersshoulder2/15Bloden Swamp
a mask of fleshface0/020Bloden Swamp
a metallic beltwaist0/020Nordmaar
a metallic maskface0/020Nordmaar
a metallic piece of armorchest0/020Nordmaar
a metallic shieldshield0/020Nordmaar
a mojo ratheld2/21Gully, uhhh, Roma
a necklace of strung cockroachesneck0/01Gully, uhhh, Roma
a pair of Albino armbandsarms5/675The Eastern Warrens
a pair of Albino Light Gloveshands2/25Southwest Palanthas
a pair of Albino Sleevesarms1/215Southwest Palanthas
a pair of black gloveshands0/01Palanthas Thieves Guild
a pair of black leather shoesfeet0/010Central Thelgaard
a pair of black leather shoesfeet0/01Palanthas Thieves Guild
a pair of carved granite armguards.arms0/01Goblin Stronghold
a pair of cute sandalsfeet2/25Travelling Faire!
a pair of explorer's bootsfeet0/01Mud School
a pair of goblin chain mail gauntletshands0/01Goblin Stronghold
a pair of goblin chain mail sleevesarms0/01Goblin Stronghold
a pair of goblin scale mail sleevesarms0/01Goblin Stronghold
a pair of ingenius gnomish wingsarms0/01Travelling Faire!
a pair of iron-plated bootsfeet0/050Daerforge
a pair of iron-plated gauntletshands0/050Daerforge
a pair of iron-plated leggingslegs0/050Daerforge
a pair of iron-plated sleevesarms0/050Daerforge
a pair of leather bootsfeet0/015Central Thelgaard
a pair of leather hiking bootsfeet0/05The village of Ash
a pair of leather sandalsfeet0/02Central Thelgaard
a pair of leather shoesfeet0/01Southwest Palanthas
a pair of metallic gauntletshands0/020Nordmaar
a pair of metallic leg plateslegs0/020Nordmaar
a pair of pink leg warmerslegs2/25Travelling Faire!
a pair of rotting sleevesarms0/01Gully, uhhh, Roma
a pair of smashing green pantslegs2/25Travelling Faire!
a pair of soft leather shoesfeet0/01Mud School
a pair of steel gauntletshands1/01City of Lemish
a pair of tattered bootsfeet0/01Gully, uhhh, Roma
a pair of winged hoovesfeet7/771Temple of the Undead
a red capechest0/05Central Thelgaard
a red dragonskin girthwaist3/317Bandit Area
a ripped ogre's tunicchest0/01The Ruins of Xak Khalan
a rusted and battered helmethead2/235Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a rusty pothead0/01Gully, uhhh, Roma
a satin tunicchest0/01Southwest Palanthas
a set of black steel armbandsarms3/340Sanction
a set of iron shoulderpadsshoulder0/01Mud School
a shadowy hoodface1/15Halloween Carnival
a silk shirtchest0/015Caergoth
a silk tunicchest0/01Southwest Palanthas
a silver robebody2/25Central Thelgaard
a small black helmhead0/010Bandit Area
a small bucklershield0/02Bandit Area
a Snakeskin Cloakchest6/426Bloten
a solamnic swordsmans beltwaist7/764City of Vingaard
a spectral helmethead1/11Darken Wood
a stained travelling cloakneck0/01Palanthas Province
a steel shieldshield0/11City of Lemish
a sturdy leather beltwaist0/01Mud School
a suit of bronze plated mailchest0/01Southwest Palanthas
a suit of copper plated mailchest0/01Southwest Palanthas
a suit of dwarven plate mailchest0/02City of Lemish
a suit of jade plated mailchest0/01Southwest Palanthas
a suit of krakenshell armorchest4/882Hopeful Vale
a suit of Ornamented Armorchest0/080Daerforge
a suit of silver armorchest4/425Knight's High Road
a torn up dun colored capeshoulder3/635Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a trash can lidshield0/01Gully, uhhh, Roma
a turqoise tunicchest0/01Southwest Palanthas
a velvet tunicchest0/01Southwest Palanthas
a vomit stained shirtchest0/01Gully, uhhh, Roma
a white stew stained apronchest0/06Bandit Area
a wide brimmed adventurers hathead3/330City of Vingaard
an Albino Breastplatechest4/425Daerforge
an Albino Faceplateface1/231Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
an Albino Spired Helmethead3/545Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
an Albino Talismanneck2/420Caergoth
an ancient bracerwrist2/14Darken Wood
an elite guard's armorchest3/580Upper Hybardin
an emerald helmhead0/026Freeport
an emerald wristguardwrist0/026Freeport
an expensive blue hathead1/22Southwest Palanthas
an expensive red hathead1/22Southwest Palanthas
an ogre's girthwaist0/01The Ruins of Xak Khalan
an umberhulk's shellchest0/083Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
bladed bootsfeet5/532Freeport
blue-dragon platemailchest4/880Temple of the Undead
ceramic headgearhead3/562Hopeful Vale
Draconian Dragonscalechest0/055Vingaard Mountains
Draconian Shieldshield3/355Vingaard Mountains
Easa's Eyeheld3/31Travelling Faire!
gauntlets of granitehands0/310Bandit Area
leather vambracesarms0/01Mud School
old rusty, battered body armorchest0/535Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
phantom armorchest0/015Pax Tharkas
sharkskin pantslegs0/215Isles of the Pirate Lords
spiked boots of Brashkalfeet10/070Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
studded leather gauntletshands0/11Mud School
the belt of Brashkalwaist0/01Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the cook's apronbody0/010Southwest Palanthas
the full plate mail of Brashkalchest0/646Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the Great Crown of the Goblin Kinghead0/01Goblin Stronghold
the leggings of Brashkallegs1/430Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the light gauntlets of Brashkalhands0/038Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the ring of decadencefinger6/680High Clerist Tower 2
the robes of Belzarchest6/650Travelling Faire!
the Shield of Truthshield4/665Vingaard Keep
the sleeves of Brashkalarms0/331Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the small buckler of Brashkalshield2/568Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the visor of Brashkalface0/050Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the white helm of solinarihead8/973Temple of the Undead