(Clasped) a solanthus guard cloak | neck | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Engraved) the breast plate of the Solanthus guard captain | chest | 4/1 | 5 | Solanthus |
(Flowing) a Solanthus guard cape | body | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Leather) the boots of silent walk | feet | 0/0 | 10 | Solanthus |
(Platinum Plated) An ornate pair of ceremonial gauntlets | hands | 6/6 | 80 | Vingaard Keep |
(Revolving) the Globe of Krynn | floating | 3/3 | 1 | Palanthas |
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard boots | feet | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard greaves | legs | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Steel) a solanthus city guard breast plate | chest | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Steel) a Solanthus city guard helm | head | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Steel) a Solanthus guard belt | waist | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Steel) a Solanthus guard bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Steel) a Solanthus guard shield | shield | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(stitched) a pair of golden pants | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Kendermore |
(Tanned) a beautiful fur cloak | neck | 4/4 | 50 | Travelling Faire! |
(Tanned) a deer-skin tunic | chest | 4/4 | 20 | Travelling Faire! |
(Woven) a bright green tunic | chest | 2/2 | 40 | Kendermore |
(Woven) a fur hat | head | 4/4 | 30 | Travelling Faire! |
(Woven) a pair of fur leggings | legs | 3/4 | 40 | Travelling Faire! |
a barbarian fur mantle | shoulder | 2/2 | 10 | Southwest Plains of Dust |
a barbarian robe | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Village of Que-Kiri |
a beaded necklace | neck | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a bedsheet cut to look like a ghost | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Sanguine Manor |
a belt etched with dragons | waist | 5/7 | 75 | Middle Hybardin |
a belt with a steel lock | waist | 3/3 | 12 | Solace Thieves Guild |
a black bandanna | head | 0/0 | 2 | Goblin Caverns |
a black dragonarmy uniform | chest | 2/2 | 20 | City of Lemish |
a black dragonmask | face | 1/1 | 5 | Eastwall Mountains |
a black horned helmet | head | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Province |
a black leather eyepatch | face | 0/0 | 46 | Middle Hybardin |
a black pearl earring | ear | 2/1 | 50 | Urione |
a black robe | chest | 7/4 | 40 | Sanction |
a black silk robe | body | 0/0 | 35 | Trigol |
a black silk robe | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Tower of Palanthas |
a black slavers robe | chest | 4/4 | 40 | Sanction |
a blindfold | face | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Thieves Guild |
a bloody torc | neck | 3/3 | 30 | Sanction |
a blue dragonsteel breastplate | chest | 4/4 | 33 | Sanction |
a blue horned dragonhelm | head | 7/7 | 75 | Sanction |
a blue robe | body | 2/2 | 5 | Central Thelgaard |
a blue silk belt | waist | 0/6 | 40 | Kurmost |
a blue silk robe | body | 0/0 | 40 | Kurmost |
a blue steel helmet | head | 1/1 | 6 | Sanction |
a book of brainteasers | held | 0/0 | 5 | Palanthas |
a book of dance | held | 0/0 | 5 | Palanthas |
a book of philosophy | held | 0/0 | 5 | Palanthas |
a book of physical fitness | held | 0/0 | 5 | Palanthas |
a bracer etched with the "Youngblood" symbol | wrist | 3/3 | 32 | Foghaven |
a brazen bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 15 | Pax Tharkas |
a broad, red sash | body | 4/4 | 32 | Estwilde |
a bronze helm of dragon kind | head | 4/4 | 65 | Foghaven |
a brown robe | chest | 0/0 | 1 | The village of Ash |
a ceramic bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a chain mail coif | head | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a chain mail coif | head | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a chain mail shirt | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a chain mail shirt | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a chain mail shirt | chest | 0/0 | 4 | City of Vingaard |
a chain mail shirt | none | 0/0 | 1 | Knight's High Road |
a chain mail skirt | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a circle of flame | wrist | 5/6 | 85 | Sea Caves of Zeboim |
a cloak bearing the symbol of Tarsis | body | 0/0 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
a cloak of displacement | neck | 7/7 | 54 | Sanction |
a cloth hat | head | 0/0 | 1 | Middle Hybardin |
a coiled piece of vine | wrist | 4/4 | 65 | City of Vingaard |
a constable's bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
a constable's leather belt | waist | 0/0 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
a cook's hat | head | 2/1 | 10 | Southwest Palanthas |
a copper hoop earring | ear | 1/1 | 1 | Sanction |
a coral bead girdle | waist | 7/7 | 63 | Urione |
A Crown made of Twigs and Thorns | head | 0/0 | 10 | Bloden Swamp |
a crude bone necklace | neck | 8/8 | 80 | Bloten |
a crystal circlet | head | 0/4 | 10 | Kurmost |
a dark goblin horned helmet | head | 0/1 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a dark green cloak | neck | 0/0 | 1 | Northern Kharolis Foothill |
a dark horned helmet | head | 0/1 | 1 | Marsh |
a deep green hood | head | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinesti Forest |
a deep red cape | body | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Caverns |
a deep red ioun stone | floating | 1/1 | 10 | Qualinost |
a dented up, rusted shield | shield | 1/4 | 35 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a diamond figurine of a Half-elf Dragonarmy cleric named Aquimer | held | 2/3 | 1 | Palanthas |
a dimensional cape | neck | 0/5 | 32 | Freeport |
a dirty canvas smock | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Lacynos |
a disgusting trinket | neck | 1/1 | 9 | City of Tarsis |
a draconian tooth earring | ear | 2/2 | 30 | Sanction |
a dragonarmor shield | shield | 0/0 | 20 | Pax Tharkas |
a dustmite's exoskeleton | shield | 0/0 | 10 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a Dwarven breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 16 | Dwarven Mine |
a Dwarven cape | body | 0/0 | 16 | Dwarven Mine |
a dwarven helm | head | 0/1 | 3 | City of Lemish |
a Dwarven iron helmet | head | 0/0 | 16 | Dwarven Mine |
a Dwarven miners cloak | neck | 0/0 | 6 | Dwarven Mine |
a Dwarven shield | shield | 0/0 | 16 | Dwarven Mine |
a dwarven steel shield | shield | 7/4 | 50 | Middle Hybardin |
a dwarven war shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a feather robe | body | 0/0 | 3 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a feathered headdress | head | 1/1 | 10 | Estwilde |
a filthy green cape | body | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a fine elven tunic | chest | 6/6 | 41 | Kurmost |
a fine pair of boots | feet | 0/0 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
a fire-etched mask | face | 6/6 | 80 | Daerforge |
a flowing cape | body | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a flowing Solamnic cloak | neck | 3/3 | 34 | Thelgaard Keep |
a flowing, sky-blue dress | chest | 1/1 | 11 | Qualinost |
a fox-skin hat with ear flaps | head | 0/0 | 15 | Plains of Abanasinia |
a fur skin cloak | body | 0/0 | 21 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a fur skin vest | chest | 0/0 | 21 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a ghostly headband of energy | head | 0/5 | 85 | Sanguine Manor |
a ghostly pair of gauntlets | hands | 1/2 | 7 | Darken Wood |
a giant-sized suit of bone armor | chest | 0/0 | 10 | Trigol |
a Globe of Patrolling | floating | 3/4 | 80 | Daerforge |
a glowing crystal globe | floating | 5/6 | 50 | Darken Wood |
a goblin chain mail shirt | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a goblin long chain mail skirt | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a goblin long scale mail skirt | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a goblin scale mail jacket | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a gold band | wrist | 0/0 | 11 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a Golden breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 15 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a golden cape | chest | 0/0 | 5 | Central Thelgaard |
a Golden kite shield | shield | 0/0 | 25 | Mudhole |
a Golden plated belt | waist | 0/1 | 25 | Mudhole |
a golden sash of metallic silk | waist | 6/6 | 34 | Palanthas |
a golden shield | shield | 0/1 | 5 | City of Vingaard |
a Golden shoulder pad | neck | 4/0 | 25 | Mudhole |
a Golden visored helmet | head | 4/0 | 25 | Mudhole |
a Golden wrist guard | wrist | 0/1 | 25 | Mudhole |
a green dragonleather helm | head | 1/1 | 3 | Kurmost |
a gryphon's feather | held | 2/3 | 15 | Darken Wood |
a gryphonshead visor | face | 4/2 | 31 | Qualinost |
a guardsman's helmet | head | 6/5 | 40 | Caergoth |
a hair tie | head | 0/0 | 1 | Kendermore |
a half-plate helmet | head | 2/4 | 40 | Lower Hybardin |
a hard leather cap | head | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a hard leather jerkin | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a heavy clipboard | held | 4/2 | 12 | Qualinost |
a heavy iron shield | shield | 1/3 | 15 | The Eastern Warrens |
a horned Solamnic helm | head | 4/5 | 44 | Thelgaard Keep |
a horned-topped helmet | head | 0/3 | 26 | Sentinel Peaks |
a huge rack of antlers | head | 4/5 | 40 | Darken Wood |
a huge suit of tusked bodyarmor | chest | 0/0 | 55 | Middle Hybardin |
a huge tortoise shell | shield | 6/5 | 55 | Northwest Plains of Dust |
a kender palace guard's breastplate | chest | 2/0 | 40 | Kendermore |
a large eagle kite shield | shield | 5/6 | 70 | Northern Warrens |
a large metal shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a large metal shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a large metal shield | shield | 0/1 | 5 | Lacynos |
a large metal shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Klarbardin |
a large metal shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Knight's High Road |
a large silver serving tray | shield | 0/0 | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a large steel shield | shield | 1/2 | 5 | Kurmost |
a leather axe sheath | waist | 7/6 | 50 | Meitol |
a leather battle skirt | legs | 1/2 | 2 | Kurmost |
a leather belt | waist | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a leather belt | waist | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a leather bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a leather bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a leather cap | head | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a leather cap | head | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a leather girdle | waist | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a leather halter top | chest | 3/4 | 14 | Darken Wood |
a leather headband | head | 0/0 | 15 | Plains of Abanasinia |
a leather helm | head | 1/2 | 2 | Kurmost |
a leather helm with iron bands | head | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a leather jerkin | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a leather jerkin | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a leather jerkin | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a leather skullcap | head | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a leather-bound journal | shield | 2/2 | 1 | Palanthas |
a light breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
a light chainmail shirt | chest | 0/0 | 5 | Qualinost |
a light leather tunic | chest | 0/0 | 70 | Solamnic Outpost |
a light, see-through gown | chest | 0/0 | 15 | Trigol |
a lightweight elven shield | shield | 0/0 | 5 | Qualinost |
a linen bandanna | head | 0/0 | 1 | Middle Hybardin |
a little red bow tie | neck | 0/0 | 2 | Lower Hybardin |
a long chain mail skirt | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a long cloister neckpiece | neck | 0/0 | 10 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a long grey cloak | neck | 8/8 | 80 | Estwilde |
a long scale mail skirt | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a long, hooded grey robe | chest | 4/4 | 30 | City of Lemish |
a loop of animal tendon | neck | 0/0 | 10 | Bloden Swamp |
a lovely hairband | head | 1/1 | 6 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a lovely paisley pirate style shirt | chest | 2/2 | 5 | Travelling Faire! |
a low ranking guard's vest | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Solanthus |
a low-cut black leather bra | shoulder | 0/0 | 22 | Trigol |
a mage's robe of electrical resistance | chest | 0/0 | 50 | Tantallon |
a mantle of Kingfisher feathers | shoulder | 2/1 | 5 | Bloden Swamp |
a mask of flesh | face | 0/0 | 20 | Bloden Swamp |
a metal-reinforced sword sheath | back | 1/4 | 20 | Southwest Plains of Dust |
a metallic belt | waist | 0/0 | 20 | Nordmaar |
a metallic mask | face | 0/0 | 20 | Nordmaar |
a metallic piece of armor | chest | 0/0 | 20 | Nordmaar |
a metallic shield | shield | 0/0 | 20 | Nordmaar |
a mojo rat | held | 2/2 | 1 | Gully, uhhh, Roma |
a necklace of strung cockroaches | neck | 0/0 | 1 | Gully, uhhh, Roma |
a new iron bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a new iron helm | head | 0/0 | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a nose ring | face | 0/0 | 5 | Trigol |
a ornate guards cloak | neck | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
a padded metal breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a pair of Albino armbands | arms | 5/6 | 75 | The Eastern Warrens |
a pair of Albino Glasses | face | 1/1 | 5 | Solace Thieves Guild |
a pair of Albino Light Gloves | hands | 2/2 | 5 | Southwest Palanthas |
a pair of Albino Shoes | feet | 1/1 | 5 | Northern Warrens |
a pair of Albino Sleeves | arms | 1/2 | 15 | Southwest Palanthas |
a pair of armored shoulderpads | shoulder | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a pair of barbed battle gauntlets | none | 5/5 | 40 | Sanction |
a pair of black dragonleather boots | feet | 6/3 | 40 | Kurmost |
a pair of black gloves | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Thieves Guild |
a pair of black leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a pair of black leather gloves | hands | 5/5 | 45 | Sanction |
a pair of black leather shoes | feet | 0/0 | 10 | Central Thelgaard |
a pair of black leather shoes | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Thieves Guild |
a pair of black leather vambraces | arms | 3/3 | 30 | Neraka Forest |
a pair of blue steel armbands | hands | 1/1 | 5 | Sanction |
a pair of bone vambraces | arms | 4/4 | 40 | Sanction |
a pair of boots from Istar | feet | 5/4 | 45 | Palanthas |
a pair of broken spectacles | face | 0/0 | 1 | Trigol |
a pair of carved granite armguards. | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a pair of casting tongs | held | 3/3 | 50 | Qualimori |
a pair of chain mail gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a pair of chain mail gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of chain mail sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a pair of chain mail sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of chainmail pants | legs | 0/0 | 7 | Lacynos |
a pair of corduroy pants | legs | 1/0 | 35 | Middle Hybardin |
a pair of crimson and black panties | waist | 3/2 | 22 | Trigol |
a pair of cute sandals | feet | 2/2 | 5 | Travelling Faire! |
a pair of Daergish splint armbands | arms | 0/0 | 30 | Middle Hybardin |
a pair of Daergish splint greaves | feet | 0/0 | 30 | Middle Hybardin |
a pair of Daergish splint leggings | legs | 0/0 | 30 | Middle Hybardin |
a pair of dragon boots | feet | 1/6 | 28 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a pair of Dwarven boots | feet | 0/0 | 16 | Dwarven Mine |
a pair of elven slippers | feet | 0/0 | 9 | Sentinel Peaks |
a pair of Ergothian gauntlets | hands | 4/4 | 15 | Palanthas |
a pair of explorer's boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a pair of fine leather gloves | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a pair of fur-lined icebear boots | feet | 6/4 | 55 | Icewall Glacier |
a pair of fur-lined sealskin gloves | hands | 5/4 | 55 | Icewall Glacier |
a pair of Gloves | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Kendermore |
a pair of goblin chain mail gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a pair of goblin chain mail sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a pair of goblin scale mail sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a pair of Golden armlets | arms | 4/1 | 25 | Mudhole |
a pair of Golden leggings | legs | 4/1 | 25 | Mudhole |
a pair of Golden plated boots | feet | 4/1 | 25 | Mudhole |
a pair of Golden spiked gauntlets | hands | 4/1 | 25 | Mudhole |
a pair of green dragonleather gloves | hands | 1/0 | 3 | Kurmost |
a pair of green dragonleather leg plates | legs | 1/1 | 4 | Kurmost |
a pair of green dragonleather riding boots | feet | 1/0 | 3 | Kurmost |
a pair of green leggings | legs | 1/2 | 40 | Kurmost |
a pair of guardsmans gloves | hands | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a pair of half-plate gloves | hands | 4/4 | 42 | Lower Hybardin |
a pair of hard leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of hard leather gloves | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of hard leather pants | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of hard leather sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of ingenius gnomish wings | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Travelling Faire! |
a pair of iron battle boots | feet | 0/0 | 4 | Middle Hybardin |
a pair of iron-bound boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of iron-plated boots | feet | 0/0 | 50 | Daerforge |
a pair of iron-plated gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 50 | Daerforge |
a pair of iron-plated leggings | legs | 0/0 | 50 | Daerforge |
a pair of iron-plated sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 50 | Daerforge |
a pair of large silk underwear | body | 1/4 | 24 | Lower Hybardin |
a pair of leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Solanthus |
a pair of leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a pair of leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Kendermore |
a pair of leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 15 | Central Thelgaard |
a pair of leather gloves | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a pair of leather gloves | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of leather hiking boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a pair of leather hiking boots | feet | 0/0 | 5 | The village of Ash |
a pair of leather pants | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a pair of leather pants | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of leather riding chaps | legs | 6/3 | 31 | Qualinost |
a pair of leather sandals | feet | 0/0 | 2 | Central Thelgaard |
a pair of leather shoes | feet | 0/0 | 10 | City of Tarsis |
a pair of leather shoes | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a pair of leather sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of leather vambraces | arms | 1/2 | 2 | Kurmost |
a pair of light leather leggings | legs | 0/0 | 70 | Solamnic Outpost |
a pair of metallic gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 20 | Nordmaar |
a pair of metallic leg plates | legs | 0/0 | 20 | Nordmaar |
a pair of odd looking pants | legs | 0/0 | 80 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a pair of pink leg warmers | legs | 2/2 | 5 | Travelling Faire! |
a pair of polished battle gauntlets | hands | 5/5 | 38 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a pair of polished iron sleeves | arms | 7/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a pair of polished leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a pair of polished steel greaves | legs | 5/6 | 38 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a pair of polished steel vambrances | arms | 3/3 | 38 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a pair of pulsating bone gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 35 | Trigol |
a pair of Qualinesti boots | feet | 6/7 | 40 | Sentinel Peaks |
a pair of Qualinesti-made gloves | hands | 0/0 | 40 | Qualimori |
a pair of reading glasses | face | 0/0 | 2 | Palanthas |
a pair of red dragonarmy leg plates | legs | 0/0 | 2 | Sanction |
a pair of red steel gauntlets | hands | 0/1 | 5 | Sanction |
a pair of red steel leg plates | legs | 1/2 | 17 | Sanction |
a pair of red steel vambraces | arms | 3/3 | 40 | Sanction |
a pair of reinforced boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of reinforced gloves | hands | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of riding boots | feet | 0/1 | 6 | City of Tarsis |
A Pair of Roc Claws | hands | 5/5 | 45 | Gryphon Veil |
a pair of rotting sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Gully, uhhh, Roma |
a pair of rusty chain-mail leggings | legs | 3/4 | 75 | Estwilde |
a pair of scale mail sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a pair of silver bracelets | arms | 2/2 | 20 | Kurmost |
a pair of silver vambraces | arms | 2/2 | 23 | Kurmost |
a pair of smashing green pants | legs | 2/2 | 5 | Travelling Faire! |
a pair of soft leather boots | feet | 1/2 | 2 | Kurmost |
a pair of soft leather shoes | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a pair of Solamnic riding boots | feet | 1/1 | 3 | Kurmost |
a pair of Solamnic war gauntlets | hands | 3/3 | 23 | Kurmost |
a pair of steel gauntlets | hands | 1/0 | 1 | City of Lemish |
a pair of steel leg plates | legs | 2/3 | 23 | Kurmost |
a pair of steel solamnic boots | feet | 0/0 | 80 | Solamnic Outpost |
a pair of steel solamnic gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 80 | Solamnic Outpost |
a pair of steel solamnic greaves | legs | 0/0 | 80 | Solamnic Outpost |
a pair of steel-toed boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Lacynos |
a pair of stinking goblin leggings | legs | 0/0 | 28 | Hopeful Vale |
a pair of strawberry-picking gloves | hands | 3/2 | 10 | Kendermore |
a pair of studded leather leggings | legs | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a pair of tattered boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Gully, uhhh, Roma |
a pair of traveling boots | feet | 0/0 | 5 | Qualinost |
a pair of well-used legplates | legs | 0/0 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
a pair of white silk gloves | hands | 0/0 | 15 | Trigol |
a pair of white silk pantaloons | legs | 2/0 | 10 | Trigol |
a pair of winged hooves | feet | 7/7 | 71 | Temple of the Undead |
a pair of worn out sandals | feet | 0/0 | 2 | Northern Warrens |
a Palanthian guard iron breast plate | chest | 7/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a Palanthian guards cape | body | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a Palanthian guardsman cloak | neck | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a Palanthian shield | shield | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a Palanthian swordsmans belt | waist | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a pearl necklace | neck | 8/8 | 90 | Sea Caves of Zeboim |
a pink ioun stone | floating | 1/1 | 10 | Lacynos |
a polished iron bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a polished steel bracer | wrist | 3/3 | 38 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a polished steel ring | finger | 3/3 | 40 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a Qualinesti-made breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 50 | Qualimori |
a rabbit-skin shirt | chest | 0/0 | 25 | Plains of Abanasinia |
a ragged animal hide | chest | 3/3 | 19 | Neraka Forest |
a red and black full helm | head | 0/0 | 60 | Northern Warrens |
a red bracer | wrist | 0/3 | 8 | Lower Hybardin |
a red cape | chest | 0/0 | 5 | Central Thelgaard |
a red chain mail coif | neck | 1/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a red corsette | chest | 2/2 | 10 | Lower Hybardin |
a red dragonarmor breastplate | chest | 4/6 | 45 | Northern Kharolis Foothill |
a red dragonarmy cape | chest | 1/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a red dragonarmy shield | shield | 1/1 | 1 | Sanction |
a red dragonarmy signet ring | finger | 2/2 | 15 | Sanction |
a red dragonarmy uniform | chest | 2/5 | 30 | Sanction |
a red dragonskin girth | waist | 3/3 | 17 | Bandit Area |
a red dragonsteel breastplate | chest | 4/4 | 33 | Sanction |
a red helmet | head | 1/0 | 10 | Lower Hybardin |
a red horned dragonhelm | head | 6/6 | 96 | Sanction |
a red leather belt | waist | 1/0 | 2 | Sanction |
a red leather vest | body | 3/3 | 20 | Sanction |
a red ribbon | head | 5/5 | 80 | Vingaard Keep |
a red silk sash | waist | 0/0 | 25 | Trigol |
a red steel helm | head | 1/1 | 10 | Sanction |
a red steel helmet | head | 3/3 | 35 | Sanction |
a red steel shield | shield | 3/4 | 30 | Sanction |
a red steel wristguard | wrist | 0/0 | 2 | Sanction |
a ring of the wilds | finger | 4/3 | 50 | Foghaven |
a ripped ogre's tunic | chest | 0/0 | 1 | The Ruins of Xak Khalan |
a rose-colored ioun stone | floating | 1/1 | 10 | Qualinost |
a round, rusty shield | shield | 6/7 | 83 | Estwilde |
a rusted and battered helmet | head | 2/2 | 35 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a rusty breastplate | chest | 2/0 | 8 | Hopeful Vale |
a rusty pot | head | 0/0 | 1 | Gully, uhhh, Roma |
a satin tunic | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a scale mail coif | head | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a scale mail jerkin | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a scratchy wool blanket | body | 0/0 | 10 | Plains of Abanasinia |
a servants robe | body | 0/0 | 1 | Kurmost |
a serving tray | shield | 3/4 | 33 | Qualinost |
a set of black steel armbands | arms | 3/3 | 40 | Sanction |
a set of Golden full platemail | chest | 4/0 | 25 | Mudhole |
a set of iron shoulderpads | shoulder | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
A set of Workman Leathers | chest | 3/3 | 50 | Qualimori |
a shadowy hood | face | 1/1 | 5 | Halloween Carnival |
a shaman's headdress | head | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinesti Forest |
a sharp lizards claw | ear | 3/3 | 65 | Sea Caves of Zeboim |
a shield with a klar emblem | shield | 0/0 | 80 | Klarbardin |
a Shinare's Perfect Diamond | held | 0/0 | 2 | Foghaven |
a shining silver shield | shield | 1/2 | 2 | Kurmost |
a short dwarven dress | body | 0/0 | 1 | Middle Hybardin |
a signet of the red dragonarmy | finger | 3/3 | 25 | Sanction |
a signet ring of Sargonnas | finger | 1/1 | 10 | Trigol |
a silk rope | shoulder | 0/0 | 5 | Lower Hybardin |
a silk shirt | chest | 0/0 | 15 | Caergoth |
a silk tunic | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a silver armguard | arms | 5/5 | 68 | Hopeful Vale |
a silver crested shield | shield | 3/4 | 23 | Kurmost |
a silver dragonhelm | head | 0/0 | 31 | Kurmost |
a silver helmet | head | 4/4 | 50 | The Eastern Warrens |
a silver robe | body | 2/2 | 5 | Central Thelgaard |
a silver silk belt | waist | 1/0 | 15 | Kurmost |
a silver studd earring | ear | 1/2 | 20 | Palanthas |
a small black helm | head | 0/0 | 10 | Bandit Area |
a small buckler | shield | 0/0 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
a small buckler | arms | 1/1 | 2 | Kurmost |
a small buckler | shield | 0/0 | 2 | Bandit Area |
a small metal shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a small metal shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Klarbardin |
a small steel shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Solanthus |
a small teddy bear | held | 3/3 | 65 | Vingaard Keep |
a small wooden shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a small wooden shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Klarbardin |
a Snakeskin Cloak | chest | 6/4 | 26 | Bloten |
a solamnic swordsmans belt | waist | 7/7 | 64 | City of Vingaard |
a solanthus guard vest | chest | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
a solanthus royal seal ring | finger | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
a Solanthus signet ring | finger | 0/0 | 1 | Solanthus |
a spectral helmet | head | 1/1 | 1 | Darken Wood |
a spiked buckler | shield | 0/4 | 21 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a spiked skull shoulderpad | shoulder | 0/0 | 1 | Trigol |
a stained travelling cloak | neck | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Province |
a standard bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard helmet | head | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard pair of boots | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard pair of leggings | legs | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard pair of sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard Qualinesti breastplate | none | 0/0 | 60 | Qualimori |
a standard Qualinesti cape | neck | 0/0 | 60 | Qualimori |
a standard Qualinesti cloak | back | 0/0 | 60 | Qualimori |
a standard Qualinesti helmet | head | 0/0 | 60 | Qualimori |
a standard Qualinesti shield | shield | 3/5 | 60 | Qualimori |
a standard Qualinesti signet ring | finger | 3/2 | 60 | Qualimori |
a standard shield | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard-issue Qualinesti bracer | wrist | 1/6 | 60 | Qualimori |
a standard-issue Qualinesti leather belt | waist | 3/4 | 60 | Qualimori |
a standard-issue set of leather armor | chest | 0/0 | 20 | Qualimori |
a steel mesh belt | waist | 2/2 | 12 | Sanction |
a steel shield | shield | 0/1 | 1 | City of Lemish |
a steel shield bearing the insignia of the Solamnic Knights | shield | 0/0 | 101 | Solamnic Outpost |
a steel solamnic breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 80 | Solamnic Outpost |
a steel solamnic greathelm | head | 0/0 | 80 | Solamnic Outpost |
a steel solanthus guard breast plate | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Solanthus |
a stiff leather breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a stinking goblin tunic | chest | 0/0 | 28 | Hopeful Vale |
a studded leather vest | chest | 7/5 | 50 | Palanthas |
a sturdy leather belt | waist | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a suit of ancient Solamnic armor | chest | 1/2 | 7 | Eastwall Mountains |
a suit of black full plate armor | chest | 0/0 | 45 | Mudhole |
a suit of bloodstained Magehunter platemail | body | 0/0 | 65 | Trigol |
a suit of bronze plated mail | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a suit of chainmail | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Marsh |
a suit of copper plated mail | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a suit of Daergish splint mail | chest | 0/0 | 30 | Middle Hybardin |
a suit of dwarven plate mail | chest | 0/0 | 2 | City of Lemish |
a suit of dwarvish platemail | body | 0/0 | 35 | Trigol |
a suit of full plate | chest | 0/0 | 88 | Hopeful Vale |
a suit of Gnomish leather armor | body | 0/0 | 35 | Trigol |
a suit of half-plate armor | chest | 2/5 | 50 | Lower Hybardin |
a suit of Hatori shell armor | body | 0/0 | 25 | Trigol |
a suit of heavy plate mail armor | chest | 0/0 | 55 | Northern Warrens |
a suit of jade plated mail | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a suit of krakenshell armor | chest | 4/8 | 82 | Hopeful Vale |
a suit of light plate mail armor | chest | 0/0 | 50 | Northern Warrens |
a suit of mithril chainmail | chest | 0/0 | 100 | Middle Hybardin |
a suit of Ornamented Armor | chest | 0/0 | 80 | Daerforge |
a suit of platemail armor | chest | 2/2 | 20 | Thelgaard Keep |
a suit of polished body armor | chest | 3/3 | 38 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a suit of red and black chainmail | body | 0/0 | 20 | Trigol |
a suit of silver armor | chest | 4/4 | 25 | Solamnic Plains |
a suit of silver armor | chest | 4/4 | 25 | Knight's High Road |
a tabard of the Lacynos watchguard | chest | 1/1 | 10 | Lacynos |
A tangerine relic belt | waist | 0/0 | 100 | Mudhole |
a tarnished breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 3 | Lacynos |
a tattered elven cloak | back | 5/5 | 50 | Northwest Plains of Dust |
a torn up dun colored cape | shoulder | 3/6 | 35 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a tower guard's belt | waist | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's boots | feet | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's cloak | body | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's gauntlets | hands | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's helmet | head | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's leggings | legs | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's pendant | neck | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's ring | finger | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's shield | shield | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a tower guard's sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a trash can lid | shield | 0/0 | 1 | Gully, uhhh, Roma |
a turban of white silk | head | 1/1 | 10 | Trigol |
a turqoise tunic | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a uniform of the blue watch | chest | 5/5 | 25 | Sanction |
a uniform of the Red Watch | chest | 5/5 | 25 | Sanction |
a uniform of the White Dragonarmy | chest | 7/6 | 57 | Icewall Glacier |
a velvet tunic | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a vomit stained shirt | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Gully, uhhh, Roma |
a warpstone bracer | wrist | 4/5 | 70 | Sanction |
a white apron | chest | 3/1 | 10 | Northern Kharolis Foothill |
a white apron | chest | 3/1 | 10 | Kurmost |
a white apron | neck | 2/0 | 54 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a white bracer | wrist | 0/0 | 22 | Northern Warrens |
a white silk belt | waist | 0/0 | 5 | Trigol |
a white stew stained apron | chest | 0/0 | 6 | Bandit Area |
a white tunic | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Kendermore |
a white-silk sash | shoulder | 1/1 | 25 | Trigol |
a wicked tattoo of a giant Condor | back | 0/0 | 20 | Trigol |
a wickedly spiked bracer | wrist | 3/3 | 40 | Sanction |
a wide brimmed adventurers hat | head | 3/3 | 30 | City of Vingaard |
a winged helmet | head | 0/0 | 40 | Middle Hybardin |
a woman's black teddy | chest | 0/0 | 35 | Lower Hybardin |
a wooden hoop earring | ear | 2/2 | 30 | Foghaven |
a worn leather cuirass | chest | 0/0 | 5 | Lacynos |
a Yellow belt etched with Leaves | waist | 4/4 | 40 | Gryphon Veil |
an admiral's cape | neck | 2/2 | 25 | Freeport |
an admiral's signet | finger | 3/3 | 25 | Freeport |
an Aesthetic's red velvet robe | body | 3/7 | 38 | Palanthas |
an Albino Bandanna | head | 2/1 | 5 | Sanguine Manor |
an Albino Breastplate | chest | 4/4 | 25 | Daerforge |
an Albino Faceplate | face | 1/2 | 31 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
an Albino Floating Pebble | floating | 3/3 | 55 | Lower Hybardin |
an Albino Kite Shield | shield | 4/2 | 25 | Isle of Mithas |
an Albino Plated Belt | waist | 3/4 | 25 | Mudhole |
an Albino Spired Helmet | head | 3/5 | 45 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
an Albino Talisman | neck | 2/4 | 20 | Caergoth |
an ancient bracer | wrist | 2/1 | 4 | Darken Wood |
an ancient horned helmet | head | 1/2 | 5 | Eastwall Mountains |
an apprentices robe | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
an Archer's Wristguard | wrist | 3/2 | 55 | Gryphon Veil |
an elite guard's armor | chest | 3/5 | 80 | Upper Hybardin |
an elven dress of crimson silk | chest | 0/0 | 20 | Trigol |
an embroidered cloak of blue crushed velvet | neck | 3/3 | 54 | Palanthas |
an embroidered cloth cloak | shoulder | 0/0 | 1 | Middle Hybardin |
an embroidered scarf | neck | 0/0 | 35 | Middle Hybardin |
an emerald helm | head | 0/0 | 26 | Freeport |
an emerald wristguard | wrist | 0/0 | 26 | Freeport |
an engraved bone breastplate | body | 0/0 | 15 | Trigol |
an engraved Solamnic breastplate | chest | 4/4 | 23 | Kurmost |
an exotic dress | chest | 3/2 | 20 | Trigol |
an expensive blue hat | head | 1/2 | 2 | Southwest Palanthas |
an expensive cape | body | 0/3 | 35 | Sanguine Manor |
an expensive dress | chest | 0/3 | 35 | Sanguine Manor |
an expensive red hat | head | 1/2 | 2 | Southwest Palanthas |
an expensive robe | body | 0/0 | 40 | Village of Ahlanost |
an incandescent blue ioun stone | floating | 1/1 | 10 | Southwest Plains of Dust |
an iron breastplate | chest | 0/0 | 10 | City of Tarsis |
an Iron Shoulderpad | neck | 1/0 | 2 | Goblin Caverns |
an ivory bracelet | wrist | 0/0 | 5 | Kendermore |
an ogre face mask | face | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
an ogre's girth | waist | 0/0 | 1 | The Ruins of Xak Khalan |
an oversized helmet | head | 0/0 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
an umberhulk's shell | chest | 0/0 | 83 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
armbands of the Volcanoes | arms | 0/0 | 12 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
bladed boots | feet | 5/5 | 32 | Freeport |
blue-dragon platemail | chest | 4/8 | 80 | Temple of the Undead |
ceramic headgear | head | 3/5 | 62 | Hopeful Vale |
cloak of the banshee | neck | 0/0 | 10 | Pax Tharkas |
Dante's Doom | chest | -5/-5 | 70 | Lower Hybardin |
detailed tattoos of burnt flesh | chest | 0/0 | 20 | Trigol |
Draconian Dragonscale | chest | 0/0 | 55 | Vingaard Mountains |
Draconian Shield | shield | 3/3 | 55 | Vingaard Mountains |
dwarvensteel sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 65 | Middle Hybardin |
Easa's Eye | held | 3/3 | 1 | Travelling Faire! |
elven chainmail sleeves | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Freeport |
emerald armor | chest | 0/0 | 26 | Freeport |
Emerau's woolen hose | legs | 0/0 | 5 | Palanthas |
enchanted chain armor | chest | 4/4 | 50 | Foghaven |
Fire Boots | feet | 0/1 | 6 | Goblin Caverns |
frost armor | chest | 4/4 | 25 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
fur skin leggings | legs | 0/0 | 21 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
gauntlets of accuracy | hands | 3/0 | 4 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
gauntlets of granite | hands | 0/3 | 10 | Bandit Area |
girdle of the sprite master | waist | 4/4 | 55 | Foghaven |
heavy iron shoulderpads | shoulder | 0/0 | 26 | Middle Hybardin |
iron leggings | legs | 0/0 | 3 | Middle Hybardin |
laced-up leather boots | feet | 0/0 | 22 | The village of Bazin |
leather vambraces | arms | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
light iron shoulderpads | shoulder | 0/0 | 25 | Middle Hybardin |
lord Vulture's wings | arms | 0/4 | 20 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
medallion of the kingfisher | neck | 0/0 | 75 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
mildly dented half-plate armor | chest | 0/0 | 40 | Thorbardin Core |
old rusty, battered body armor | chest | 0/5 | 35 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
phantom armor | chest | 0/0 | 15 | Pax Tharkas |
qualinesti-made boots | feet | 0/0 | 45 | Qualimori |
red and white striped pants | legs | 0/0 | 35 | Lower Hybardin |
sacramental robes | body | 2/2 | 15 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
scale mail | chest | 0/0 | 1 | Freeport |
Scale Mail made from a Deep Dragon | chest | 2/8 | 90 | Mudhole |
Senatorial Robes | chest | 5/5 | 25 | Qualinost |
sharkskin pants | legs | 0/2 | 15 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
soft white slippers | feet | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
some handmade fur boots | feet | 2/0 | 20 | Plains of Abanasinia |
spiked boots of Brashkal | feet | 10/0 | 70 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
standard Qualinesti boots | feet | 0/0 | 60 | Qualimori |
standard Qualinesti chain leggings | legs | 0/0 | 60 | Qualimori |
standard Qualinesti gloves | hands | 0/0 | 60 | Qualimori |
studded leather gauntlets | hands | 0/1 | 1 | Mud School |
Sudryl's Chains | legs | 3/5 | 95 | Qualimori |
Symbol of Branchala | neck | 2/2 | 80 | Qualimori |
the ancient white robes of a MageHunter | chest | 2/2 | 25 | Trigol |
the belt of Brashkal | waist | 0/0 | 1 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
the Book of Survival | held | 0/0 | 5 | Palanthas |
the boots of haste | feet | 0/0 | 4 | Solace Thieves Guild |
the circle of fire | waist | 0/0 | 1 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
the cloak of looting | body | 0/0 | 11 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
the cook's apron | body | 0/0 | 10 | Southwest Palanthas |
the fabled horns of Aurius | head | 3/3 | 1 | Palanthas |
the full plate mail of Brashkal | chest | 0/6 | 46 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
the girdle of might | waist | 2/3 | 4 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
the Great Crown of the Goblin King | head | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
the guise of death | face | 1/4 | 20 | Sanguine Manor |
the insignia of a dragonarmy captain | neck | 5/5 | 50 | Sanction |
the insignia of a dragonarmy colonel | neck | 7/7 | 70 | Sanction |
the insignia of a dragonarmy general | neck | 7/7 | 80 | Sanction |
the insignia of a dragonarmy major | neck | 6/6 | 60 | Sanction |
the leggings of Brashkal | legs | 1/4 | 30 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
the light gauntlets of Brashkal | hands | 0/0 | 38 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
the ring of decadence | finger | 6/6 | 80 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
the robes of Belzar | chest | 6/6 | 50 | Travelling Faire! |
the sash of the Thalas-Enthia | shoulder | 5/0 | 61 | Qualinost |
the seal of Schallsea | neck | 1/1 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
the sheriff's dragonleather belt | waist | 4/6 | 42 | Sentinel Peaks |
the Shield of Truth | shield | 4/6 | 65 | Vingaard Keep |
the sleeves of Brashkal | arms | 0/3 | 31 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
the small buckler of Brashkal | shield | 2/5 | 68 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
the Sphere of Astinus | floating | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
the storm cape | neck | 0/2 | 1 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
the thieves cloak | chest | 0/0 | 2 | Solace Thieves Guild |
the visor of a Dragon Highlord | head | 8/6 | 80 | Pax Tharkas |
the visor of Brashkal | face | 0/0 | 50 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
the white helm of solinari | head | 8/9 | 73 | Temple of the Undead |
white see-through gloves | hands | 0/0 | 5 | Lower Hybardin |