NameSlotFire RateDam BonusLevelZone
a dwarven shortbowwielded2810Northern Kharolis Foothill
a long bowwielded223Palanthas
a longbow called 'Tyorl's Special'wielded44560Village of Ahlanost
a longbow named "Raven's Fang"wielded21045Middle Hybardin
A longbow of firingwielded321Mudhole
a nomadic short bowwielded211City of Tarsis
a Qualinesti longbowwielded223Town of Schallsea
a short bowwielded201Palanthas
a solamnic longbowwielded2591Solamnic Outpost
a solamnic longbowwielded2545Vingaard Keep
a standard issue bowwielded2720The village of Bazin
a standard long bowwielded131Lower Hybardin
a sturdy pinewood longbowwielded21560Village of Ahlanost
a Tarsian long bowwielded223City of Tarsis
a training bowwielded501Southwest Palanthas
an elven longbowwielded2420Sentinel Peaks
an elven longbowwielded23540Kurmost
an oak longbowwielded222Palanthas Province
Samuval's bow "Hawkeye"wielded720100Palanthas