a beer steinheld3beer1Palanthas Thieves Guild
a bottle of Firewineheld30firebreather1City of Vingaard
a bottle of rumnone24rum1Caergoth
a buffalo water skinnone4water1Bloten
a can of pumpkin spice beernone0mead1Halloween Carnival
a flagonheld41ale10Caergoth
a glass of icewineheld6icewine1City of Lemish
a glass of orange juicenone2orange juice1City of Vingaard
a glass of vodkaheld12vodka1Thelgaard Keep
a jug of milkheld4milk1Caergoth
a jug of milkheld8milk1Southwest Palanthas
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Daerforge
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1City of Lemish
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Caergoth
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Knight's High Road
a large flask of dwarf spiritsheld3water1Knight's High Road
a large flask of lantern oilnone600lamp oil1Alphens
a large pitcher of beerheld5beer1City of Vingaard
a large rams hornheld2beer1City of Vingaard
a mug of aleheld2ale1Vingaard Keep
a mug of alenone3ale1City of Vingaard
a mug of aleheld5ale1City of Lemish
a mug of aleheld1ale1Thelgaard Keep
a mug of aleheld2ale1Knight's High Road
a mug of aleheld1ale1The village of Ash
a mug of beerheld2beer1Vingaard Keep
a mug of beernone12beer1Bloten
a mug of dark aleheld3dark ale1City of Lemish
a mug of meadheld2mead1Vingaard Keep
a mug of meadheld3mead1City of Lemish
a nice cool mug of dark aleheld1dark ale1City of Vingaard
a pintnone0beer1Caergoth
a pitcher of beernone7beer1Caergoth
a pitcher of waternone10water1Daerforge
a shot of rumnone1rum1Knight's High Road
a shot of vodkanone1vodka1Knight's High Road
a shot of whiskyheld0water1City of Lemish
a skin of wineheld20icewine1Thelgaard Keep
a skin of wineheld20icewine1The village of Ash
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Daerforge
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1City of Lemish
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Caergoth
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Bloten
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Knight's High Road
a small flash of lantern oilnone250lamp oil1Alphens
a small glass of cranberry juiceheld0cranberry juice1City of Lemish
a small glass of lemonadeheld0lemonade1City of Lemish
a small glass of orange juiceheld0orange juice1City of Lemish
a small leather canteennone4water1Alphens
a tankardheld8beer1City of Lemish
a tankard of "Paramount Rhum"none16rum1Daerforge
a tankard of 'Fire Stoker'none16firebreather1Daerforge
a tankard of 'Flesh Crawler'none8absinthe1Daerforge