a beer steinheld3beer1Palanthas Thieves Guild
a bottle of "Broken MiddleEarth"none48absinthe1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of "Charlie's Best"none6water1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of "Darkencoal" alenone20dark ale1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of "Dragon Queen's Wrath"none10local specialty1City of Tarsis
a bottle of "Gheosfe's Delight"none6dark ale1City of Tarsis
a bottle of "morning dew"none8mead1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of "Sally Forth"held11elvish wine1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of "Scurvey's Cure"held12water1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of "Shameless Passion"held7white wine1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of "silver twinkle"none50white wine1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of "Tarsis Ale"none6ale1City of Tarsis
a bottle of 'Kingfisher Champagne'held150champagne1High Clerist Tower 2
a bottle of 10-year old Qualinesti wineheld20framboise1Qualimori
a bottle of dwarven spiritsheld125absinthe1Northern Warrens
a bottle of firebreatherheld125firebreather1Northern Warrens
a bottle of Firewineheld30firebreather1City of Vingaard
a bottle of grogheld6rum1Sanction
a bottle of Huma's Banenone8dark ale1Sanction
a bottle of Huma's Banenone8dark ale1Palanthas
a bottle of Kagonesti Fire Starterheld20firebreather1Qualimori
a bottle of Kalamanian Redheld20red wine1Estwilde
a bottle of Qualimori winenone19elvish wine1Town of Schallsea
a bottle of rumnone3rum1Isles of the Pirate Lords
a bottle of rumnone24rum1Caergoth
a bottle of Sithel's special reservenone19elvish wine1Qualinost
a bottle of spirits named "Fester's Finest"none125absinthe1Middle Hybardin
a bottle of waterheld3water1Middle Hybardin
a bottle Saifumi meadheld20mead1Lacynos
a buffalo water skinnone4water1Sanction
a buffalo water skinnone4water1Town of Schallsea
a buffalo water skinnone4water1Palanthas
a buffalo water skinnone4water1Lacynos
a buffalo water skinnone4water1Bloten
a can of pumpkin spice beernone0mead1Halloween Carnival
a cool glass of waterheld1water1Fox's Den
a cup of alenone12ale1The Smilin' Mug
a cup of dark aleheld2dark ale1Village of Ahlanost
a cup of dark alenone12dark ale1The Smilin' Mug
a dwarven miner's flasknone43water10Dwarven Mine
a dwarven tankardheld4ale1Middle Hybardin
a dwarven-made tankardheld34water1Lower Hybardin
a extra-large mug of beerheld67beer1Lacynos
a fireballheld20firebreather1Sanction
a flagonheld41ale10Caergoth
a flask marked "XXXXX"held25water1Northern Khalkist Mountain
a flask of dwarf spiritsheld15water1Kurmost
a flask of dwarven spiritsheld50absinthe1Lower Hybardin
a flask of ice wineheld20icewine1Lower Hybardin
a flask of red wineheld8red wine1Solanthus
a flask of red wineheld8red wine1Sanction
a flask of whiskeyheld6water1Lower Hybardin
a frosty mug of aleheld10ale1Lacynos
a frosty mug of aleheld8ale1Kendermore
a frosty mug of aleheld1ale1Estwilde
a frosty mug of Neidar dark aleheld2dark ale1Town of Schallsea
a glass of brandyheld2brandy1Fox's Den
a glass of elven wineheld10elvish wine1Kurmost
a glass of Elvish wineheld3elvish wine1Village of Ahlanost
a glass of Freeport burgundynone3red wine1Freeport
a glass of Freeport chablisnone3white wine26Freeport
a glass of icewineheld6icewine1City of Lemish
a glass of orange juicenone2orange juice1City of Vingaard
a glass of vodkaheld12vodka1Thelgaard Keep
a huge jug of waterheld78water13Middle Hybardin
a jar of lamp oilheld10lamp oil1Kendermore
a jug of milkheld4milk1Caergoth
a jug of milkheld8milk1Southwest Palanthas
a keg of lemonadenone133lemonade1Icewall Glacier
a keg of root beernone104root beer1Lacynos
a large bottle of milkheld8milk1Solanthus
a large bottle of milkheld8milk1Kurmost
a large bottle of Tarsinian ice wineheld20icewine1Town of Schallsea
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Sanction
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Palanthas
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Lacynos
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Enravel Keep
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Daerforge
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1City of Lemish
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Caergoth
a large copper oil flasknone600lamp oil1Knight's High Road
a large flask of dwarf spiritsheld25firebreather1Palanthas
a large flask of dwarf spiritsheld25firebreather1Freeport
a large flask of dwarf spiritsheld3water1Knight's High Road
a large flask of lantern oilnone600lamp oil1Alphens
a large iron flask filled with whale fatnone600lamp oil1Dak Roth
a large jug of fresh goat's milkheld8milk1Town of Schallsea
a large mug of Tarsian root beerheld5root beer1City of Tarsis
a large pitcher of beerheld5beer1City of Vingaard
a large rams hornheld2beer1City of Vingaard
a large skin of Tarsian root beerheld37root beer1City of Tarsis
a large water skin made of leathernone4water1Dak Roth
a leather water skinnone4water1Qualinost
a MASSIVE mug of aleheld8ale1Qualinost
a minotaur-sized mug of aleheld67dark ale1Lacynos
a mug of aleheld5ale1City of Tarsis
a mug of alenone2ale1Northern Khalkist Mountain
a mug of aleheld2ale1Lower Hybardin
a mug of aleheld2ale1Vingaard Keep
a mug of alenone3ale1City of Vingaard
a mug of aleheld5ale1City of Lemish
a mug of aleheld1ale1Thelgaard Keep
a mug of aleheld2ale1Knight's High Road
a mug of aleheld1ale1The village of Ash
a mug of beernone12beer1The Smilin' Mug
a mug of beerheld2beer1Vingaard Keep
a mug of beernone12beer1Bloten
a mug of brown aleheld2ale1Sanction
a mug of dark aleheld3dark ale1City of Lemish
a mug of fresh lemonadeheld5lemonade1City of Tarsis
a mug of meadheld3mead1Solanthus
a mug of meadheld2mead1Vingaard Keep
a mug of meadheld3mead1City of Lemish
a mug of Ogre Meadheld1mead1Trigol
a mug of Olzby's special brewheld5mead1City of Tarsis
a mug of sailor's grognone4ale1Freeport
a nice cool mug of dark aleheld1dark ale1City of Vingaard
a pintnone0beer1Caergoth
a pint of "Broken Mountain Firebrether"held24firebreather1Middle Hybardin
a pint of "Everfrost Black Rhum"held24rum1Middle Hybardin
a pint of Mithas mulled brandynone37brandy1Dak Roth
a pint of Mithas spiced brandynone37brandy1Dak Roth
a pitcher of beernone7beer1Caergoth
a pitcher of waternone10water1Daerforge
a sap-filled gourdheld10orange juice1Qualimori
a shallow glass dishheld0water1Kendermore
a shot of mind foggerheld1absinthe1Estwilde
a shot of Red Dragon's Revengenone4firebreather1Estwilde
a shot of rumnone1rum1Knight's High Road
a shot of vodkaheld1vodka1Sanction
a shot of vodkaheld1vodka1Qualinost
a shot of Vodkaheld5vodka1Lower Hybardin
a shot of vodkanone1vodka1Knight's High Road
a shot of whiskeyheld1water1Northern Warrens
a shot of whiskeyheld0water1Lower Hybardin
a shot of whiskyheld0water1City of Lemish
a silver goblet of winenone4elvish wine1Kurmost
a silver sprite flaskheld200elvish wine1Qualinesti Forest
a skin of wineheld20icewine1Thelgaard Keep
a skin of wineheld20icewine1The village of Ash
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Sanction
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Town of Schallsea
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Palanthas
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Lacynos
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Daerforge
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1City of Lemish
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Caergoth
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Bloten
a small bronze oil flasknone250lamp oil1Knight's High Road
a small flash of lantern oilnone250lamp oil1Alphens
a small glass of cranberry juiceheld0cranberry juice1City of Lemish
a small glass of lemonadeheld0lemonade1City of Lemish
a small glass of orange juiceheld0orange juice1City of Lemish
a small kegnone67ale1Northern Khalkist Mountain
a small leather canteennone4water1Alphens
a small tankardnone50firebreather1Goblin Caverns
a stone mug of aleheld2dark ale1Village of Ahlanost
a tall pint of Mithian blood alenone12dark ale1Dak Roth
a tankardheld8beer1City of Lemish
a tankard of "Demon's Breath"none50rum1Middle Hybardin
a tankard of "Paramount Rhum"none16rum1Daerforge
a tankard of "Red Dragon Ale"none8ale1Middle Hybardin
a tankard of "Rising Action"held96slime mold juice1Middle Hybardin
a tankard of "Salamander Toes"none50firebreather1Middle Hybardin
a tankard of "Smelly Man's Millions"held50absinthe1Middle Hybardin
a tankard of "Ugly Duckling Brand"none6water1Middle Hybardin
a tankard of 'Fire Stoker'none16firebreather1Daerforge
a tankard of 'Flesh Crawler'none8absinthe1Daerforge
a waterskinheld62water5Trigol
a whalebone flasknone62water1Icewall Glacier
an ancient bottle of Istarian liquorheld50absinthe1Trigol
an ancient glass of elvish wineheld1elvish wine1Trigol
Kagonesti Forest Aleheld10dark ale1Qualimori
the Chalice of Bharishheld416milk1Palanthas
the everfull mugheld83ale18Isles of the Pirate Lords