a bag of trail mixheldutter crap201City of Tarsis
a batch of Sara's cookiesheldedible81Palanthas
a big pot pieheldutter crap201Palanthas
a blueberry danishhelddecent81Qualinost
a blueberry danishhelddecent81Palanthas
a blueberry iceheldutter crap201Travelling Faire!
a bottle of stewhelddecent401Middle Hybardin
a bowl of beef and onion stewheldedible251Central Thelgaard
a bowl of chicken soupheldbad141Northern Khalkist Mountain
a bowl of delicious stewheldedible201Travelling Faire!
a bowl of peanutsheldutter crap101City of Lemish
a bowl of rabbit stewheldedible231Northern Khalkist Mountain
a bowl of rabbit stewheldedible41Kendermore
a bowl of rabbit stewhelddecent301Estwilde
a bowl of stewheldutter crap201Caergoth
a breadhelddecent181Palanthas
a bread rollheldutter crap61City of Lemish
a bunch of bananasheldedible51Isles of the Pirate Lords
a bunch of grapesheldbad301City of Tarsis
a Bunch of RasberriesheldGood!201Gryphon Veil
a bunch of raspberriesheldedible51Western Qualinesti
a charbroiled ratheldutter crap201Gully, uhhh, Roma
a charred lizardheldGreat!405Gully, uhhh, Roma
a charred lizard gizzardheldedible101Halloween Carnival
a cherry iceheldutter crap201Travelling Faire!
a chicken pot pieheldutter crap201Lacynos
a chocolate cakeheldbad351City of Tarsis
a chocolate cookieheldbad101Enravel Keep
a chunk of venisonheldedible241Northern Kharolis Foothill
a cinnamon rollheldutter crap41Qualinost
a cinnamon rollheldutter crap41Town of Schallsea
a cinnamon rollheldutter crap41Palanthas
a cluster of grapesheldedible201Palanthas
a cooked steakheldbad101Caergoth
a crumb cakeheldGood!221Bloten
a delicious bassheldbad301Lacynos
a dried piece of meatheldGreat!155Trigol
a dwarven pot pieheldGood!401Middle Hybardin
a freshly baked troutheldGood!261Vingaard Keep
a fried chicken legheldutter crap51Knight's High Road
a fried fruit pieheldbad241City of Tarsis
a fruit saladheldutter crap151Sanction
a garlic necklaceneckGreat!1512Sanguine Manor
a giant 'mud' pieheldedible807Gully, uhhh, Roma
a giant cinnamon rollheldutter crap201Sanction
a giant mound of blubberheldedible721Isles of the Pirate Lords
a glazed hamhelddecent501Sanction
a goat heartheldedible101Halloween Carnival
a grape iceheldutter crap201Travelling Faire!
a half-dozen dwarven drop cookiesheldGreat!51Middle Hybardin
a head of lettucehelddecent401Knight's High Road
a hot apple pieheldedible401Sanction
a hot sizzling steakheldedible401Palanthas Thieves Guild
a hunger pillheldGood!401City of Lemish
a juicy peachheldutter crap31Qualinost
a juicy steakheldedible251Sanction
a large eggplantheldedible301Knight's High Road
a large meat pieheldutter crap201Qualinost
a large saladheldbad151Fox's Den
a large saladheldutter crap101City of Lemish
a large smoked salmonheldedible451Lacynos
a large steakheldedible201City of Lemish
a large venison steakheldedible301Town of Schallsea
a loaf of breadhelddecent181Sanction
a loaf of breadheldedible151Central Thelgaard
a loaf of breadheldedible151Caergoth
a loaf of fresh baked breadhelddecent301Lacynos
a loaf of garlic breadheldedible151Knight's High Road
a minced beef burritoheldbad201Enravel Keep
a pair of chocolate bat wingsheldedible105Halloween Carnival
a patch of candy cornheldGreat!31Southwest Palanthas
a pickled herringheldutter crap151Lacynos
a piece of baked troutheldbad151Estwilde
a piece of bbq chickenheldGood!51Travelling Faire!
a piece of bbq ratheldedible51Travelling Faire!
a piece of blood taffyheldedible105Halloween Carnival
a piece of condor rootheldGreat!31Plains of Mithas
a piece of muttonheldedible51Lower Hybardin
a piece of muttonheldedible51Goblin Caverns
a piece of salted smeltheldGood!401Caergoth
a piece of saltwater taffyheldGreat!11Caergoth
a piece of saltwater taffyheldGreat!11Caergoth
a piece of spicy quith-paheldGood!201Qualinost
a piece of steakheldedible101Lower Hybardin
a plague pot pieheldedible101Halloween Carnival
a plate of beefheldedible601City of Lemish
a plate of fried potato stripsheldedible301Palanthas Thieves Guild
a plate of gravy and dumplingsheldGreat!401Freeport
a plump melonheldutter crap201City of Tarsis
a poisoned appleheldedible101Halloween Carnival
a porterhouse steakheldutter crap201City of Tarsis
a pound of ground chuckheldutter crap101City of Tarsis
a Qualinesti danishhelddecent81Town of Schallsea
a rainbow troutheldedible301Estwilde
a rare t-bone steakheldedible241Fox's Den
a red appleheldutter crap61Southwest Palanthas
a red Qualinesti appleheldutter crap31Qualinost
a ripe peachheldutter crap101City of Tarsis
a roasted chicken legheldutter crap81Sanction
a roasted leg of lambheldedible51Kendermore
a roll of baked dwarven doughheldGreat!251Middle Hybardin
a serving of roast venisonheldedible301Central Thelgaard
a side of beefheldbad401City of Tarsis
a slab of uncooked meatheldedible351High Clerist Tower 2
a slice of apple pieheldutter crap101Knight's High Road
a slice of cooked hamheldutter crap101Knight's High Road
a slice of quith-paheldedible241Kurmost
a slice of roast beefheldedible401Northern Khalkist Mountain
a small food offeringheldedible11Nordmaar
a small troutheldutter crap201Meitol
a small troutheldutter crap201Dak Roth
a spicy pastryheldutter crap201Town of Schallsea
a steaming meat piehelddecent151Freeport
a strawberry iceheldutter crap201Travelling Faire!
a succulent piece of roasted deerheldedible101Qualinesti Forest
a sweet kender pastryheldutter crap151Town of Schallsea
a tomatoheldutter crap51Knight's High Road
a trail rationheldedible501City of Vingaard
a venison steakheldedible301Kurmost
a warm cinnamon rollhelddecent81Lacynos
a well cooked leg of lambheldGreat!71City of Vingaard
a yummy coconut cream pieheldedible451City of Tarsis
an appleheldutter crap101Kurmost
an elk steakhelddecent301Vingaard Keep
an elven kabobheldutter crap201Town of Schallsea
baby kraken tentaclesheldutter crap51Caergoth
cooked carrots in ciderheldbad201Central Thelgaard
dwarven miner's rationsheldedible2010Dwarven Mine
fried and salted urkhan fishheldbad101Middle Hybardin
fried chickenheldGreat!301Middle Hybardin
fubu Fish meatheldGreat!351Middle Hybardin
meat on a stickheldGreat!51City of Vingaard
mixed meatshelddecent151Lower Hybardin
mixed vegetablesheldedible61Middle Hybardin
salt and pepper salmonheldbad201Enravel Keep
slaad meatheldedible101Middle Hybardin
some brownish fungusheldGreat!51Middle Hybardin
some food fit for a dragonheldutter crap201Foghaven
some meatheldGreat!81Middle Hybardin
some mixed meatsheldGreat!301Middle Hybardin
some nuts and berriesheldedible11Caergoth
some pumpkin caramelsheldedible105Halloween Carnival
some seed of vengeanceheldGreat!31Plains of Mithas
some steaming turkeyheldedible301Kurmost
some various meatsheldGreat!51Daerforge
the leg of a boarhelddecent351Estwilde