a decaying shrunken headear20Halloween Carnival
a diamond ringfinger5Kendermore
a dragonscale earringear1Mud School
a garnet ringfinger9Middle Hybardin
a gold half-maskface10City of Tarsis
a golden "cross" earringear80Mudhole
a Golden ringfinger25Mudhole
a golden tiarahead40Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a grey half-maskface10City of Tarsis
a lapis lazuli ringfinger9Middle Hybardin
a red half-maskface10City of Tarsis
a ring of endurancefinger1Sanguine Manor
a ring of rough influencefinger55Daerforge
a ruby earringear5Kendermore
a Salamander Statueheld5Mudhole
a Seeker signet ringfinger30Sentinel Peaks
a silver baubled necklaceneck20Middle Hybardin
a silver necklace of Irda designneck5Lacynos
a single Golden dagger earringear25Mudhole
a small golden bellheld1Northern Warrens
a stolen starjewelneck54Icewall Glacier
a tiger-eye ringfinger1Mud School
a yellow half-maskface10City of Tarsis
an Albino Stud Earringear10Solace Thieves Guild
an emerald ringfinger9Middle Hybardin
an Istarian signet ringfinger5Lacynos
Britta's Ringfinger1Goblin Stronghold
claudia's bicep braceletarms50Solace
claudia's ringfinger50Solace
ring of the servantfinger70Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the Aetherflow circlet of Par-Salianhead1Palanthas
the black ring of deathfinger60Sanguine Manor
the earring of Nu-Aear Gurthear1Palanthas
the magic ring of Skolfinger1Palanthas
the mark of the head servantarms3Southwest Palanthas
the signet of a Merchant Housefinger40Kurmost
the Solace Thief's Guild Signet Ringfinger2Solace Thieves Guild