(Burning) A deviled eggnonearmor, shield, teleport, blindness10Qualimori
(Dried) some red herbsnonegiant strength, haste1Solanthus
a bag of bat guanononecorpse visage, flameshield50Gully, uhhh, Roma
a bag of red herbsnonegiant strength, refresh, haste1Qualinost
a Blackberryheldcancellation30Gryphon Veil
a blue herbhelddetect invis, detect hidden, detect good, detect evil1City of Tarsis
a blue lizard tonguenonesanctuary1Freeport
a blue pillheldcalm1Palanthas Surrounds
a blue powdernonerefresh1Village of Que-Kiri
a bowl of blue slimenonegiant strength, refresh, haste1Qualinost
a bunch of purple herbsheldinvisibility, refresh1City of Tarsis
a carrotnonecure blindness1Knight's High Road
a carrotnonecure blindness1Palanthas Surrounds
a chute of aloe veraheldheal1Sanguine Manor
a delicious red appleheldcure critical, cure serious, cure light1Palanthas Surrounds
a diseased piece of rat meatnoneplague, sanctuary30Halloween Carnival
a gizzardnoneheal19Isles of the Pirate Lords
a green and blue berrynonecure serious1Daerforge
a green lizard tonguenonepoison1Freeport
a grey herbnonestone skin1City of Lemish
a hairy yellow biscuitnonerefresh, haste, protection1Trigol
a healing herbheldcure critical1Solanthus
a holy wafernonebless1Freeport
a nutnonesanctuary, stone skin, shield, armor1Mudhole
a package of green herbs labeled "Hulk"nonegiant strength, frenzy1Bloten
a patch of blackish fungusnonedetect hidden, detect invis1The Eastern Warrens
a patch of bluish fungusnonegiant strength, shield1The Eastern Warrens
a patch of greenish fungusnonehaste1The Eastern Warrens
a patch of purplish fungusnonecure light, word of recall1The Eastern Warrens
a patch of reddish fungusnonearmor, stone skin1The Eastern Warrens
a patch of reddish fungusnonearmor, stone skin1Northern Warrens
a piece of mint chocolatenonecure serious, cure serious5Halloween Carnival
a piece of taffyhelddetect hidden1Kendermore
a pile of golden spicenonetrue sight15Caergoth
a pile of magik horse 'mud'nonehaste, giant strength1Gully, uhhh, Roma
a pile of yellow powdernonefly, frenzy1City of Tarsis
a purple streaked herbnone1City of Vingaard
a rat turdnonesanctuary1Gully, uhhh, Roma
a red and black berrynonecure critical1Daerforge
a red herbnonehaste1City of Vingaard
a red lizard tonguenonecurse1Freeport
a red pillheldfrenzy1Palanthas Surrounds
a silvery herbnoneinvisibility1Solanthus
a slimy wormnoneword of recall1Gully, uhhh, Roma
a small candynonecure critical, giant strength, teleport1Southwest Palanthas
a small Chokeberrynoneslow30Gryphon Veil
a small packet of blue spice labeled "Escape"noneteleport1Lacynos
a small packet of red spice labeled "Titanix"nonegiant strength1Lacynos
a small packet of white spice labeled "Flash"nonehaste1Lacynos
a small packet of yellow spice labeled "Rage"nonefrenzy1Lacynos
a small pile of goatweedheldshield10Dak Roth
a smooshy green marblenonegiant strength, cure poison, cure disease, cure blindness1Lower Hybardin
a soap-on-a-ropeneckcancellation, poison1Sanction
a spicy peppernonefrenzy1Knight's High Road
a stinky clump of magik dragon mudnoneunderstand tongues, detect invis5Gully, uhhh, Roma
a sweet strawberrynonecure light, refresh1Kendermore
a tiny yellow berryheldcancellation1City of Vingaard
a translucent herbnonecure critical1City of Vingaard
a white herbnonedetect good, detect neutral, detect evil1City of Lemish
a wriggling desert slug dinnerheld1Trigol
a yellow herbnonegiant strength1City of Vingaard
an energy barnonehaste, frenzy1Estwilde
an energy pillnonerefresh1Kurmost
an herb called "dander"nonecorpse visage1Mudhole
an onionnonecure disease1Knight's High Road
beetle dungnoneblindness, blindness, weaken1Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
boiled ginsengnonefrenzy1Middle Hybardin
Cotton Candyheldgiant strength1Kendermore
red and green mixed herbsnonehaste, giant strength, stone skin1Southwest Palanthas
red fungusnoneword of recall25Thorbardin Core
some blackish herbsnoneblindness1The village of Ash
some bluish herbsnonebless1The village of Ash
some delicious looking candyheldheal, heal, cure disease, cure poison40Foghaven
some fungusnonegiant strength, frenzy1Middle Hybardin
some grayish herbsnonegiant strength, poison1The village of Ash
some green slimey fungusnonecure light, cure serious1Daerforge
some orangish herbsnonecure light1The village of Ash
some petrified bat wingsnonefly1Palanthas Sewers
some pinkish herbsnonecure poison, poison1The village of Ash
some purplish herbsnonechange sex1The village of Ash
some reddish herbsnonedetect magic1The village of Ash
some strange growing fungusnonehaste, confusion, curse10Middle Hybardin
some tea leavesnonerefresh, haste10Plains of Abanasinia
some yellowish herbsnonefly, haste, sanctuary1The village of Ash
the eye of an Ergothian frognonehaste, change sex, weaken, refresh10Qualimori
the pill of stupidityheldblindness, confusion, heat metal1Mudhole
thorbardin slugnonecorpse visage1Middle Hybardin