a black potionnoneheal, cure critical1Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a black potionheldcure disease1City of Vingaard
a blinding white potionnoneblindness5Palanthas Sewers
a bright green potionheldshield1City of Vingaard
a bright potionheldunderstand tongues1City of Lemish
a bright red potionheldcure disease1City of Lemish
a clear tubenoneunderstand tongues, translate15Caergoth
a frothing black potionheldcurse, heal, remove curse1Goblin Stronghold
a golden potionheld1City of Vingaard
a grey potionheldteleport1City of Lemish
a healing balmheldcure critical1Bloten
a large glass flask of airheldwater breathe5Caergoth
a light pink potionheld8City of Vingaard
a potion of cancellationnonecancellation1Palanthas Sewers
a potion of healingheldcure critical1Daerforge
a potion of recallheldword of recall1City of Lemish
a potion of revealinghelddetect invis1Bloten
a Potion of sleepnonesleep1Bloten
a shimmering grey potionheldtrue sight1Travelling Faire!
a silver potionnoneshield, armor1Daerforge
a small bottle of rare poisonheldpoison, frenzy50Halloween Carnival
a small vial of airheldwater breathe1Caergoth
a vial of a strange green goononeweaken, earthshield50Halloween Carnival
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Daerforge
aged Winenonesanctuary1Southwest Palanthas
an azure bottlenonefly, haste, giant strength10Caergoth
an empty beakerheld1Palanthas Sewers
an empty glass vialheld1Bloten
an energy drinkheldrefresh, refresh1City of Vingaard
an energy shotheldrefresh1Bloten
Helga's Massage Oilheldstone skin, armor, refresh1Travelling Faire!
orange fizzynonecure blindness, cure poison, cure disease10Caergoth
potion of the agesnonecancellation, cure serious1Nordmaar
red X Stoutnonecancellation, cancellation, cancellation80Caergoth