(Bubbling) A green potionnonegiant strength, fly, change sex, slow10Qualimori
a black potionnoneblindness, sanctuary, giant strength1Northern Kharolis Foothill
a black potionnoneheal, cure critical1Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a black potionheldcure disease1City of Vingaard
a blinding white potionnoneblindness5Palanthas Sewers
a blue potionnonecure poison, cure critical, cure critical1Qualinesti Forest
a bottle labeled "The Red Bull"heldrefresh1Qualinost
a bottle of antidoteheldcure poison, cure poison, cure disease, cure disease1Sanction
a bottle of antidoteheldcure poison, cure poison, cure disease, cure disease1Town of Schallsea
a bottle of antidoteheldcure poison, cure poison, cure disease, cure disease1Palanthas
a bottle of black inkheldstone skin, pass door, curse1Palanthas
a bottle of discolored liquidhelddetect good, detect neutral, detect evil1Lower Hybardin
a bottle of liquid speednonehaste8Lacynos
a bottle of sparkling waterheldrefresh1Qualinost
a bottle of yellow fluidheldunderstand tongues30Trigol
a bottle with Strawberry smelling liquidheld1Lower Hybardin
a bright blue potionnonerefresh, refresh1Solamnic Plains
a bright green potionheldshield1City of Vingaard
a bright orange potionheldteleport1Qualinost
a bright potionheldunderstand tongues1City of Lemish
a bright red potionheldcure disease1City of Lemish
a brilliant white potionnoneprotection25Icewall Glacier
a bubbling black potionnonechange sex, stone skin1Mudhole
a bubbling blue potionnonefree action30Icewall Glacier
a bubbling potionheldcure critical1City of Tarsis
a bubbling red potionnonehaste, giant strength35Icewall Glacier
a bubbling red potion with a gold sealheldinfravision, translate, understand tongues15Dak Roth
a bulb shaped potion filled with swirling green liquidheldhaste, giant strength10Meitol
a bur colored potionheldcure blindness1Goblin Caverns
a cherry slushieheldfly1Kendermore
a clear potionnonedetect invis20Icewall Glacier
a clear tubenoneunderstand tongues, translate15Caergoth
a cup of iced coffeeheldhaste1Kendermore
a cup of Tamexnoneconfusion, giant strength, frenzy15Klarbardin
a deep purple potionheldcure critical, detect invis1Pax Tharkas
a frothing black potionheldcurse, heal, remove curse1Goblin Stronghold
a frothing green potionnonepoison1Klarbardin
a glowing white potionheldcure critical1Kurmost
a golden potionnonetrue sight15Qualinost
a golden potionheld1City of Vingaard
a grey potionheldteleport1City of Lemish
a healing balmheldcure critical1Bloten
a large glass flask of airheldwater breathe5Caergoth
a light pink potionheld8City of Vingaard
a long vial filled with bubbling white liquidheldarmor, shield10Meitol
a magenta potionhelddetect hidden, cure blindness1High Clerist Tower 1
a misty potionnoneheal1Eastwall Mountains
a muave potionheldhaste, cure serious1City of Tarsis
a murky brown potionheldword of recall, slow poison10Meitol
a murky green potionnonecure critical1Marsh
a murky potionhelddetect invis1Qualinost
a murky red potionnonereserved1Solamnic Plains
a nullifying potionheldcancellation1Lacynos
a potion of armorheldarmor1Sanction
a potion of armorheldarmor1Town of Schallsea
a potion of armorheldarmor1Palanthas
a potion of cancellationheldcancellation1Sanction
a potion of cancellationheldcancellation1Palanthas
a potion of cancellationnonecancellation1Palanthas Sewers
a potion of clear visionheldcure blindness1Lacynos
a potion of cure blindnessheldcure blindness1Sanction
a potion of cure blindnessheldcure blindness1Town of Schallsea
a potion of cure blindnessheldcure blindness1Palanthas
a potion of cure critical woundsheldcure critical1Sanction
a potion of cure critical woundsheldcure critical1Palanthas
a potion of cure critical woundsheldcure critical1Lacynos
a potion of cure light woundsheldcure light1Sanction
a potion of cure light woundsheldcure light1Palanthas
a potion of cure light woundsheldcure light1Lacynos
a potion of cure serious woundsheldcure serious1Sanction
a potion of cure serious woundsheldcure serious1Palanthas
a potion of cure serious woundsheldcure serious1Lacynos
a potion of defenseheldarmor1Lacynos
a potion of flightheldfly1Lacynos
a potion of flyingheldfly1Sanction
a potion of flyingheldfly1Palanthas
a potion of healingheldcure critical1Town of Schallsea
a potion of healingheldcure critical1Palanthas
a potion of healingheldheal1Lacynos
a potion of healingheldcure critical1Klarbardin
a potion of healingheldcure critical1Daerforge
a potion of recallheldword of recall1Sanction
a potion of recallheldword of recall1Town of Schallsea
a potion of recallheldword of recall1City of Tarsis
a potion of recallheldword of recall1Palanthas
a potion of recallheldword of recall1Kurmost
a potion of recallheldword of recall1Klarbardin
a potion of recallheldword of recall1Enravel Keep
a potion of recallheldword of recall1City of Lemish
a potion of returningheldword of recall1Lacynos
a potion of revealinghelddetect invis1Bloten
a Potion of sleepnonesleep1Bloten
a potion of the Cleristnoneheal, haste, armor, shield80High Clerist Tower 2
a potion of the stormheldcalm20City of Tarsis
a red and black potion in a clouded vialheldbless, protection35Dak Roth
a refreshing beverageheldrefresh1Town of Schallsea
a refreshing bottle of waterheldrefresh1Northwest Plains of Dust
a refreshing potionheldrefresh1Sanction
a refreshing potionheldrefresh1Qualinost
a refreshing potionheldrefresh1City of Tarsis
a refreshing potionheldrefresh1Palanthas
a refreshing potionheldrefresh1Lacynos
a refreshing potionheldrefresh1Enravel Keep
a shimmering grey potionheldtrue sight1Travelling Faire!
a silver potionnoneshield, armor1Daerforge
a silvery colored potionnonefly1Solamnic Plains
a silvery potionhelddetect evil, protection evil1Kurmost
a small bottle of green liquidhelddetect hidden1Lower Hybardin
a small bottle of rare poisonheldpoison, frenzy50Halloween Carnival
a small red vialheldcure light, cure light10Meitol
a small vial of airheldwater breathe1Caergoth
a sparkling potionheldword of recall1Qualinost
a tall green potionheldteleport20Dak Roth
a tube full of yellow slimeheldgiant strength, protection, cure serious30Trigol
a vial of a strange green goononeweaken, earthshield50Halloween Carnival
a vial of holy waterheldprotection evil, bless20Sanguine Manor
a vial of holy waterheldbless, protection evil, remove curse1Sanction
a vial of holy waterheldbless, protection evil, remove curse1Palanthas
a vial of holy waterheldbless, protection evil, remove curse1Klarbardin
a vial of queer smelling liquidheldpoison, slow, sanctuary, fear1Mudhole
a vial of sanctitynonesanctuary, stone skin, shield25Hopeful Vale
a vial of slimenonedetect invis, detect hidden, faerie fire1Mudhole
a vial of unholy waterheldbless, protection good, remove curse1Lacynos
a vial of yellow fluidheldreserved, detect magic, detect invis20Trigol
a vial with the spirit essence of Karyn Eldnoneflameshield, frenzy80Sanguine Manor
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Sanction
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Palanthas
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Lacynos
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Middle Hybardin
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Lower Hybardin
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Kurmost
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Klarbardin
a yellow potion of see invisiblehelddetect invis1Daerforge
aged Winenonesanctuary1Middle Hybardin
aged Winenonesanctuary1Southwest Palanthas
an anti-affliction potionheldcure poison, cure poison, cure disease, cure disease1Lacynos
an azure bottlenonefly, haste, giant strength10Caergoth
an empty beakerheld1Palanthas Sewers
an empty glass vialheld1Palanthas
an empty glass vialheld1Mudhole
an empty glass vialheld1Enravel Keep
an empty glass vialheld1Bloten
an empty vialheld1Town of Schallsea
an energy drinkheldrefresh, refresh1City of Vingaard
an energy shotheldrefresh1Bloten
Helga's Massage Oilheldstone skin, armor, refresh1Travelling Faire!
orange fizzynonecure blindness, cure poison, cure disease10Caergoth
potion of the agesnonecancellation, cure serious1Nordmaar
red X Stoutnonecancellation, cancellation, cancellation80Caergoth
wispy potionnonesanctuary10Sentinel Peaks