(Bubbling) A green potion | none | giant strength, fly, change sex, slow | 10 | Qualimori |
a black potion | none | blindness, sanctuary, giant strength | 1 | Northern Kharolis Foothill |
a black potion | none | heal, cure critical | 1 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a black potion | held | cure disease | 1 | City of Vingaard |
a blinding white potion | none | blindness | 5 | Palanthas Sewers |
a blue potion | none | cure poison, cure critical, cure critical | 1 | Qualinesti Forest |
a bottle labeled "The Red Bull" | held | refresh | 1 | Qualinost |
a bottle of antidote | held | cure poison, cure poison, cure disease, cure disease | 1 | Sanction |
a bottle of antidote | held | cure poison, cure poison, cure disease, cure disease | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a bottle of antidote | held | cure poison, cure poison, cure disease, cure disease | 1 | Palanthas |
a bottle of black ink | held | stone skin, pass door, curse | 1 | Palanthas |
a bottle of discolored liquid | held | detect good, detect neutral, detect evil | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a bottle of liquid speed | none | haste | 8 | Lacynos |
a bottle of sparkling water | held | refresh | 1 | Qualinost |
a bottle of yellow fluid | held | understand tongues | 30 | Trigol |
a bottle with Strawberry smelling liquid | held | | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a bright blue potion | none | refresh, refresh | 1 | Solamnic Plains |
a bright green potion | held | shield | 1 | City of Vingaard |
a bright orange potion | held | teleport | 1 | Qualinost |
a bright potion | held | understand tongues | 1 | City of Lemish |
a bright red potion | held | cure disease | 1 | City of Lemish |
a brilliant white potion | none | protection | 25 | Icewall Glacier |
a bubbling black potion | none | change sex, stone skin | 1 | Mudhole |
a bubbling blue potion | none | free action | 30 | Icewall Glacier |
a bubbling potion | held | cure critical | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a bubbling red potion | none | haste, giant strength | 35 | Icewall Glacier |
a bubbling red potion with a gold seal | held | infravision, translate, understand tongues | 15 | Dak Roth |
a bulb shaped potion filled with swirling green liquid | held | haste, giant strength | 10 | Meitol |
a bur colored potion | held | cure blindness | 1 | Goblin Caverns |
a cherry slushie | held | fly | 1 | Kendermore |
a clear potion | none | detect invis | 20 | Icewall Glacier |
a clear tube | none | understand tongues, translate | 15 | Caergoth |
a cup of iced coffee | held | haste | 1 | Kendermore |
a cup of Tamex | none | confusion, giant strength, frenzy | 15 | Klarbardin |
a deep purple potion | held | cure critical, detect invis | 1 | Pax Tharkas |
a frothing black potion | held | curse, heal, remove curse | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a frothing green potion | none | poison | 1 | Klarbardin |
a glowing white potion | held | cure critical | 1 | Kurmost |
a golden potion | none | true sight | 15 | Qualinost |
a golden potion | held | | 1 | City of Vingaard |
a grey potion | held | teleport | 1 | City of Lemish |
a healing balm | held | cure critical | 1 | Bloten |
a large glass flask of air | held | water breathe | 5 | Caergoth |
a light pink potion | held | | 8 | City of Vingaard |
a long vial filled with bubbling white liquid | held | armor, shield | 10 | Meitol |
a magenta potion | held | detect hidden, cure blindness | 1 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a misty potion | none | heal | 1 | Eastwall Mountains |
a muave potion | held | haste, cure serious | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a murky brown potion | held | word of recall, slow poison | 10 | Meitol |
a murky green potion | none | cure critical | 1 | Marsh |
a murky potion | held | detect invis | 1 | Qualinost |
a murky red potion | none | reserved | 1 | Solamnic Plains |
a nullifying potion | held | cancellation | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of armor | held | armor | 1 | Sanction |
a potion of armor | held | armor | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a potion of armor | held | armor | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of cancellation | held | cancellation | 1 | Sanction |
a potion of cancellation | held | cancellation | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of cancellation | none | cancellation | 1 | Palanthas Sewers |
a potion of clear vision | held | cure blindness | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of cure blindness | held | cure blindness | 1 | Sanction |
a potion of cure blindness | held | cure blindness | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a potion of cure blindness | held | cure blindness | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of cure critical wounds | held | cure critical | 1 | Sanction |
a potion of cure critical wounds | held | cure critical | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of cure critical wounds | held | cure critical | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of cure light wounds | held | cure light | 1 | Sanction |
a potion of cure light wounds | held | cure light | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of cure light wounds | held | cure light | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of cure serious wounds | held | cure serious | 1 | Sanction |
a potion of cure serious wounds | held | cure serious | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of cure serious wounds | held | cure serious | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of defense | held | armor | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of flight | held | fly | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of flying | held | fly | 1 | Sanction |
a potion of flying | held | fly | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of healing | held | cure critical | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a potion of healing | held | cure critical | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of healing | held | heal | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of healing | held | cure critical | 1 | Klarbardin |
a potion of healing | held | cure critical | 1 | Daerforge |
a potion of recall | held | word of recall | 1 | Sanction |
a potion of recall | held | word of recall | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a potion of recall | held | word of recall | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a potion of recall | held | word of recall | 1 | Palanthas |
a potion of recall | held | word of recall | 1 | Kurmost |
a potion of recall | held | word of recall | 1 | Klarbardin |
a potion of recall | held | word of recall | 1 | Enravel Keep |
a potion of recall | held | word of recall | 1 | City of Lemish |
a potion of returning | held | word of recall | 1 | Lacynos |
a potion of revealing | held | detect invis | 1 | Bloten |
a Potion of sleep | none | sleep | 1 | Bloten |
a potion of the Clerist | none | heal, haste, armor, shield | 80 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a potion of the storm | held | calm | 20 | City of Tarsis |
a red and black potion in a clouded vial | held | bless, protection | 35 | Dak Roth |
a refreshing beverage | held | refresh | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a refreshing bottle of water | held | refresh | 1 | Northwest Plains of Dust |
a refreshing potion | held | refresh | 1 | Sanction |
a refreshing potion | held | refresh | 1 | Qualinost |
a refreshing potion | held | refresh | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a refreshing potion | held | refresh | 1 | Palanthas |
a refreshing potion | held | refresh | 1 | Lacynos |
a refreshing potion | held | refresh | 1 | Enravel Keep |
a shimmering grey potion | held | true sight | 1 | Travelling Faire! |
a silver potion | none | shield, armor | 1 | Daerforge |
a silvery colored potion | none | fly | 1 | Solamnic Plains |
a silvery potion | held | detect evil, protection evil | 1 | Kurmost |
a small bottle of green liquid | held | detect hidden | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a small bottle of rare poison | held | poison, frenzy | 50 | Halloween Carnival |
a small red vial | held | cure light, cure light | 10 | Meitol |
a small vial of air | held | water breathe | 1 | Caergoth |
a sparkling potion | held | word of recall | 1 | Qualinost |
a tall green potion | held | teleport | 20 | Dak Roth |
a tube full of yellow slime | held | giant strength, protection, cure serious | 30 | Trigol |
a vial of a strange green goo | none | weaken, earthshield | 50 | Halloween Carnival |
a vial of holy water | held | protection evil, bless | 20 | Sanguine Manor |
a vial of holy water | held | bless, protection evil, remove curse | 1 | Sanction |
a vial of holy water | held | bless, protection evil, remove curse | 1 | Palanthas |
a vial of holy water | held | bless, protection evil, remove curse | 1 | Klarbardin |
a vial of queer smelling liquid | held | poison, slow, sanctuary, fear | 1 | Mudhole |
a vial of sanctity | none | sanctuary, stone skin, shield | 25 | Hopeful Vale |
a vial of slime | none | detect invis, detect hidden, faerie fire | 1 | Mudhole |
a vial of unholy water | held | bless, protection good, remove curse | 1 | Lacynos |
a vial of yellow fluid | held | reserved, detect magic, detect invis | 20 | Trigol |
a vial with the spirit essence of Karyn Eld | none | flameshield, frenzy | 80 | Sanguine Manor |
a yellow potion of see invisible | held | detect invis | 1 | Sanction |
a yellow potion of see invisible | held | detect invis | 1 | Palanthas |
a yellow potion of see invisible | held | detect invis | 1 | Lacynos |
a yellow potion of see invisible | held | detect invis | 1 | Middle Hybardin |
a yellow potion of see invisible | held | detect invis | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a yellow potion of see invisible | held | detect invis | 1 | Kurmost |
a yellow potion of see invisible | held | detect invis | 1 | Klarbardin |
a yellow potion of see invisible | held | detect invis | 1 | Daerforge |
aged Wine | none | sanctuary | 1 | Middle Hybardin |
aged Wine | none | sanctuary | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
an anti-affliction potion | held | cure poison, cure poison, cure disease, cure disease | 1 | Lacynos |
an azure bottle | none | fly, haste, giant strength | 10 | Caergoth |
an empty beaker | held | | 1 | Palanthas Sewers |
an empty glass vial | held | | 1 | Palanthas |
an empty glass vial | held | | 1 | Mudhole |
an empty glass vial | held | | 1 | Enravel Keep |
an empty glass vial | held | | 1 | Bloten |
an empty vial | held | | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
an energy drink | held | refresh, refresh | 1 | City of Vingaard |
an energy shot | held | refresh | 1 | Bloten |
Helga's Massage Oil | held | stone skin, armor, refresh | 1 | Travelling Faire! |
orange fizzy | none | cure blindness, cure poison, cure disease | 10 | Caergoth |
potion of the ages | none | cancellation, cure serious | 1 | Nordmaar |
red X Stout | none | cancellation, cancellation, cancellation | 80 | Caergoth |
wispy potion | none | sanctuary | 10 | Sentinel Peaks |