a blue scrollheldshield10City of Tarsis
a boring scrollheldsleep, sleep, sleep15Palanthas
a globe made of crystalheldscrye20Sanction
a mysterious scrollheldsanctuary, change sex, curse15Trigol
a mysterious scrollheldreserved, scrye30Travelling Faire!
a scroll of creationheld1City of Tarsis
a scroll of identifyheldidentify1Sanction
a scroll of identifyheldidentify1Palanthas
a scroll of identifyheldidentify1Lacynos
a scroll of the wildheldfind familiar30Travelling Faire!
a scroll titled "hijkkolk"held2Goblin Caverns
a scroll titled "Ripsng"held5City of Lemish
a sextantheldword of recall3Isles of the Pirate Lords
a strange cryptic scrollheldarmor, stone skin, sleep45Northern Warrens