a bronze ring set with small opalfinger15Southwest Plains of Dust
a chunk of worthless rocksheld1Argon's Chain
a flickering red lightfloating50High Clerist Tower 2
a gilded Walrus Tusknone1Icewall Glacier
a gold ingotnone1Dwarven Mine
a golden earringear2Goblin Caverns
a grey teddy bearheld1Southwest Palanthas
a knights signet ringfinger1Palanthas
a medallion of Belzarneck2Travelling Faire!
a notebookheld9Freeport
a piece of iron oreheld1Argon's Chain
a piece of oakumheld1Caergoth Merchant Ship
a piece of silver oreheld1Icewall Glacier
a piece of silver oreheld1Argon's Chain
a piece of starmetalnone1Icewall Glacier
a reddish braceletwrist1Southwest Palanthas
a ring of protectionfinger1Sanction
a ring of protectionfinger1Palanthas
a signet ring of Brashkalfinger20Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a silver ingotnone1Alphens
a silver necklaceneck5Southwest Palanthas
a Silvered Bear Clawnone1Icewall Glacier
a small golden ballheld2Southwest Palanthas
a stick of sandalwood incensenone1Nordmaar
a talisman of Brashkalneck50Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a tiny ringfinger1Lower Hybardin
a voodoo doll of a minotaurheld15Halloween Carnival
a wooden figurineheld1Mud School
a yellow skull pendantneck5Halloween Carnival
an adamantium reinforced bucklershield51Icewall Glacier
an Albino Ringfinger10Goblin Caverns
an Ice Orbheld30Icewall Glacier
an ingot of silvernone1Dwarven Mine
an invisible maskface60Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
an iron ingotnone1Alphens
an office reportheld20High Clerist Tower 2
latoya's love locketneck1Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
Robert MarleeTuff's pipeheld1Kendermore
Symbol of the Moonneck1Qualimori
Symbol of the Sunneck1Qualimori
the bloody heart of a behirheld91City of Tarsis
the earring of Brashkalear35Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the earring of healthear2Southwest Palanthas
the emblem of Brashkalbody31Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
the sacred icenone1Icewall Glacier