(Brass) an alert hornheldword of recall1Solanthus
(Enchanted) A silver fluteheldtrue sight80Qualimori
(Enchanted) A silver piccoloheldiceshield80Qualimori
a big fat spliffheldcure light1Isles of the Pirate Lords
a book of healingheldcure critical1Palanthas
a brass butterflyheldword of recall1Qualinost
a circlet of thought controlheadcharm person55City of Lemish
a colorful staffheldprismatic spray15Pax Tharkas
a colorfull paint brushheldprismatic spray1High Clerist Tower 1
a cookbookheldnone1Palanthas
a cornucopiaheldnone1Kurmost
a crossbow of poisonheldpoison15Isles of the Pirate Lords
A Crystalline Wandhelddispel good12Goblin Caverns
a dark torcneckblindness55City of Lemish
a dark, evil figurine of the five headed dragon, Takhisis.heldacid breath60Travelling Faire!
a fiery wandheldfireball1Nordmaar
a figurine carved in the imagine of Reorxheldearthquake60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the god of balance, Gileanheldtrue sight60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the god of disease, Morgionheldplague60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the God of War, Kiri-Jolithheldfrenzy60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the goddess Chislevheldnone60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the Platinum Dragon, Paladineheldcure disease60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the White Moon Solinariheldlightning breath60Travelling Faire!
a flaming figurine of Sirrionheldfire breath60Travelling Faire!
a gleaming figurine of Shinare, goddess of wealthheldprismatic spray60Travelling Faire!
a glowing green wandheldcharm person10Bandit Area
a glowing red orbheldflamestrike1Kurmost
a gnomish device that does analytical things to itemsheldidentify1Travelling Faire!
a golden medallionheldcharm person20Sanction
a green gemheldshield7Bandit Area
a lyreheldhaste10Lower Hybardin
a metallic rodheldcancellation1Travelling Faire!
a rotting figuring of the god of death, Chemoshheldweaken60Travelling Faire!
a shiny onyx wand named 'Dhavine's Wrath'helddemonfire25Dak Roth
a small pink stoneheldnone6Bandit Area
a small toothbrushheldnone26High Clerist Tower 2
a small wand carved out of graniteheldclay spire10Meitol
A snake carved wandheldfear15Mudhole
a stiff dead ratheldpoison1Sanction
a tangerine staffheldcalm15Mudhole
a tight canvased drumheldthunderclap1Lower Hybardin
a translucent twigheldpass door15Bandit Area
a wand of identificationheldidentify1Nordmaar
a wand of invisibilityheldinvisibility1Palanthas
a wand of invisibilityheldinvisibility1Lacynos
a wand of lightheldcontinual light1Palanthas
a wand of lightheldcontinual light1Lacynos
a wand of magic missilesheldmagic missile1Sanction
a wand of magic missilesheldmagic missile1Palanthas
a wand of magic missilesheldmagic missile1Lacynos
a wand of mesmerismheldcharm person60Travelling Faire!
a wand of protectionheldshield1Nordmaar
a wand of revealingheldfaerie fog1Palanthas
a wand of revealingheldfaerie fog1Lacynos
a white spellbook with silver runesheldheal5Kurmost
a wooden luteheldcharm person10Lower Hybardin
an icicleheldfrost breath21Isles of the Pirate Lords
an invisibility wandheldinvisibility1Bloten
greek fireheldfire breath1Isles of the Pirate Lords
the crimson staff of rageheldholy word72Temple of the Undead
the evil eyeheldsleep25Isles of the Pirate Lords
the eye of an umber hulkheldconfusion80Estwilde
the eye of the eagleheldinfravision20Isles of the Pirate Lords
the ghost stoneheldchange sex24Isles of the Pirate Lords
the Kender Spoon of Turningheldbless60Kendermore
the kracken's eyehelddetect hidden5Isles of the Pirate Lords
the nullifier orbhelddispel magic10Isles of the Pirate Lords