a circlet of thought controlheadcharm person55City of Lemish
a crossbow of poisonheldpoison15Isles of the Pirate Lords
a dark torcneckblindness55City of Lemish
a dark, evil figurine of the five headed dragon, Takhisis.heldacid breath60Travelling Faire!
a fiery wandheldfireball1Nordmaar
a figurine carved in the imagine of Reorxheldearthquake60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the god of balance, Gileanheldtrue sight60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the god of disease, Morgionheldplague60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the God of War, Kiri-Jolithheldfrenzy60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the goddess Chislevheldnone60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the Platinum Dragon, Paladineheldcure disease60Travelling Faire!
a figurine of the White Moon Solinariheldlightning breath60Travelling Faire!
a flaming figurine of Sirrionheldfire breath60Travelling Faire!
a gleaming figurine of Shinare, goddess of wealthheldprismatic spray60Travelling Faire!
a glowing green wandheldcharm person10Bandit Area
a gnomish device that does analytical things to itemsheldidentify1Travelling Faire!
a green gemheldshield7Bandit Area
a metallic rodheldcancellation1Travelling Faire!
a rotting figuring of the god of death, Chemoshheldweaken60Travelling Faire!
a small pink stoneheldnone6Bandit Area
a translucent twigheldpass door15Bandit Area
a wand of identificationheldidentify1Nordmaar
a wand of mesmerismheldcharm person60Travelling Faire!
a wand of protectionheldshield1Nordmaar
an invisibility wandheldinvisibility1Bloten
the crimson staff of rageheldholy word72Temple of the Undead