/ \--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--_\ | ===== City of Qualinost ===== | \ _____________________ \ | | | Tower of the Sun | | 0 | | 1| | | | Sithel 2 | | Arcuballis | / Tower _____________| |_____________ Tower / | | __________ __________ | | | | | | | 3 | | | | | |4 | | | | | | _____| |____5_____| |__________| |_____ | | | _________________ ________________ | | / 40| | | | | |22 D / | | | | The | 23| | G I | \ 39| | | Grove | | |24 U S | | D | |38______________ ________________| | I T \ | T I | ________________ _________________ | L R / / E S 37| | 6 | | 25| | D I | \ M T | | G M | Hall of | | |26 C \ | P R 36| | R A | the Sky | 27| | T | | L I | | A R |______ ______| | |28 | | E C 34| |35 N K | | 29| | | | T | | D E | | | |30 | | 33| |32 T | | __| | | | |_ |___7__________| |_____9________| __| | / 31| ______________ ______________ | __/ | | | 8 | | 10 | | _/ | | | 11| | | |12 | | ___14_| |___18__ | |41 _13___| |______ \__ | | ____________ |_______| |________| __________ | | \ | |17 | ________ ________ | | | \ | 15| | | | | | | | 20| | | | West | |___16_____| | | | | |___19____| | East | |Bridge |______________| 21 |_____________|Bridge| | Mackeli Suzine | | Tower Tower | | | | 0. Speaker of the Sun 21. Wildrunner Barracks | | 1. Healer/Donation Pit 22. Ranger Guild | \ 2. Royal Palace 23. Warrior Guild \ | 3. Guards of the Sun 24. Thief Guild | | 4. Arena 25. Battlemage Guild | | 5. Fishing Shop 26. Mage Guild | / 6. Crystal Palace Inn 27. Monk Guild / | 7. General Store 28. Paladin Guild | | 8. Bakery 29. Cleric Guild | | 9. Cartographer 30. Templar Guild | | 10. Leatherworking 31. The Tree of Life | / 11. Butcher Shop 32. Heart of The Beast / | 12. Auction House 33. Temple of E'li | | 13. Treasury 34. Temple of Quen Illumini| \ 14. Armor Shop 35. House of the Winged One \ | 15. Mount Store 36. Temple of Astra | | 16. Pet Store 37. The Sword of Justice | | 17. Training Ring 38. Circle of the White Moon| | 18. Weapon Smith 39. House of the Mantis | | 19. Alchemist Tower 40. The Blue Phoenix | | | 20. Curios Shop _______ 41. Mud School / / /| /| / | |\ _/ \_/ \_-/\_-/\_-/ \-/\_-/ \-/\_-/\_-/\_-/\_/\_-/\_/ \/
qualinost map
a map of Qualinost
An ancient map lies here.
0 lbs, 3 oz
Level to use