My name is Draklak and i am of the Klar. We fought bravely for the dwarven nation against those traitor dwarves that have left the mountain. We Believed that Hylar when they said that we could amass great wealth here in north eastern quarter of the land. Those lieing bastards trapped us in this pit, after the Dwarf Gate War. One week later since the other dwarves have banished us from the beautiful lake and the rich metals that course through this mountain. My loyal warriors are starting to change on me. Some start ranting and raving while others go on a blood curtling rampage. So far no one has been injured, but i see now that my people will not be the same. Death comes to us all, but i feel my inner rage boiling up in the centre of my chest. It has been several months since i have last wrote and this is only because today i have woken up and not felt the erge to kill everything in site. I am shamed for i have killed three of my own men in a rampage myself. I fear that all of us are doomed in this place and my men are now turning on each other. A few of us have dug out of this trap. These are my last words as insanity has completely driven me to kill all that stand in my path. I will rest beside the great forge, for my prowess on the battle field will see to that!
book tome draklak
the book of Draklak
A heavy tome with a reddish color lies here bearing the name 'Draklak'.
10 lbs
Level to use