"Leisure's Luxury" ClothiitemMiddle Hybardin
A blacksmith shopitemCity of Vingaard
A boardwalk plazaitemLacynos
A Booze ShopitemMiddle Hybardin
A Bowyer ShopitemDaerforge
A busy marketplaceitemLacynos
A Circular ChamberitemPalanthas Sewers
A Circular LibraryitemEnravel Keep
A Cleric of Belzar's ShopitemTravelling Faire!
A Clothing ShopitemMiddle Hybardin
A cobblers shopitemCentral Thelgaard
A Crude Witch's HutitemDaemon's Ground, Graveyard
A dusty shopitemLacynos
A Dwarven BakeryitemMiddle Hybardin
A Food and Drink ShopitemDaerforge
A Food ShopitemMiddle Hybardin
A forest gladepetKurmost
A fruit standitemCity of Tarsis
A General ShopitemMudhole
A General StoreitemLower Hybardin
A general storeitemKnight's High Road
A Hallway in the Forge'sitemMiddle Hybardin
A Herbalist's ShopitemCity of Lemish
A Jewelry ShopitemMiddle Hybardin
A large corralpetQualinost
A large tentpetCity of Vingaard
A Liquor ShopitemMiddle Hybardin
A Liquor ShopitemDaerforge
A Magic ShopitemDaerforge
A market plazaitemLacynos
A market squareitemLacynos
A marketplaceitemLacynos
A Meat ShopitemLower Hybardin
A narrow alleyitemBloten
A Non-Alcoholic BeverageitemMiddle Hybardin
A quiet stallitemTown of Schallsea
A rocky trail through ArgitemArgon's Chain
A run-down armoryitemLacynos
A slave marketpetLacynos
A small buildingitemSolanthus
A small general storeitemPalanthas Surrounds
A small innitemNorthern Khalkist Mountain
A small innitemThe village of Ash
A small resturantitemNorthern Khalkist Mountain
A small shackitemQualinost
A Small Side RowitemTravelling Faire!
A small storeitemNorthern Khalkist Mountain
A small storeitemEstwilde
A small tavernitemEstwilde
A SmithyitemThe Eastern Warrens
A smoke-filled toweritemQualinost
A smoky forgeitemThe Village of Khol
A smoky shopitemSanction
A Stolen Goods ShopitemSolace Thieves Guild
A Strange PetShoppetMiddle Hybardin
A Suspicious Potions AnditemMudhole
A tailor shopitemCentral Thelgaard
A taste of QualinostitemQualinost
A Tent Filled with StrangitemHalloween Carnival
A warm innitemNorthern Khalkist Mountain
A Weapon ShopitemDaerforge
A Weapon's ShopitemMiddle Hybardin
A Weapons ShopitemLower Hybardin
Ahlanost ArcheryitemVillage of Ahlanost
Alchemical SolutionsitemQualinost
All the WorlditemCity of Lemish
Among the Que-TehitemPlains of Abanasinia
An alchemists tentitemTown of Schallsea
An Armor ShopitemLower Hybardin
An Armor ShopitemDaerforge
An ArmoryitemMiddle Hybardin
An open marketitemPalanthas Surrounds
Archer ShopitemLower Hybardin
Archery ShopitemSouthwest Palanthas
Armor Shop in "Geklak's UitemMiddle Hybardin
Around a campfireitemEstwilde
At the baritemSanction
At the Counter of the BaritemLower Hybardin
Aurius' Magic ShopitemDak Roth
Back Room of the ArcheryitemSouthwest Palanthas
Badel's SmithyitemCity of Tarsis
Baker's DozenitemPalanthas
Barkar's BakeryitemSanction
Black Market ArmsitemCity of Tarsis
Boki'spetGully, uhhh, Roma
Bupu's MojoitemGully, uhhh, Roma
Carl's ArmoryitemMiddle Hybardin
Carl's Weaponry StanditemMiddle Hybardin
Caron's CartographyitemCity of Vingaard
Center MarketitemTown of Schallsea
City ArchivesitemQualinost
Combat Armory Ltd.itemCity of Lemish
Common room of the Red DritemCity of Tarsis
Coron's CartographyitemSanction
Cozy Hearth StablespetTown of Schallsea
Crashbinba's General StoritemThorbardin Core
Daegaff's ArmoryitemKlarbardin
Dwarven metalworksitemTown of Schallsea
Earl's AccessoriesitemMiddle Hybardin
Earl's Tailor ShopitemMiddle Hybardin
East Platinum and DiamonditemPalanthas
East Platinum and GarnetitemPalanthas
East Taslo SquareitemQualimori
East Warehouse RowitemCaergoth
Egil's OutfittersitemCity of Vingaard
Elixander's Exotics - WeaitemCaergoth
Elven Figurine WagonitemTravelling Faire!
Ergothian WeaponworksitemTown of Schallsea
Es-Leot's SuppliesitemAlphens
Farbod's Fantastic ElixiritemTrigol
Ferdow's Desert TourspetTrigol
Forgotten SecretsitemKurmost
Frolin's FortificationsitemDwarven Mine
General EclecticitemCity of Lemish
General ProvisionsitemTown of Schallsea
General StoreitemSanction
General StoreitemPalanthas
General StoreitemKendermore
Ginnovette's GemsitemCity of Tarsis
Gorsus' SlavetradepetDak Roth
Greig's ArmoryitemNordmaar
Grub's GrubberyitemGully, uhhh, Roma
Grygus's TentitemTrigol
Haab's SmithyitemDak Roth
Hagnard's Potion shopitemKlarbardin
Halgrarr's WeaponsitemKlarbardin
Hanugar's ChuckitemBloten
Hoopy's Hoopak'sitemKendermore
HugowhohaslistsofthingstoitemTravelling Faire!
Ilionus' ApothecaryitemMeitol
Imperial SquareitemPalanthas
In a Large Food TentitemHalloween Carnival
In the BazaaritemCity of Lemish
Inside a Gathering TentitemHalloween Carnival
Inside a HutitemIcewall Glacier
Inside a small tavernitemCity of Vingaard
Inside a small white tentitemCity of Vingaard
Inside the BaritemLower Hybardin
Inside the CarnivalitemSouthwest Palanthas
Inside the common roomitemCity of Lemish
Inside the Fish HouseitemPalanthas
Inside the GuilditemPalanthas Thieves Guild
Inside the PetshoppetPalanthas
Inside the Tent of DiseasitemHalloween Carnival
Inside the Tent of the UnpetHalloween Carnival
Jalil's EateryitemTrigol
Jeridor's JewelsitemSanction
Jican's Magic ShopitemTravelling Faire!
Jocera's Weapons HolditemNordmaar
Karim's Desert ValuesitemTrigol
Kela's Magic ImporiumitemQualimori
Krun's Tool SheditemVillage of Ahlanost
Leather ShopitemPalanthas
Linda's Maps and MoreitemCity of Tarsis
Logan's Bootery and LeathitemTown of Schallsea
Lylna's Mageware ShopitemNordmaar
Magic ShopitemPalanthas
Map ShopitemPalanthas
Marbok's IlluminationsitemDaerforge
Market SqureitemCity of Vingaard
Marmun's Exotic and RidabpetMudhole
Miffle's MaphouseitemKendermore
Mud School StablespetMud School
Mystical ObjectsitemSanction
Nail and ToothpetCity of Lemish
Natural LeatherworkingitemQualinost
Niki's Desert FashionitemTrigol
Noble RoaditemCity of Vingaard
Northwest Taslo SquareitemQualimori
Officer's ClubitemCaergoth
Outfitting for the JobitemTrigol
Pearl and Diamond SquareitemPalanthas
Pearl and Garnet SquareitemPalanthas
Pearl and Ruby SquareitemPalanthas
Pick thisitemPalanthas Thieves Guild
Plainsman's Tent of.... FitemTravelling Faire!
Poles-a-plentyitemTown of Schallsea
Potion ShopitemPalanthas
Purgo's PotablesitemCaergoth
Ramile's Desert GearitemTrigol
Raud's Weapon ShopitemMeitol
Red's Tackle and FishitemSanction
River of FireitemSanction
Road to CaergothitemCaergoth
Rothernak's Gem SuppliesitemMiddle Hybardin
SeasitemIsles of the Pirate Lords
Selanthalo's SmithyitemQualimori
Sindri's Colorful ClothinitemKendermore
Skol's Pole's and PointyitemCaergoth
Slave TentpetTrigol
South Taslo SquareitemQualimori
Sparkie's SparkliesitemKendermore
Stables for PalanthaspetPalanthas
Steel and Diamond SquareitemPalanthas
Steel and Garnet SquareitemPalanthas
Sunnyday Starry Nights InitemKendermore
Sweet Treats to EatitemKendermore
Take a Load OffitemDwarven Mine
Temple OfferingsitemNordmaar
The "Bird's Cage"petMiddle Hybardin
The "Booze Brigade"itemMiddle Hybardin
The "Boozer's Paradise"itemMiddle Hybardin
The "General" StoreitemThelgaard Keep
The "Loose Eyeball"itemMudhole
The "Maceman"itemLower Hybardin
The "Polearmsman"itemLower Hybardin
The "SwordArm"itemMiddle Hybardin
The Alcoholic's RecipeitemMiddle Hybardin
The animal corralpetCity of Tarsis
The Animal Trader's TentpetTravelling Faire!
The ArmoryitemQualinost
The Arms DealeritemCity of Lemish
The auction blockpetCity of Lemish
The baker's standitemTown of Schallsea
The BaritemThe Smilin' Mug
The BaritemCentral Thelgaard
The bar of the innitemKnight's High Road
The Basic ArmoreritemNorthern Warrens
The Basic WeaponsmithitemNorthern Warrens
The Bloody InletitemDak Roth
The Blowing Leaf InnitemQualimori
The botany shopitemCity of Tarsis
The Break RoomitemVillage of Ahlanost
The breakwateritemLacynos
The Brewer ShopitemLower Hybardin
The BreweryitemCity of Lemish
The Broken BowitemCity of Tarsis
The Broken Harpoon InnitemKurmost
The Broken HornitemLacynos
The Bronze ScabbarditemFreeport
The BucketitemBloten
The butcher's standitemCity of Tarsis
The Captain's MastitemLacynos
The Cozy Hearth InnitemTown of Schallsea
The Crew's QuartersitemFreeport
The Cross-eyed Mole TaveritemCaergoth
The Desert Rose Inn and SitemStone Rose
The DwarfGate Inn KitchenitemMiddle Hybardin
The EmporiumitemFreeport
The Faire Sparring CircleitemTravelling Faire!
The fish shackitemTown of Schallsea
The Flaming Tailor WagonitemTravelling Faire!
The fletcher's stallitemTown of Schallsea
The fletcheryitemCity of Tarsis
The ForgeitemCity of Tarsis
The GauntletitemSanction
The Hairy HounditemBloten
The Healing TouchitemKurmost
The Hill HomeitemQualinost
The Iron ForgeitemQualinost
The Jeweler'sitemSolanthus
The Jeweler's ShopitemPalanthas
The jeweler's standitemTown of Schallsea
The Jewelry ShopitemThe City of Neraka
The Khyldesdale InnitemVingaard Keep
The KitchenitemEnravel Keep
The kitchenitemKnight's High Road
The Kitchen in the Forge'itemMiddle Hybardin
The LibraryitemTrigol
The Light Armor and ClothitemSouthwest Palanthas
The Liquor StandsitemNorthern Warrens
The local bakeryitemCity of Tarsis
The Main Row Between VenditemTravelling Faire!
The marketitemQualinost
The Mystic EyeitemFreeport
The Ogre's DenitemTrigol
The Pet ShoppetQualinost
The Pet ShoppetSouthwest Palanthas
The Plains of DustitemNorthwest Plains of Dust
The potion dealeritemCity of Tarsis
The Puppet Show!itemTravelling Faire!
The Restaurant and BaritemFox's Den
The scribe's standitemCity of Tarsis
The Severed Head 2itemCaergoth
The ShipyardsitemFreeport
The Shop of Imported GooditemNorthern Warrens
The Slaughtered LambitemCity of Lemish
The SlaughterhouseitemCity of Lemish
The Slave MarketpetSanction
The Slave PenspetAlphens
The Solamnic PlainsitemSolamnic Plains
The stablesitemLacynos
The Stormy Sea InnitemCity of Tarsis
The StudyitemEnravel Keep
The Sunken PirateitemFreeport
The Supplies ShopitemNorthern Warrens
The Survival StoreitemCity of Tarsis
The taproom of the ShininitemThelgaard Keep
The Tattoo Artists ShopitemSouthwest Palanthas
The Torn SailitemKurmost
The Training Weapon's ShoitemSouthwest Palanthas
The Well Oiled SworditemSolanthus
Ticket BoothitemTravelling Faire!
Tickleweed's Body ArtitemTrigol
Tobem's Bait -n- TackleitemCaergoth
Tool's of the TradeitemTrigol
Tools of the TradeitemPalanthas Thieves Guild
Tosher de-Hrolk's BlacksmitemAlphens
Twiddly's Cold BeveragesitemKendermore
Underforge WeaponsitemTown of Schallsea
Urh'bahn's OutfittersitemQualinost
Virex's WeaponsitemSanction
Walk the Plank!itemLacynos
Weapon SmithitemSolanthus
Weapons Shop in "Geklak'sitemMiddle Hybardin
Welcome to Hybardin - EasitemLower Hybardin
Welcome to Hybardin - NoritemLower Hybardin
Welcome to Hybardin - SouitemLower Hybardin
Welcome to Hybardin - WesitemLower Hybardin
Weldor's WeaponsmithingitemKurmost
West Platinum and DiamonditemPalanthas
Western Platinum and GarnitemPalanthas
William's WeaponsitemCentral Thelgaard
Within a Slightly SmalleritemSanguine Manor
Xyr's Marine GoodsitemDak Roth
Ye Olde ShoppeitemCaergoth
Yunigan's General WaresitemDak Roth
Zokun's Marine ShopitemMeitol