A Circular ChamberitemPalanthas Sewers
A Cleric of Belzar's ShopitemTravelling Faire!
A cobblers shopitemCentral Thelgaard
A general storeitemKnight's High Road
A Herbalist's ShopitemCity of Lemish
A narrow alleyitemBloten
A rocky trail through ArgitemArgon's Chain
A small general storeitemPalanthas Surrounds
A small innitemThe village of Ash
A Small Side RowitemTravelling Faire!
A tailor shopitemCentral Thelgaard
A Tent Filled with StrangitemHalloween Carnival
All the WorlditemCity of Lemish
An open marketitemPalanthas Surrounds
Archery ShopitemSouthwest Palanthas
Back Room of the ArcheryitemSouthwest Palanthas
Boki'spetGully, uhhh, Roma
Bupu's MojoitemGully, uhhh, Roma
Combat Armory Ltd.itemCity of Lemish
East Warehouse RowitemCaergoth
Elixander's Exotics - WeaitemCaergoth
Elven Figurine WagonitemTravelling Faire!
Es-Leot's SuppliesitemAlphens
General EclecticitemCity of Lemish
Grub's GrubberyitemGully, uhhh, Roma
Hanugar's ChuckitemBloten
HugowhohaslistsofthingstoitemTravelling Faire!
In a Large Food TentitemHalloween Carnival
In the BazaaritemCity of Lemish
Inside a Gathering TentitemHalloween Carnival
Inside the CarnivalitemSouthwest Palanthas
Inside the common roomitemCity of Lemish
Inside the GuilditemPalanthas Thieves Guild
Inside the Tent of DiseasitemHalloween Carnival
Inside the Tent of the UnpetHalloween Carnival
Jican's Magic ShopitemTravelling Faire!
Mud School StablespetMud School
Nail and ToothpetCity of Lemish
Officer's ClubitemCaergoth
Pick thisitemPalanthas Thieves Guild
Plainsman's Tent of.... FitemTravelling Faire!
Purgo's PotablesitemCaergoth
Road to CaergothitemCaergoth
Skol's Pole's and PointyitemCaergoth
The "General" StoreitemThelgaard Keep
The Animal Trader's TentpetTravelling Faire!
The Arms DealeritemCity of Lemish
The auction blockpetCity of Lemish
The BaritemCentral Thelgaard
The bar of the innitemKnight's High Road
The BreweryitemCity of Lemish
The Cross-eyed Mole TaveritemCaergoth
The Desert Rose Inn and SitemStone Rose
The Faire Sparring CircleitemTravelling Faire!
The Flaming Tailor WagonitemTravelling Faire!
The Hairy HounditemBloten
The kitchenitemKnight's High Road
The Light Armor and ClothitemSouthwest Palanthas
The Main Row Between VenditemTravelling Faire!
The Pet ShoppetSouthwest Palanthas
The Puppet Show!itemTravelling Faire!
The Severed Head 2itemCaergoth
The Slaughtered LambitemCity of Lemish
The SlaughterhouseitemCity of Lemish
The Slave PenspetAlphens
The taproom of the ShininitemThelgaard Keep
The Tattoo Artists ShopitemSouthwest Palanthas
The Training Weapon's ShoitemSouthwest Palanthas
Ticket BoothitemTravelling Faire!
Tobem's Bait -n- TackleitemCaergoth
Tools of the TradeitemPalanthas Thieves Guild
Tosher de-Hrolk's BlacksmitemAlphens
William's WeaponsitemCentral Thelgaard
Within a Slightly SmalleritemSanguine Manor
Ye Olde ShoppeitemCaergoth