
The Slave Pens

The Slave Pens is a shop in Alphens selling 7 pets.

[Lvl] PP ST SP GP CP   Description                EQ? Mount?
[ 15] 44 10 - An aghar mucker slave (EQ)
[ 35] 2 40 10 - A muscular icefolk barbar (EQ)
[ 40] 3 13 60 - A large ogre slave (EQ)
[ 25] 1 22 50 - A worn and broken kagones (EQ)
[ 20] 58 80 - A strong, sturdy mule (MNT)
[ 30] 1 32 30 - A very large ox (MNT)
[ 40] 2 35 20 - A large black warhorse (MNT)

Added on 2024-12-28.