a long bronze-shafted flailcrush220/01Mud School
a bone flail dedicated to Sargonnas pound202/21Trigol
a flail pound130/01Palanthas
a flail pound40/01Sanction
a training flail crush30/01Southwest Palanthas
a standard flail crush30/01Lower Hybardin
an iron headed flail crush182/24Central Thelgaard
a length of rusty chain pound161/17City of Tarsis
a well balanced flail crush153/310City of Vingaard
a set of nonchaku thwack222/215Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
Silver Nonchaku crush300/036Mudhole
silvestin's Flail 'Reeker' wrath450/045Mudhole
a 3-headed morning star smash480/050Mudhole
a Qualinesti-made flail smash351/350Qualimori
a large iron-shaft flailsmash491/160Dak Roth
a two headed flailcrush450/065Northern Warrens
Destiny's Flail beating5510/1075Lower Hybardin
a double-shafted ripper flailsmash7112/1290Daerforge
an ankheg antenna beating710/090Hopeful Vale
the blessed flail of Paladine pound7812/1295City of Vingaard
Tamuir's flail of thorns wrath8418/18100Palanthas