a walking stick pound151/11Bandit Area
a bronze-headed mace pound140/01Mud School
an enchanted vallenwood clubsmash130/01Goblin Caverns
a mace pound120/01Palanthas
a Klar warhammer pound121/01Town of Schallsea
a mace pound120/01Qualinost
a heavy iron mace pound100/01Goblin Stronghold
a club pound100/01Palanthas
a rock pick cleave90/01Lower Hybardin
a wooden handled mace pound50/01Sanction
a wooden stake pound50/01Sanguine Manor
a wooden club pound40/01Sanction
a long, pointy stick pierce30/01Goblin Caverns
a standard mace pound30/01Lower Hybardin
a training mace crush20/01Southwest Palanthas
a solid oak club crush171/22Kurmost
a goblin guard baton crush150/12Goblin Stronghold
a warhammer crush200/03Solanthus
(Iron) a large spiked mace crush140/43Solanthus
a blunt club pound180/05Southwest Palanthas
a spatula thwack170/05Southwest Palanthas
a gore-splattered leg bone crush160/05Sanction
a small hammer crush120/05Village of Ahlanost
a tenderizer smash163/06Bandit Area
a rusty lead pipe crush181/18City of Tarsis
a long handled mace crush180/08City of Lemish
a steel banded club crush220/010Palanthas Surrounds
a flanged mace pound202/210City of Tarsis
a large black baton crush162/210Sanction
a thief's spiked mace crush241/113Solace Thieves Guild
an ironwood mace smash224/415Sentinel Peaks
a blunt mace crush220/015Lower Hybardin
an empty steel tankard crush244/416Northern Kharolis Foothill
a crude stone mace crush283/319Neraka Forest
a thick wooden club crush303/320Lacynos
a black steel mace crush303/320City of Tarsis
a dwarven thrower blast280/020Freeport
a gnarled clubcrush270/020Bloden Swamp
a light-weight mace crush220/320Nordmaar
a poisoned mace pound270/625Lower Hybardin
the Sceptre of Divination divine power272/225Mudhole
a blessed mace of Sargonnas pound270/025Trigol
a meat tenderizing mallet pound313/328Palanthas
an iron hammer crush310/030Klarbardin
a large spiked mace crush274/430Northern Warrens
a fire mace pound300/030City of Tarsis
a glass mace pound270/030Trigol
a black steel warhammer crush364/432City of Lemish
a brambled clubsmash300/032Foghaven
a black horseman's pick crush364/533Qualinost
a large sledgepound353/535Sanction
Krok's Fury blast350/035Dwarven Mine
a mace named "Chill" chill336/035Lower Hybardin
a steel spoon pound364/436High Clerist Tower 2
a mace of truth divine power404/440Travelling Faire!
a silver warhammercrush400/040Daerforge
an iron hammer crush280/040Village of Ahlanost
the Sceptre of Power smash355/142Nordmaar
a mithril mace smash381/145Meitol
a steel Solamnic war mace crush445/550Vingaard Keep
a heavy dwarven hammercrush490/050City of Lemish
a Dwarven Steel Mace blast520/055Lower Hybardin
a tainted wooden stake crush491/556Sanguine Manor
a Massive Hammer "Death Maul" wrath400/056Mudhole
a flanged mace of speed crush440/060Middle Hybardin
a large mammoth's tusk crush527/764Northern Khalkist Mountain
Dicome Mace blast547/771Klarbardin
Sunderer crush668/980Qualinost
a bronze sceptre crush630/080Daerforge
a rock headed sledge hammer smash780/1190Mudhole
a pronged bone-handled mace flaming bite6612/1390Middle Hybardin
a blessed mace of Takhisiscrush7111/1194Sanction
Rath's mace of smiting divine power8418/18100Palanthas