a Daligothian bastard swordcleave270/01Town of Schallsea
a hot spatula slash190/01Gully, uhhh, Roma
a guard's sword slash172/21High Clerist Tower 1
a long two-handed swordslash143/31Goblin Stronghold
a goblin's short sword stab150/01Palanthas Province
a well-used longsword slash150/01Bloten
a standard sword slice150/01Lower Hybardin
a standard issue guard's short sword pierce150/01Solanthus
a bronze broadsword slash140/01Mud School
a Silvanesti short sword slice140/01Town of Schallsea
(Steel) a silver hilted long sword slash122/11Solanthus
a ghostly longsword slash102/21Darken Wood
a Steel Shortsword slash111/11Lower Hybardin
a wooden training sword thwack101/11High Clerist Tower 1
a long sword slash110/01Palanthas
a small sword slice100/01Palanthas
a dwarven short sword slice100/01Qualinost
a goblin's shortsword slash50/11Goblin Stronghold
a long sword slash60/01Knight's High Road
a longsword slash60/01Sanction
a wooden longsword thwack50/01Solamnic Outpost
a training sword slash30/01Southwest Palanthas
a short sword slash30/01Sanction
a slim elven longsword slice181/22Kurmost
a tower guard's broadsword slash170/12High Clerist Tower 1
a mercenary broadsword slash170/12City of Tarsis
a large iron broadswordslice161/12Goblin Caverns
a solanthus guard sword slash151/12Solanthus
a bastard sword slash120/02Thelgaard Keep
(Silver hilted) A steel longsword with gold hilt wrap slash203/25Solanthus
a fine dwarven longsword pierce192/25Lacynos
a gold hilted longsword pierce192/25City of Tarsis
an electric short sword slash131/15Goblin Caverns
a glowing long sword slash203/36Palanthas
a tarnished longsword slash161/26Darken Wood
a cutlass slice171/16Isles of the Pirate Lords
an elven adventurers sword slash151/16Eastern Plains of Dust
an irono shortsword slice180/07Middle Hybardin
a rusty claymorecleave160/08Marsh
a silver longsword slash220/410Northern Warrens
(Ornate) the sword of the solanthus guard captain slash250/010Solanthus
a longsword with a leather-wrapped hilt slash131/110Qualinesti Forest
a steel broadsword cleave243/314The Eastern Warrens
a Sharktooth saber bite270/016Caergoth
a Dwarven guard sword slash270/016Dwarven Mine
an iron longsword slash222/217City of Tarsis
a crude metal sword slash222/220Nordmaar
a bad-conditioned claymore cleave220/020Mudhole
a glass sword slash220/020Trigol
a standard Kagonesti sword slash171/020Qualimori
a dwarven claymore slash325/522The Eastern Warrens
the sword "Undead's Touch" freezing bite264/622Isle of Mithas
a kapak longsword slice274/422Pax Tharkas
a steel longsword slash284/423Thelgaard Keep
a silver sword slice220/024Daerforge
a Golden two handed swordfreezing bite420/025Mudhole
"Frostbite" sword of winter bite335/525Isles of the Pirate Lords
a shining silver sword slash306/625Knight's High Road
a shining silver sword slash306/625Solamnic Plains
a Golden bastard sword bite350/025Mudhole
a jagged short sword slash276/625Sanction
the guardian's sword slash300/026High Clerist Tower 1
an emerald longsword slash270/026Freeport
a black vorpal bladed sword slime24-4/027Northern Warrens
the longsword "Holocaust" flame315/528Icewall Glacier
a polished sword slash303/328High Clerist Tower 2
a rusty shortsword slice270/028Hopeful Vale
a sparkling crystal sword slice335/530Kurmost
a dwarven steel sabre slash270/030Middle Hybardin
an exceptionally fine claymorecleave450/031Middle Hybardin
a huge notched swordslash522/535Middle Hybardin
a massive scimitarcleave523/535Lacynos
a huge notched sword slash335/335Foghaven
a rusty, knotched up sword thwack271/135Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a relic sword 'firebreath' flame364/640Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a watchman's sword cleave362/240Caergoth
a Patrolman's broadsword cleave300/040Central Thelgaard
a silver broadswordcleave446/641Kurmost
an unholy revenger slash364/445Sanction
a mithril longsword pierce381/145Meitol
a superior steel sabre slash420/046Middle Hybardin
a Steel Longsword slash488/750Lower Hybardin
a holy longsword divine power450/350Sanguine Manor
a dwarven sabre thrust440/050Middle Hybardin
a wickedly notched silver sword cleave400/050Sanction
a Qualinesti-made sword slash323/150Qualimori
a Steel Broadsword slash529/655Lower Hybardin
Draconian ShortSword slice450/055Vingaard Mountains
a rusty longsword slice450/055Hopeful Vale
a minotaur-crafted iron sword slash400/055Alphens
a sword of sharpness slash447/759Middle Hybardin
an ancient Solamnic longsword slice444/760City of Tarsis
a large steel greatswordcleave491/160Dak Roth
a solamnic broadsword cleave490/060Caergoth
a Wildrunner longsword slash406/660Kurmost
a standard Qualinesti sword slash323/360Qualimori
a golden hilted scimitar slash450/065Northern Warrens
a MageHunter scimitar slash450/065Trigol
a blood-red sword slash587/768Sanction
a flaming red dragonsword slash587/768Sanction
a platinum broad sword cleave555/870Northern Warrens
a steel solamnic broadsword slash523/070Solamnic Outpost
Lightreaver slash6510/1080Sanction
an elite guard's saber slash650/080Upper Hybardin
a Palanthian longsword slash603/380Palanthas
a guardsman sword slash550/080Palanthas
Te'li, Captain of the Qualimori Guard Sword slice647/1085Qualimori
a large solamnic steel broadsword slash600/085Solamnic Outpost
a longsword named 'Truth' slash7111/1190Caergoth
Demilon's red broadsword 'Flare' flame8418/18100Palanthas
a huge solamnic steel greatsword slash785/5101Solamnic Outpost