a bloody, barbed whip whip130/11Lacynos
a standard whip grep30/01Lower Hybardin
a training whip grep20/01Southwest Palanthas
a razor-tipped whip slice171/23Kurmost
a iron-barbed whip slash240/05Estwilde
a coiled leather whip whip152/25Central Thelgaard
a black whip thwack153/38Southwest Plains of Dust
The Warg Trainer's Whip wrath162/211Goblin Caverns
a thief's iron-tipped whip sting241/113Solace Thieves Guild
a huge rope and pully whip192/215High Clerist Tower 1
a flaming whip blast263/317Bandit Area
an enchanted whip whip323/320Trigol
a leather whip with iron spike tip bite220/020Mudhole
a scorcher whip whip272/324Lower Hybardin
A leather whip sting220/025Bloden Swamp
a whip named "Diamond Roll" whip310/034Middle Hybardin
the stinging whip of Brashkal sting313/535Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a blood-stained whip whip283/438Sentinel Peaks
a Gryphon's Tail shocking bite425/640Gryphon Veil
the Bloodthirster whip405/570Sanction
a Whip called "DemonBane" whip549/975Middle Hybardin
a tri-tailed whip sting590/080Daerforge
Teralis' whip 'The TeraLASHER' zap8418/18100Palanthas