a pair of leather shoes0/01Southwest Palanthas
a pair of black leather shoes0/01Palanthas Thieves Guild
a pair of tattered boots0/01Gully, uhhh, Roma
a pair of explorer's boots0/01Mud School
a pair of soft leather shoes0/01Mud School
a pair of leather boots0/01Kendermore
a standard pair of boots0/01Lower Hybardin
soft white slippers0/01Lower Hybardin
a pair of steel-toed boots0/01Lacynos
a pair of leather boots0/01Palanthas
a pair of hard leather boots0/01Palanthas
a pair of reinforced boots0/01Palanthas
a pair of iron-bound boots0/01Palanthas
a pair of leather hiking boots0/01Town of Schallsea
a pair of leather boots0/01Qualinost
a pair of black leather boots0/01Sanction
a pair of leather boots0/01Solanthus
a pair of soft leather boots1/22Kurmost
a pair of leather sandals0/02Central Thelgaard
a tower guard's boots0/02High Clerist Tower 1
a pair of worn out sandals0/02Northern Warrens
a fine pair of boots0/02City of Tarsis
(Steel) a pair of Solanthus guard boots0/02Solanthus
a pair of Solamnic riding boots1/13Kurmost
a pair of green dragonleather riding boots1/03Kurmost
the boots of haste0/04Solace Thieves Guild
a pair of iron battle boots0/04Middle Hybardin
a pair of cute sandals2/25Travelling Faire!
a pair of Albino Shoes1/15Northern Warrens
a pair of leather hiking boots0/05The village of Ash
a pair of traveling boots0/05Qualinost
Fire Boots0/16Goblin Caverns
a pair of riding boots0/16City of Tarsis
a pair of elven slippers0/09Sentinel Peaks
a pair of black leather shoes0/010Central Thelgaard
a pair of leather shoes0/010City of Tarsis
(Leather) the boots of silent walk0/010Solanthus
a pair of leather boots0/015Central Thelgaard
a pair of Dwarven boots0/016Dwarven Mine
some handmade fur boots2/020Plains of Abanasinia
laced-up leather boots0/022The village of Bazin
a pair of Golden plated boots4/125Mudhole
a pair of dragon boots1/628High Clerist Tower 2
a pair of Daergish splint greaves0/030Middle Hybardin
bladed boots5/532Freeport
a pair of Qualinesti boots6/740Sentinel Peaks
a pair of black dragonleather boots6/340Kurmost
a pair of boots from Istar5/445Palanthas
qualinesti-made boots0/045Qualimori
a pair of iron-plated boots0/050Daerforge
a pair of fur-lined icebear boots6/455Icewall Glacier
standard Qualinesti boots0/060Qualimori
spiked boots of Brashkal10/070Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a pair of winged hooves7/771Temple of the Undead
a pair of polished leather boots0/080Palanthas
a pair of steel solamnic boots0/080Solamnic Outpost