A longbow of firing | 4/4 | 1 | Mudhole |
uncle Brim's pocketknife | 3/4 | 1 | Palanthas |
a curved assassins dagger | 3/4 | 1 | Palanthas |
the Great War Axe of Grumm | 2/4 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
an ice axe | 3/3 | 1 | Palanthas Sewers |
a long two-handed sword | 3/3 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a stone shard | 0/3 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a trident | 0/3 | 1 | Freeport |
the stirges bite | 2/2 | 1 | Palanthas Sewers |
a ghostly longsword | 2/2 | 1 | Darken Wood |
a guard's sword | 2/2 | 1 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a bone flail dedicated to Sargonnas | 2/2 | 1 | Trigol |
(Steel) a silver hilted long sword | 2/1 | 1 | Solanthus |
a walking stick | 1/1 | 1 | Bandit Area |
a wooden training sword | 1/1 | 1 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a Steel Shortsword | 1/1 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a long slim dagger | 1/1 | 1 | Northern Kharolis Foothill |
a sharp pen | 1/1 | 1 | Palanthas |
a fine dwarven dagger | 1/1 | 1 | Qualinost |
a long jagged dagger | 1/1 | 1 | Sanction |
a goblin's shortsword | 0/1 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a bloody, barbed whip | 0/1 | 1 | Lacynos |
a silver carving knife | 0/1 | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a concealable dagger | 0/1 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a Hylar battleaxe | 0/1 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a Havinite polearm | 0/1 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a Kagonesti hunting spear | 0/1 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a gnomish... thing | 1/0 | 1 | The City of Garnet |
a hand-carved hoopak | 1/0 | 1 | Lacynos |
a Klar warhammer | 1/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a lightweight hoopak | 1/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a broom | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
an apprentice's training staff | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training quarterstaff | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training hoopak | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training sword | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training dagger | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training whip | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training axe | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training polearm | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training spear | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training flail | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training mace | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training blowgun | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training crossbow | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a training bow | 0/0 | 1 | Southwest Palanthas |
a sharpened stick | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Sewers |
a sharp dagger | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Sewers |
a cheap throwing dagger | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Thieves Guild |
a garrote wire | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Thieves Guild |
a wooden staff | 0/0 | 1 | The village of Ash |
a goblin's short sword | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Province |
a long spear | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas Province |
the goblin mage's key | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
the goblin king's key | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a heavy iron mace | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
the goblin dungeon key | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Stronghold |
a vicious looking belcher | 0/0 | 1 | Travelling Faire! |
a long sword | 0/0 | 1 | Knight's High Road |
a light crossbow | 0/0 | 1 | Knight's High Road |
a hot spatula | 0/0 | 1 | Gully, uhhh, Roma |
a long bronze-shafted flail | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a half-moon battle axe | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a wooden staff | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a hoopak | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a bronze-headed mace | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a bronze broadsword | 0/0 | 1 | Mud School |
a wooden pick-axe | 0/0 | 1 | Argon's Chain |
a wooden shovel | 0/0 | 1 | Argon's Chain |
a well-used longsword | 0/0 | 1 | Bloten |
a light crossbow | 0/0 | 1 | Thelgaard Keep |
a heavy crossbow | 0/0 | 1 | City of Lemish |
an iron headed wooden spear | 0/0 | 1 | Estwilde |
a large cleaver | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Caverns |
A Fiery Magical Gythka | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Caverns |
an enchanted vallenwood club | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Caverns |
a short dagger | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Caverns |
a long, pointy stick | 0/0 | 1 | Goblin Caverns |
a long spear | 0/0 | 1 | Marsh |
a standard spear | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard mace | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard dagger | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard battle axe | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard pike | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a rock pick | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard crossbow | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard hand axe | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard sword | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard whip | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard flail | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a standard long bow | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
an iron bladed pike | 0/0 | 1 | Lower Hybardin |
a farming rake | 0/0 | 1 | Northern Warrens |
a small sword | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a light crossbow | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a short bow | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a dagger | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a club | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a mace | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a hand axe | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a battle axe | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a spear | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a wooden staff | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a flail | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a long sword | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a gnome made, trashpickerupper | 0/0 | 1 | Palanthas |
a nomadic short bow | 0/0 | 1 | City of Tarsis |
a Silvanesti short sword | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a Daligothian bastard sword | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a Neidar hand axe | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a Neidar crossbow | 0/0 | 1 | Town of Schallsea |
a mace | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a dwarven short sword | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a hand axe | 0/0 | 1 | Qualinost |
a long push broom | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a flail | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a wooden staff | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a wooden spear | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a large battle axe | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a hand axe | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a wooden handled mace | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a wooden club | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a short sword | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a long steel dagger | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a longsword | 0/0 | 1 | Sanction |
a wooden stake | 0/0 | 1 | Sanguine Manor |
a wooden longsword | 0/0 | 1 | Solamnic Outpost |
a standard issue guard's short sword | 0/0 | 1 | Solanthus |
a long spear | 0/0 | 1 | Solanthus |
a beveled chisel | 0/0 | 1 | Village of Ahlanost |
a slim elven longsword | 1/2 | 2 | Kurmost |
a solid oak club | 1/2 | 2 | Kurmost |
an oak longbow | 1/1 | 2 | Palanthas Province |
a parrying dagger | 1/1 | 2 | Bandit Area |
a large iron broadsword | 1/1 | 2 | Goblin Caverns |
a solanthus guard sword | 1/1 | 2 | Solanthus |
a goblin guard baton | 0/1 | 2 | Goblin Stronghold |
a tower guard's broadsword | 0/1 | 2 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a mercenary broadsword | 0/1 | 2 | City of Tarsis |
a bastard sword | 0/0 | 2 | Thelgaard Keep |
an envenomed dagger | 0/0 | 2 | Goblin Caverns |
the thieves dagger | 0/0 | 2 | Solanthus |
(Iron) a large spiked mace | 0/4 | 3 | Solanthus |
a razor-tipped whip | 1/2 | 3 | Kurmost |
an oak staff | 4/1 | 3 | Solace Thieves Guild |
a large hoe | 3/1 | 3 | Knight's High Road |
an oak staff | 0/0 | 3 | Northern Khalkist Mountain |
a long bow | 0/0 | 3 | Palanthas |
a Tarsian long bow | 0/0 | 3 | City of Tarsis |
a Qualinesti longbow | 0/0 | 3 | Town of Schallsea |
a warhammer | 0/0 | 3 | Solanthus |
(Runed) a polished wooden staff | 0/0 | 3 | Solanthus |
an electrum stiletto | 4/4 | 4 | Caergoth |
a staff adorned with seashells | 4/4 | 4 | Palanthas |
an iron headed flail | 2/2 | 4 | Central Thelgaard |
an ancient rapier | 1/1 | 4 | The village of Ash |
an old adze | 0/1 | 4 | Lacynos |
a barbarian hunting spear | 1/4 | 5 | Eastwall Mountains |
(Silver hilted) A steel longsword with gold hilt wrap | 3/2 | 5 | Solanthus |
a coiled leather whip | 2/2 | 5 | Central Thelgaard |
a small sharp dagger | 2/2 | 5 | City of Vingaard |
a fine dwarven longsword | 2/2 | 5 | Lacynos |
a heavy bladed halberd | 2/2 | 5 | Neraka Forest |
a gold hilted longsword | 2/2 | 5 | City of Tarsis |
a large battle axe | 2/2 | 5 | Sanction |
an ancient Solamnic longsword | 1/1 | 5 | Eastwall Mountains |
an electric short sword | 1/1 | 5 | Goblin Caverns |
a dwarven pick-axe | 1/1 | 5 | The Village of Hillhome |
a blunt club | 0/0 | 5 | Southwest Palanthas |
a spatula | 0/0 | 5 | Southwest Palanthas |
a iron-barbed whip | 0/0 | 5 | Estwilde |
a wooden stick | 0/0 | 5 | Kendermore |
a wooden hoopak | 0/0 | 5 | Kendermore |
Tasslehoff's slingshot | 0/0 | 5 | Kendermore |
an Ice Pick | 0/0 | 5 | Klarbardin |
a fire pick | 0/0 | 5 | Klarbardin |
a black quarterstaff | 0/0 | 5 | Lacynos |
a long black baton | 0/0 | 5 | Lacynos |
a stone-tipped spear | 0/0 | 5 | Neraka Forest |
a miner's pick | 0/0 | 5 | Northern Khalkist Mountain |
a gore-splattered leg bone | 0/0 | 5 | Sanction |
a silver-edged throwing knife | 0/0 | 5 | Sanguine Manor |
a small hammer | 0/0 | 5 | Village of Ahlanost |
a glowing long sword | 3/3 | 6 | Palanthas |
a large steel halberd | 2/2 | 6 | Central Thelgaard |
a tarnished longsword | 1/2 | 6 | Darken Wood |
a carving knife | 1/2 | 6 | Kurmost |
a sleek pointed dagger | 0/2 | 6 | City of Tarsis |
an elven adventurers sword | 1/1 | 6 | Eastern Plains of Dust |
a cutlass | 1/1 | 6 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a tenderizer | 3/0 | 6 | Bandit Area |
a javelin | 2/0 | 6 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
an enchanted iron dagger | 3/3 | 7 | Bandit Area |
a length of rusty chain | 1/1 | 7 | City of Tarsis |
an old wood planer | 0/1 | 7 | Lacynos |
a long handled battle axe | 0/0 | 7 | City of Lemish |
an irono shortsword | 0/0 | 7 | Middle Hybardin |
a black whip | 3/3 | 8 | Southwest Plains of Dust |
the black longbow "Bite" | 2/2 | 8 | Bandit Area |
a rusty lead pipe | 1/1 | 8 | City of Tarsis |
an iron battle axe | 0/1 | 8 | Lacynos |
a long handled mace | 0/0 | 8 | City of Lemish |
a rusty claymore | 0/0 | 8 | Marsh |
the sharp claw of a neogi | 3/4 | 10 | Estwilde |
a silver longsword | 0/4 | 10 | Northern Warrens |
an ice blue spear | 3/3 | 10 | Bandit Area |
a shimmering dagger | 3/3 | 10 | Darken Wood |
a double-headed battle axe | 3/3 | 10 | City of Vingaard |
a well balanced flail | 3/3 | 10 | City of Vingaard |
a long steel spoon | 3/3 | 10 | Kurmost |
a massive bone axe | 0/3 | 10 | Trigol |
a pair of garden sheers | 2/2 | 10 | Palanthas |
a phase pike | 2/2 | 10 | Pax Tharkas |
a flanged mace | 2/2 | 10 | City of Tarsis |
a large black baton | 2/2 | 10 | Sanction |
a dwarven shortbow | 1/2 | 10 | Northern Kharolis Foothill |
a bone spear | 0/2 | 10 | Trigol |
a longsword with a leather-wrapped hilt | 1/1 | 10 | Qualinesti Forest |
a steel banded club | 0/0 | 10 | Palanthas Surrounds |
a large polearm | 0/0 | 10 | Lower Hybardin |
a thick roll of hides | 0/0 | 10 | Plains of Abanasinia |
a broom | 0/0 | 10 | Plains of Abanasinia |
a reinforced hoopak | 0/0 | 10 | Sanction |
(Ornate) the sword of the solanthus guard captain | 0/0 | 10 | Solanthus |
a glass axe | 0/0 | 10 | Trigol |
a set of wicked looking punch daggers | 0/0 | 10 | Trigol |
The Warg Trainer's Whip | 2/2 | 11 | Goblin Caverns |
a thief's serrated dagger | 1/1 | 13 | Solace Thieves Guild |
a thief's spiked mace | 1/1 | 13 | Solace Thieves Guild |
a thief's iron-tipped whip | 1/1 | 13 | Solace Thieves Guild |
a thief's one-handed axe | 1/1 | 13 | Solace Thieves Guild |
a spear of burning | 0/0 | 13 | Middle Hybardin |
a steel broadsword | 3/3 | 14 | The Eastern Warrens |
a steel letter opener | 2/2 | 14 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a sharp iron axe | 2/2 | 14 | City of Tarsis |
a nasty looking axe | 2/5 | 15 | Bandit Area |
an ironwood mace | 4/4 | 15 | Sentinel Peaks |
an ancient staff | 2/3 | 15 | Trigol |
a set of nonchaku | 2/2 | 15 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a huge rope and pully | 2/2 | 15 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
an iron frying pan | 2/2 | 15 | Pax Tharkas |
an eagle skull staff | 2/0 | 15 | Eastern Plains of Dust |
a silver poniard | 2/0 | 15 | Lacynos |
a "dancing dagger" | 2/0 | 15 | City of Tarsis |
a blunt mace | 0/0 | 15 | Lower Hybardin |
a wooden crutch | 0/0 | 15 | Sentinel Peaks |
a Magehunter dagger | 0/0 | 15 | Trigol |
a dwarven pickaxe | 4/4 | 16 | Dwarven Mine |
an empty steel tankard | 4/4 | 16 | Northern Kharolis Foothill |
a rusty bonesaw | 2/3 | 16 | Qualinesti Forest |
a throwing dagger | 1/1 | 16 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a Sharktooth saber | 0/0 | 16 | Caergoth |
a Dwarven guard sword | 0/0 | 16 | Dwarven Mine |
a flaming whip | 3/3 | 17 | Bandit Area |
an iron-shod staff | 2/2 | 17 | City of Tarsis |
an iron-shod quarterstaff | 2/2 | 17 | City of Tarsis |
an iron longsword | 2/2 | 17 | City of Tarsis |
a large battle axe | 2/2 | 17 | Qualinesti Forest |
a crude stone mace | 3/3 | 19 | Neraka Forest |
a Caergothian crossbow | 10/5 | 20 | Caergoth |
a solid silver spear | 4/4 | 20 | Kurmost |
a meat sandwich | 3/3 | 20 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a fierce looking mancatcher | 3/3 | 20 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a thick wooden club | 3/3 | 20 | Lacynos |
a black steel mace | 3/3 | 20 | City of Tarsis |
an enchanted whip | 3/3 | 20 | Trigol |
a spiked gauntlet | 3/3 | 20 | Trigol |
a concealable hand axe | 2/3 | 20 | Lacynos |
a light-weight mace | 0/3 | 20 | Nordmaar |
an iron dagger | 0/3 | 20 | City of Tarsis |
a crude metal sword | 2/2 | 20 | Nordmaar |
an elven longbow | 2/2 | 20 | Sentinel Peaks |
a clay dagger | 1/0 | 20 | Nordmaar |
a standard Kagonesti sword | 1/0 | 20 | Qualimori |
a sharp pitchfork | 0/0 | 20 | Palanthas Surrounds |
a gnarled club | 0/0 | 20 | Bloden Swamp |
a dwarven thrower | 0/0 | 20 | Freeport |
a piercing dagger | 0/0 | 20 | Middle Hybardin |
a bad-conditioned claymore | 0/0 | 20 | Mudhole |
a leather whip with iron spike tip | 0/0 | 20 | Mudhole |
a farming hoe | 0/0 | 20 | The Eastern Warrens |
a farming rake | 0/0 | 20 | The Eastern Warrens |
a glass sword | 0/0 | 20 | Trigol |
a standard issue bow | -1/0 | 20 | The village of Bazin |
a garrote wire | 0/0 | 21 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a small shank | 0/0 | 21 | Solamnic Outpost |
the sword "Undead's Touch" | 4/6 | 22 | Isle of Mithas |
a dwarven claymore | 5/5 | 22 | The Eastern Warrens |
a Thanoi fishing spear | 4/4 | 22 | Old Coast Road |
an Albino Serrated Axe | 4/4 | 22 | Klarbardin |
a kapak longsword | 4/4 | 22 | Pax Tharkas |
a steel longsword | 4/4 | 23 | Thelgaard Keep |
a mighty two handed battle axe | 0/6 | 24 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a scorcher whip | 2/3 | 24 | Lower Hybardin |
a silver sword | 0/0 | 24 | Daerforge |
a shining silver sword | 6/6 | 25 | Knight's High Road |
a shining silver sword | 6/6 | 25 | Solamnic Plains |
a poisoned mace | 0/6 | 25 | Lower Hybardin |
a fillet knife | 5/5 | 25 | Caergoth |
"Frostbite" sword of winter | 5/5 | 25 | Isles of the Pirate Lords |
a spear with a leather grip | 1/3 | 25 | Plains of Abanasinia |
a custom Que-teh spear | 1/3 | 25 | Plains of Abanasinia |
the Sceptre of Divination | 2/2 | 25 | Mudhole |
A leather whip | 0/0 | 25 | Bloden Swamp |
a long acidic polearm | 0/0 | 25 | Lower Hybardin |
a long chilled polearm | 0/0 | 25 | Lower Hybardin |
a long coated polearm | 0/0 | 25 | Lower Hybardin |
a long charged polearm | 0/0 | 25 | Lower Hybardin |
a Golden two handed sword | 0/0 | 25 | Mudhole |
a Golden bastard sword | 0/0 | 25 | Mudhole |
an Istarian axe | 0/0 | 25 | Trigol |
a glass spike dripping with poison | 0/0 | 25 | Trigol |
a very sharp sickle | 0/0 | 25 | Trigol |
a blessed mace of Sargonnas | 0/0 | 25 | Trigol |
an emerald longsword | 0/0 | 26 | Freeport |
the guardian's sword | 0/0 | 26 | High Clerist Tower 1 |
a black vorpal bladed sword | -4/0 | 27 | Northern Warrens |
the longsword "Holocaust" | 5/5 | 28 | Icewall Glacier |
a polished sword | 3/3 | 28 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a meat tenderizing mallet | 3/3 | 28 | Palanthas |
a rusty shortsword | 0/0 | 28 | Hopeful Vale |
a roughly-enchanted spear | 5/5 | 30 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a sparkling crystal sword | 5/5 | 30 | Kurmost |
a well-used dagger | 4/4 | 30 | Lower Hybardin |
a polished halberd | 4/4 | 30 | Lacynos |
a large spiked mace | 4/4 | 30 | Northern Warrens |
a wickedly curved hook | 4/4 | 30 | Sanction |
a wooden spear with a buffalo bone head | 1/3 | 30 | Plains of Abanasinia |
a tiny sprite dagger | 0/0 | 30 | Foghaven |
an iron staff | 0/0 | 30 | Klarbardin |
an iron axe | 0/0 | 30 | Klarbardin |
an iron hammer | 0/0 | 30 | Klarbardin |
a dwarven steel sabre | 0/0 | 30 | Middle Hybardin |
a large halberd | 0/0 | 30 | Middle Hybardin |
a large firebrand | 0/0 | 30 | Lacynos |
a fire mace | 0/0 | 30 | City of Tarsis |
a glass mace | 0/0 | 30 | Trigol |
an exceptionally fine claymore | 0/0 | 31 | Middle Hybardin |
a silver military fork | 3/5 | 32 | Qualinost |
a gold-etched ranseur | 2/5 | 32 | Qualinost |
a black steel warhammer | 4/4 | 32 | City of Lemish |
a double-headed throwing axe | 4/4 | 32 | Kurmost |
a silver shuriken | 0/0 | 32 | Daerforge |
a brambled club | 0/0 | 32 | Foghaven |
a black horseman's pick | 4/5 | 33 | Qualinost |
a huge iron-capped quarterstaff | 3/5 | 33 | Lacynos |
a black-handled lochaber axe | 3/5 | 34 | Qualinost |
a whip named "Diamond Roll" | 0/0 | 34 | Middle Hybardin |
a dragontooth spear | 4/6 | 35 | Kurmost |
the stinging whip of Brashkal | 3/5 | 35 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a massive scimitar | 3/5 | 35 | Lacynos |
a large sledge | 3/5 | 35 | Sanction |
a huge notched sword | 2/5 | 35 | Middle Hybardin |
a huge notched sword | 5/3 | 35 | Foghaven |
a rusty, knotched up sword | 1/1 | 35 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a mace named "Chill" | 6/0 | 35 | Lower Hybardin |
Krok's Fury | 0/0 | 35 | Dwarven Mine |
a farming hoe | 0/0 | 35 | Northern Warrens |
a sharp garafa | 0/0 | 35 | Trigol |
a steel spoon | 4/4 | 36 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
Silver Nonchaku | 0/0 | 36 | Mudhole |
a large bec de Corbin | 0/0 | 37 | Mudhole |
a blood-stained whip | 3/4 | 38 | Sentinel Peaks |
a rusty dagger | 3/4 | 38 | Sentinel Peaks |
a rusty meat cleaver | 6/6 | 40 | Bloten |
a gold-etched steel spear | 6/6 | 40 | Kurmost |
a dagger of piercing | 6/6 | 40 | Solace Thieves Guild |
a blood-red battle axe | 6/6 | 40 | Kurmost |
a long aspen branch | 6/6 | 40 | Qualinost |
an oak staff | 6/6 | 40 | Qualinost |
a relic sword 'firebreath' | 4/6 | 40 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a very sharp glaive polearm | 5/5 | 40 | High Clerist Tower 2 |
a mace of truth | 4/4 | 40 | Travelling Faire! |
a huge double-headed axe | 4/4 | 40 | Sanction |
a large battle axe | 4/4 | 40 | Sanction |
a watchman's sword | 2/2 | 40 | Caergoth |
a Patrolman's broadsword | 0/0 | 40 | Central Thelgaard |
a silver warhammer | 0/0 | 40 | Daerforge |
an elven longbow | 0/0 | 40 | Kurmost |
a pocket dagger | 0/0 | 40 | Middle Hybardin |
a woodsman's axe | 0/0 | 40 | Village of Ahlanost |
an iron hammer | 0/0 | 40 | Village of Ahlanost |
a silver broadsword | 6/6 | 41 | Kurmost |
a large barbed polearm | 3/5 | 42 | City of Lemish |
the Sceptre of Power | 5/1 | 42 | Nordmaar |
a longbow named "Raven's Fang" | 6/7 | 45 | Middle Hybardin |
the Griffon's Claw | 5/5 | 45 | Kurmost |
an unholy revenger | 4/4 | 45 | Sanction |
a crystal dagger | 3/3 | 45 | Sentinel Peaks |
a broad mithril axe | 1/1 | 45 | Meitol |
a mithril mace | 1/1 | 45 | Meitol |
a long mithril javelin | 1/1 | 45 | Meitol |
a mithril longsword | 1/1 | 45 | Meitol |
a solamnic longbow | 0/0 | 45 | Vingaard Keep |
silvestin's Flail 'Reeker' | 0/0 | 45 | Mudhole |
a superior steel sabre | 0/0 | 46 | Middle Hybardin |
a bloody black axe | 3/8 | 47 | Mudhole |
the talon of a red dragon | 2/3 | 48 | Sentinel Peaks |
a Spear with A unicorn horn tip | 0/0 | 48 | Mudhole |
a Steel Longsword | 8/7 | 50 | Lower Hybardin |
a dark mace named "Nightbringer" | 7/7 | 50 | Pax Tharkas |
a steel Solamnic war mace | 5/5 | 50 | Vingaard Keep |
a vallenwood spear | 5/5 | 50 | Southwest Plains of Dust |
a thin dagger | 4/4 | 50 | City of Lemish |
a Qualinesti-made spear | 2/3 | 50 | Qualimori |
a Qualinesti-made flail | 1/3 | 50 | Qualimori |
a holy longsword | 0/3 | 50 | Sanguine Manor |
a Qualinesti-made sword | 3/1 | 50 | Qualimori |
a heavy dwarven hammer | 0/0 | 50 | City of Lemish |
a flaming trident | 0/0 | 50 | Foghaven |
a one-handed axe battle axe | 0/0 | 50 | Middle Hybardin |
a dwarven sabre | 0/0 | 50 | Middle Hybardin |
a 3-headed morning star | 0/0 | 50 | Mudhole |
a wickedly notched silver sword | 0/0 | 50 | Sanction |
a heavy cleaver | 3/3 | 52 | City of Tarsis |
a palace guard's hoopak | 6/6 | 54 | Kendermore |
a Steel Broadsword | 9/6 | 55 | Lower Hybardin |
a flaring eye | 6/6 | 55 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
an ice encrusted pike | 6/4 | 55 | Icewall Glacier |
the talon of a silver dragon | 2/3 | 55 | Sentinel Peaks |
Draconian ShortSword | 0/0 | 55 | Vingaard Mountains |
a minotaur-crafted iron axe | 0/0 | 55 | Alphens |
a minotaur-crafted iron mace | 0/0 | 55 | Alphens |
a minotaur-crafted iron sword | 0/0 | 55 | Alphens |
a rusty longsword | 0/0 | 55 | Hopeful Vale |
a Dwarven Steel Mace | 0/0 | 55 | Lower Hybardin |
a tainted wooden stake | 1/5 | 56 | Sanguine Manor |
a Massive Hammer "Death Maul" | 0/0 | 56 | Mudhole |
an iron-shod staff | 0/0 | 57 | Thorbardin Core |
(Fiery) The Staff of a Sirrion Mage | 9/0 | 58 | Gryphon Veil |
a sword of sharpness | 7/7 | 59 | Middle Hybardin |
a rusty, iron battle axe | 8/9 | 60 | Estwilde |
a polished oak staff | 8/8 | 60 | Kurmost |
a bloody battle-axe | 8/8 | 60 | City of Lemish |
a spear called "Frostbrand" | 5/8 | 60 | Middle Hybardin |
a bill-hook polearm | 7/7 | 60 | City of Tarsis |
an ancient Solamnic longsword | 4/7 | 60 | City of Tarsis |
a Wildrunner longsword | 6/6 | 60 | Kurmost |
a standard Qualinesti sword | 3/3 | 60 | Qualimori |
a longbow called 'Tyorl's Special' | 3/1 | 60 | Village of Ahlanost |
a large steel greatsword | 1/1 | 60 | Dak Roth |
a large iron-shaft flail | 1/1 | 60 | Dak Roth |
a wavy-bladed dirk | 1/1 | 60 | Dak Roth |
a solamnic broadsword | 0/0 | 60 | Caergoth |
a repeating crossbow | 0/0 | 60 | Daerforge |
a heavy crossbow | 0/0 | 60 | Daerforge |
a silver axe | 0/0 | 60 | Daerforge |
a large broadaxe | 0/0 | 60 | Middle Hybardin |
a flanged mace of speed | 0/0 | 60 | Middle Hybardin |
a cyan pike | 0/0 | 60 | Lower Hybardin |
an enchanted chisel | 0/0 | 60 | Qualimori |
a sturdy pinewood longbow | 0/0 | 60 | Village of Ahlanost |
a sturdy broom | 0/0 | 62 | Village of Ahlanost |
a large mammoth's tusk | 7/7 | 64 | Northern Khalkist Mountain |
an elk-bone shank | 3/5 | 65 | Qualinost |
a huge two handed battle axe | 0/0 | 65 | Northern Warrens |
a two headed flail | 0/0 | 65 | Northern Warrens |
a shocking dagger | 0/0 | 65 | Northern Warrens |
a golden hilted scimitar | 0/0 | 65 | Northern Warrens |
a MageHunter scimitar | 0/0 | 65 | Trigol |
a blood-red sword | 7/7 | 68 | Sanction |
a flaming red dragonsword | 7/7 | 68 | Sanction |
a platinum broad sword | 5/8 | 70 | Northern Warrens |
the Bloodthirster | 5/5 | 70 | Sanction |
a steel solamnic broadsword | 3/0 | 70 | Solamnic Outpost |
a Frost Reaver | 8/8 | 71 | Icewall Glacier |
Dicome Mace | 7/7 | 71 | Klarbardin |
a nightmares fang | 8/8 | 73 | Temple of the Undead |
Destiny's Flail | 10/10 | 75 | Lower Hybardin |
a Whip called "DemonBane" | 9/9 | 75 | Middle Hybardin |
a frozen feather | 8/8 | 75 | Temple of the Undead |
a pair of dagger-like sheers | 8/8 | 75 | Middle Hybardin |
a large bloody hook | 9/9 | 79 | Sanction |
Lightreaver | 10/10 | 80 | Sanction |
Kronin's Staff | 10/10 | 80 | Kendermore |
a beautifuly crafted Dragonlance | 10/10 | 80 | Foghaven |
Sunderer | 8/9 | 80 | Qualinost |
a Qualinesti blowgun | 5/5 | 80 | Qualimori |
a Palanthian longsword | 3/3 | 80 | Palanthas |
an elite guard's saber | 0/0 | 80 | Upper Hybardin |
a large trident | 0/0 | 80 | Daerforge |
a bronze sceptre | 0/0 | 80 | Daerforge |
a guardsman sword | 0/0 | 80 | Palanthas |
a Dagger of Open Wounds | 11/11 | 83 | Mudhole |
an umberhulk's mandibles | 9/9 | 83 | Daemon's Ground, Graveyard |
a blue steel polearm | 10/10 | 85 | Sanction |
Te'li, Captain of the Qualimori Guard Sword | 7/10 | 85 | Qualimori |
a large solamnic steel broadsword | 0/0 | 85 | Solamnic Outpost |
the axe 'Dyrewound' | 4/11 | 88 | Hopeful Vale |
a menacing warspear | 0/0 | 88 | Hopeful Vale |
a jagged crimson red kris | 9/9 | 89 | Lower Hybardin |
a pronged bone-handled mace | 12/13 | 90 | Middle Hybardin |
a large curved dagger | 11/13 | 90 | Sea Caves of Zeboim |
a double-shafted ripper flail | 12/12 | 90 | Daerforge |
a longsword named 'Truth' | 11/11 | 90 | Caergoth |
an axe named 'Honor' | 11/11 | 90 | Middle Hybardin |
a rock headed sledge hammer | 0/11 | 90 | Mudhole |
an enchanted sai | 10/10 | 90 | The Eastern Warrens |
an ankheg antenna | 0/0 | 90 | Hopeful Vale |
a spellreaver axe named 'Honour's Bane' | 10/10 | 91 | Klarbardin |
a solamnic longbow | 0/0 | 91 | Solamnic Outpost |
a sea dragons tooth | 12/12 | 94 | Sea Caves of Zeboim |
a blessed mace of Takhisis | 11/11 | 94 | Sanction |
the blessed flail of Paladine | 12/12 | 95 | City of Vingaard |
a jagged kris dagger | -5/11 | 95 | Daerforge |
Guidonious' dagger of vengeance | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Demilon's red broadsword 'Flare' | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Tamuir's flail of thorns | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
the mage staff of Liam | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Rath's mace of smiting | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Samuval's bow "Hawkeye" | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Cormac's Spear of Justice | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Teralis' whip 'The TeraLASHER' | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Cenac's Tarsian crossbow | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Sandar's axe-riddled-with-cogs | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Ryven's Corrupted Dragonlance | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
Conor's quarterstaff "Patience" | 18/18 | 100 | Palanthas |
a magical battleaxe | 12/12 | 100 | Daerforge |
a huge mithril great-axe | 1/1 | 100 | Dak Roth |
Uncle Trapspringer's hoopak | 12/12 | 101 | Kendermore |
the Staff of Erengost | 12/12 | 101 | Trigol |
a huge solamnic steel greatsword | 5/5 | 101 | Solamnic Outpost |